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         Ibn Sina:     more books (100)
  1. Avicenna (Ibn Sina): Muslim Physician And Philosopher of the Eleventh Century (Great Muslim Philosophers and Scientists of the Middle Ages) by Aisha Khan, 2006-01-30
  2. Ibn Sina And His Influence on the Arabic And Latin World (Variorum Collected Studies Series) by Jules Janssens, 2006-03
  3. An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sina (1970-1989): Including Arabic and Persian Publications and Turkish and Russian References (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Series 1) by Jules L. Janssens, 1991-06-30
  4. The Two Wings of Wisdom: Mysticism and Philosophy in the Risalat Ut-Tair of Ibn Sina (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, 4) (Acta ... Upsaliensis: Studia Iranica Upsaliensia, 4) by Shukufah Taqi, Shokoufeh Taghi, 2000-12-10
  5. The Life of Ibn Sina: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation (Studies in Islamic Philosophy Science)
  6. Ibn Sina and the Muslim World (Great Civil) by Malcolm Yapp, 1986-06
  7. The Making of the Avicennan Tradition: The Transmission, Contents, and Structures of Ibn Sina's Al-Mubahatat (The Discussions (Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science) by David C. Reisman, 2002-06-01
  8. Ibn Sina Und Die Peripatetische Aussagenlogik (Islamic Philosophy and Theology : Texts and Studies, Vol VI) (German Edition) by Miklos Maroth, 1989-12-01
  9. Ibn Sina felsefesinde egitim (Ilahiyat Fakultesi Vakfi yayinlari) (Turkish Edition) by Abdurrahman Dodurgali, 1995
  10. Himmelfahrt Und Heiligkeit Im Islam: Eine Studie Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Von Ibn Sinas Mi'Ra-Nameh (Studia Religiosa Helvetica) (German Edition) by Tobias Nunlist, 2002-08
  11. Dastan-i hayratangiz-i shaqul-i sihramiz-i Ibn Sina by Avicenna, 1377
  12. An annotated bibliography on ibn sina: first supplement (1990-1994).(Review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society by Jon McGinnis, 2001-07-01
  13. Avicenne: A.H.370-428/A.D.980-1037 (Ibn Sina) : etude sur la vie, l'euvre et le systeme theologique et mystique d'Abou Ali el-Hosein Ben Abd Allah Ben ... Les Grands philosophes) (French Edition) by Bernard Carra de Vaux, 1974
  14. Allegory and Philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sina): With a Translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's Ascent to Heaven (The Middle Ages Series) by Peter Heath, 1992-08-01

1. The Islamic World To 1600: The Arts, Learning, And Knowledge (Ibn Sina)
From the Islamic World to 1600 Tutorial, a multimedia introduction to the first millennium of Islamic history, developed by the Applied History Research Group.
The Islamic World to 1600
Ibn Sina
Courtesy of Muslim Scientists, Mathematicians and Astromers Abu Ali al-Husayn Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina was born in Bukhara in 980. Sometimes known in the West by the Latin name, Avicenna, this Persian physician became the most famous and influential of all the Islamic philosopher-scientists. He earned royal favour for treating the Kings of Bukhara and Hamadan for ailments other physicians could neither diagnose nor cure. His grave is still maintained in Hamadan, where he died in 1037. Though trained as a physician, Ibn Sina made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, and astronomy. His philosophical encyclopedia, Kitab al-Shifa ("Book of Healing") brought Aristotelian and Platonian philosophy together with Islamic theology in dividing the field of knowledge into theoretical knowledge (physics, mathematics, and metaphysics) and practical knowledge (ethics, economics, and politics). His most enduring legacy, however, was in the field of medicine. His most famous book, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb Proceed to Omar Khayyam
The Islamic World to 1600 / The University of Calgary

2. Nauènoistraživaèki Institut Ibn Sina
Naucni istrazivacki univerzitet iz Sarajeva.
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DANAS: Okrugli sto ANDALUS I BOSNA - EVROPSKI TOKOVI ISLAMA, Bosnjacki institut, ul.M.M. Baseskije 24, Sarajevo,

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Najpopularnije knjige ‘Ali izmeðu ljubavi i netrepeljivost Morteza Motehhari O historiji islamske civilizacije Abdul Husejn Zarrinkub Filozofija Mulla Sadra Širazija Fazlur Rahman Novosti (aktuelno) DANAS: Okrugli sto ANDALUS I BOSNA - EVROPSKI TOKOVI ISLAMA, Bosnjacki institut, ul.M.M. Baseskije 24, Sarajevo, Danas, 19.05., od 11 do 15 sati (sa pauzom od 12:45 do 13:30h), u prostorijama Bosnjackog instituta (Gazihusrevbegov hamam)odrzat ce se okrugli sto na temu ANDALUS I BOSNA - EVROPSKI TOKOVI ISLAMA. Izlagaci i teme: dr. Jusuf Ramic (Poetika Andalusa), mr. Orhan Bajraktarevic (Misao i duhovnost Andalu Više...

3. Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Website
ibn sina (Avicenna) (9801037) is one of the foremost philosophers of the Islamic Medicine organization has many articles in Arabic about ibn sina
IBN SINA (AVICENNA) Ibn Sina ( Avicenna ) (980-1037) is one of the foremost philosophers of the golden age of Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd . He is also known as al-Sheikh al-Rais (Leader among the wise men) a title that was given to him by his students. His philosophical works were one of the main targets of al-Ghazali ’s attack on philosophical influences in Islam. In the west he is also known as the " Prince of Physicians " for his famous medical text al-Qanun "Canon". In Latin translations, his works influenced many Christian philosophers, most notably Thomas Aquinas CORPUS (Works): In Original Language (Arabic/Persian):

4. Ibn Sina
ibn sina (Avicenna) doctor of doctors

5. Ibn Sina
ibn sina (Avicenna) is one of the foremost philosophers in the Medieval Hellenistic While he was writing the section on logic ibn sina was arrested and Sina-REP.htm
IBN SINA Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the foremost philosophers in the Medieval Hellenistic Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd His philosophical theory is a comprehensive, detailed and rationalistic account of the nature of God and Being, in which he finds a systematic place for the corporeal world, spirit, insight, and the varieties of logical thought including dialectic, rhetoric and poetry. In metaphysics, Ibn Sina makes a distinction between essence and existence; essence considers only the nature of things, and should be considered apart from their mental and physical realization. This distinction applies to all things except God, whom Ibn Sina identifies as the first cause and therefore both essence and existence. He also argued that the soul is incorporeal and cannot be destroyed. The soul, in his view, is an agent with choice in this world between good and evil, which in turn leads to reward or punishment. al-Ghazali Biography Reason and reality Theory of knowledge ... References and further reading
(Book of Healing), a comprehensive account of learning that ranges from logic and mathematics to metaphysics and the afterlife. While he was writing the section on logic Ibn Sina was arrested and imprisoned, but he escaped to Isfahan, disguised as a Sufi, and joined Ala al-Dawla. While in the service of the latter he completed

6. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Website
Arabic word file. ibn sina and dental care (link in Arabic). This site has a lot on the Medical theories of ibn sina.

7. Ibn Sina
ibn sina was born in 980 CE in the village of Afshana near Bukhara which today is In any age ibn sina, known in the West as Avicenna, would have been a
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - doctor of doctors
by Dr. Monzur Ahmed
Ibn Sina was born in 980 C.E. in the village of Afshana near Bukhara which today is located in the far south of Russia. His father, Abdullah, an adherent of the Ismaili sect, was from Balkh and his mother from a village near Bukhara. In any age Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna, would have been a giant among giants. He displayed exceptional intellectual prowess as a child and at the age of ten was already proficient in the Qur'an and the Arabic classics. During the next six years he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Natural Science and studied Logic, Euclid, and the Almeagest. He turned his attention to Medicine at the age of 17 years and found it, in his own words, "not difficult" . However he was greatly troubled by metaphysical problems and in particular the works of Aristotle. By chance, he obtained a manual on this subject by the celebrated philosopher al-Farabi which solved his difficulties. By the age of 18 he had built up a reputation as a physician and was summoned to attend the Samani ruler Nuh ibn Mansur (reigned 976-997 C.E.), who, in gratitude for Ibn Sina's services, allowed him to make free use of the royal library, which contained many rare and even unique books. Endowed with great powers of absorbing and retaining knowledge, this Muslim scholar devoured the contents of the library and at the age of 21 was in a position to compose his first book.

8. Ibn Rushd (Averroes) Website
Abu'lWalid Ibn Rushd, better known as Averroes (1126-1198), stands out as a towering figure in the history of Arab-Islamic thought, as well as that

Abu Ali alHussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina was born in 980 CE at Afshana near ibn sina also contributed to mathematics, physics, music and other fields.
(980-1037 C.E.)
Abu Ali al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina was born in 980 C.E. at Afshana near Bukhara. The young Bu Ali received his early education in Bukhara, and by the age of ten had become well versed in the study of the Qur'an and various sciences. He started studying philosophy by reading various Greek, Muslim and other books on this subject and learnt logic and some other subjects from Abu Abdallah Natili, a famous philosopher of the time. While still young, he attained such a degree of expertise in medicine that his renown spread far and wide. At the age of 17, he was fortunate in curing Nooh Ibn Mansoor, the King of Bukhhara, of an illness in which all the well-known physicians had given up hope. On his recovery, the King wished to reward him, but the young physician only desired permission to use his uniquely stocked library. On his father's death, Bu Ali left Bukhara and travelled to Jurjan where Khawarizm Shah welcomed him. There, he met his famous contemporary Abu Raihan al-Biruni . Later he moved to Ray and then to Hamadan, where he wrote his famous book Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb . Here he treated Shams al-Daulah, the King of Hamadan, for severe colic. From Hamadan, he moved to Isphahan, where he completed many of his monumental writings. Nevertheless, he continued travelling and the excessive mental exertion as well as political turmoil spoilt his health. Finally, he returned to Hamadan where he died in 1037 C.E.

10. Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Website
An extensive directory of links about this thinker, provided by Features a number of his works in PDF format.
IBN SINA (AVICENNA) Ibn Sina ( Avicenna ) (980-1037) is one of the foremost philosophers of the golden age of Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd . He is also known as al-Sheikh al-Rais (Leader among the wise men) a title that was given to him by his students. His philosophical works were one of the main targets of al-Ghazali ’s attack on philosophical influences in Islam. In the west he is also known as the " Prince of Physicians " for his famous medical text al-Qanun "Canon". In Latin translations, his works influenced many Christian philosophers, most notably Thomas Aquinas CORPUS (Works): In Original Language (Arabic/Persian):

11. Medieval Sourcebook Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (973-1037) On Medicine
Medieval Sourcebook ibn sina (Avicenna) (9731037) On Medicine, c. 1020 CE Horne Introduction

12. Philosophers : Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
The Window Philsophy on the WWW. Philosophers Section.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
Iranian Muslim Philosopher
Abu Ali al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina was born in 980 A.D. at Afshaneh near Bukhara. The young Bu Ali received his early education in Bukhara, and by the age of ten had become well versed in the study of the Qur'an and various sciences. He started studying philosophy by reading various Greek, Muslim and other books on this subject and learnt logic and some other subjects from Abu Abdallah Natili, a famous philosopher of the time. While still young, he attained such a degree of expertise in medicine that his renown spread far and wide. At the age of 17, he was fortunate in curing Nooh Ibn Mansoor, the King of Bukhhara, of an illness in which all the well-known physicians had given up hope. On his recovery, the King wished to reward him, but the young physician only desired permission to use his uniquely stocked library. By 21, he was also given an administrative post and soon wrote his first book. Avicenna was now an established physician and political administrator, professions he continued to practice in the courts of various Iranian rulers, heads of the numerous successor states of Iran that emerged during the disintegration of the Abbasid authority. On his father's death, Bu Ali left Bukhara and travelled to Jurjan where Khawarizm Shah welcomed him. There, he met his famous contemporary

13. Ibn Sina
Article covering Avicenna's life, work and influence, supplemented with an extensive biography.
IBN SINA, Abu 'Ali al-Husayn b. 'Abd Allah b. Sina, known in the West as Avicenna. He followed the encyclopaedic conception of the sciences that had been traditional since the time of the Greek Sages in uniting philosophy with the study of nature and in seeing the perfection of man as lying in both knowledge and action. He was also as illustrious a physician as he was a philosopher [see hikma
His life is known to us from authoritative sources. An autobiography covers his first thirty years, and the rest are documented by his disciple al-Juzajani, who was also his secretary and his friend.
He was born in 370/980 in Afshana, his mother's home, near Bukhara. His native language was Persian. His father, an official of the Samanid administration, had him very carefully educated at Bukhara. His father and his brother were influenced by Isma'ili propaganda; he was certainly acquainted with its tenets, but refused to adopt them. His intellectual independence was served by an extraordinary intelligence and memory, which allowed him to overtake his teachers at the age of fourteen.
It was he, we are told, who explained logic to his master al-Natili. He had no teacher in the natural sciences or in medicine; in fact, famous physicians were working under his direction when he was only sixteen. He did, however, find difficulty in understanding Aristotle's Metaphysics, which he grasped only with the help of al-Farabi's commentary. Having cured the amir of khurasan of a severe illness, he was allowed to make use of the splendid library of the Samanid princes. At the age of eighteen he had mastered all the then known sciences. His subsequent progress was due only to his personal judgment.

14. Philosophers Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
ibn sina (Avicenna)

15. Philosophers : Ibn Sina
The Window Philsophy on the WWW. Philosophers Section.
Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Geber)
Iranian Muslim Philosopher
d. 803
Jabir Ibn Haiyan, the alchemist Geber of the Middie Ages, is generally known as the father of chemistry. Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan, sometimes called al-Harrani and al-Sufi, was the son of the druggist ( Attar ). The precise date of his birth is the subject of some discussion, but it is established that he practised medicine and alchemy in Kufa around 776 A.D. He is reported to have studied under Imam Ja'far Sadiq and the Ummayed prince Khalid Ibn Yazid. In his early days, he practised medicine and was under the patronage of the Barmaki Vizir during the Abbssid Caliphate of Haroon al-Rashid. He shared some of the effects of the downfall of the Barmakis and was placed under house arrest in Kufa, where he died in 803 A.D. Jabir's major contribution was in the field of chemistry. He introduced experimental investigation into alchemy, which rapidly changed its character into modern chemistry. On the ruins of his well-known laboratory remained after centuries, but his fame rests on over 100 monumental treatises, of which 22 relate to chemistry and alchemy. His contribution of fundamental importance to chemistry includes perfection of scientific techniques such as crystalization, distillation, calcination, sublimation and evaporation and development of several instruments for the same. The fact of early development of chemistry as a distinct branch of science by the Arabs, instead of the earlier vague ideas, is well-established and the very name chemistry is derived from the Arabic word

16. Ibn Sina / Avicenna - Saab Medical Library - AUB
Online text of ibn sina's The Book of the Canon of Medicine , in Arabic; includes a biographical note by Abd alRahman al Naqib, of Mansoura University, Egypt. Provided by the American University of Beirut.

Contents Introduction
Created by the Digital Documentation Center at AUB in collaboration with Al Mashriq of , Norway.
20020221/bl - Email:

17. Mishaal Lays Cornerstone Of Ibn Sina Medical College
British Pay Tribute to Blast Victims Mishaal Lays Cornerstone of ibn sina Medical College AlJawal Upgrade Gets Under Way

18. Islamic Culture And The Medical Arts
ibn sina, the opening to the Qanun fi altibb 596x900 8-bit color GIF, 116773 bytes

19. Avicenna
ibn sina is often known by his Latin name of Avicenna, although most Certainly ibn sina was a remarkable child, with a memory and an ability to learn
Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna)
Born: 980 in Kharmaithen (near Bukhara), Central Asia (now Uzbekistan)
Died: June 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (now Iran)
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Ibn Sina is often known by his Latin name of Avicenna, although most references to him today have reverted to using the correct version of ibn Sina. We know many details of his life for he wrote an autobiography which has been supplemented with material from a biography written by one of his students. The autobiography is not simply an account of his life, but rather it is written to illustrate his ideas of reaching the ultimate truth, so it must be carefully interpreted. A useful critical edition of this autobiography appears in [7] while a new translation appears in [9]. The course of ibn Sina's life was dominated by the period of great political instability through which he lived. The Samanid dynasty, the first native dynasty to arise in Iran after the Muslim Arab conquest, controlled Transoxania and Khorasan from about 900. Bukhara was their capital and it, together with Samarkand, were the cultural centres of the empire. However, from the middle of the 10 th century, the power of the Samanid's began to weaken. By the time ibn Sina was born, Nuh ibn Mansur was the Sultan in Bukhara but he was struggling to retain control of the empire.

Avicenna (ABN ALI AL HOSAIN IBN ABDALLAH ibn sina, called by the Latins AVICENNA).

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