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61. SCIENZA ARABA Moesgaard,thabit ibn qurra between Ptolemy and Copernicus a Analysis of http://www.dismec.unige.it/testi/cosmo/Theb.htm | |
62. Storia Della Scienza-Indice Generale Translate this page SCIENZA ARABA. thabit ibn qurra, 221/836-288/901 di Astronomia tolemaica diAl-Fargani, un astronomo della generazione precedente a thabit ibn qurra. http://www.dismec.unige.it/testi/cosmo/Theb11.htm | |
63. Jabir_ibn_Aflah Both may be based on the work of thabit ibn qurra, or the work of ibn Aflah,Abu lWafa, and thabit ibn qurra may all be based on some still unknown source. http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Jabir_ibn_Aflah.htm | |
64. Saudi Aramco World : Science:The Islamic Legacy: Science In The Golden Age The Banu Musa and thabit ibn qurra and his sons did not work in isolation.The works that issued from the House of Wisdom were the product of many different http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/198203/science.the.islamic.legacy-science. | |
65. PORTRAITS OF SCIENCE: A Polymath In The 10th Century -- Rashed 297 (5582): 773 - Scholars such as Banu Musa, thabit ibn qurra, Ibrahim ibn Sinan, alQuhi (1),and ibn Sahl measured curved surfaces and solids, invented new geometrical http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/297/5582/773 | |
66. Muslim Contributions To Science, Philosophy, And The Arts In the field of Algebra the Muslims continued with thabit ibn qurra s more 826 901 ibn qurra, thabit; mathematician. 865- 923 Razi, al- (Rhazes); http://www.jannah.org/articles/contrib.html |
67. Recherche : Théorème%20de%20Thabit-Ibn%20Qurra thabit-ibn qurra , Certification IDDN. Dans les fiches,Parmi les mots-clés. 1 fiche trouvée . 2002 Collection M / Sciences http://publimath.univ-lyon1.fr/cgi-bin/publimath.pl?r=théorème de Thabit-Ibn Q |
68. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit), 836-901 C.E. Founder of Statics; Astronomer; Extended concept of traditional geometry togeometrical algebra and proposed theories of nonEuclidean geometry, http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/qurra.html | |
69. Thabit Ibn Qurra Biography thabit ibn qurra biographyt. thabit ibn qurra abu l Hasan ibn Marwan alSabial Harrani (826 February 18 901) was an Arab astronomer and http://www.ebiog.com/biography/3583/thabit-ibn-qurra/bio.htm | |
70. BiViO - Gli Autori not identified (1). Hunayn ibn Ishaq. Physica (1). ibn qurra, thabit.De imaginibus (1). ibn Wahsiyya, Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Ali alKasdani http://www.bivionline.it/en/PicatrixCitList_authors.html | |
71. BiViO - Gli Autori Translate this page luogo non identificato (1). Hunayn ibn Ishaq. Physica (1). ibn qurra, thabit.De imaginibus (1). ibn Wahsiyya, Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Ali al-Kasdani http://www.bivionline.it/it/PicatrixCitList_authors.html | |
72. Reviews R. Morélon, thabit ibn qurra. Oeuvres d astronomie. Paris 1987. In Zeitschriftfür Geschichte der ArabischIslamischen Wissenschaften 5, (1987) 274-279. http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/reviews.html | |
73. Untitled Abu lHasan thabit ibn qurra Born 826 in Harran, Mesopotamia (now Turkey) Died18 Feb 901 in Baghdad, (now in Iraq). tex2html_wrap_inline191 thabit was a http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/arab/arab.html | |
74. Dangerous-industries Search For TH thabit ibn qurra Typos/falses thabit ibn qurra Htabit ibn qurra Tahbitibn qurra Rhabit ibn qurra Ghabit ibn qurra Yhabit ibn qurra http://www.dangeruss-industries.com/list.TH.html |
75. Math Words Page 13 thabit ibn qurra discovered, and proved, a rule for creating amicable pairs in the AlFarisi (born 1260) gave a new proof of thabit ibn qurra s theorem, http://www.pballew.net/arithm13.html | |
76. 15. THE CITY OF SIN. 4. The Sabians Of Harran -- Historical Details. The most famous of them is thabit ibn qurra, who was born AD 835, and died cAD 901.During the earlier part of his life he resided in Harran, http://www.antiqillum.com/texts/bg/Qadosh/qadosh047.htm | |
77. Uczony Heretyk - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Dokladna data urodzin Tabita ibn Qurry (thabit ibn qurra) nie jest znana; miescisie w przedziale lat 824836. Wiadomo natomiast, ze Tabit pochodzil z http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/matematyka/200102/20010219-001.asp | |
78. OICexchange.com : Gateway To OIC Some people visited Zaid ibn thabit (one of the scribes of the Prophet SAW) andasked the qurra (memorizers of the Quran) which totaled in the tens of http://www.oicexchange.com/?f=25.html |
79. Background_Reading_and_Quiz thabit ibn qurra translated the Almagest of Ptolemy into Arabic in the 12th century.T or F? In Islamic culture, fields of learning were divided into two http://homepage.mac.com/kvmagruder/hsci/07-Islamic/background.html | |
80. Beth Mardutho: About The Syriac Language Another translator is thabit ibn qurra (d. 901). He wrote 15 scientific works inSyriac and 150 in Arabic, translated and revised Archimedes, Euclid, http://www.bethmardutho.org/aboutsyriac/civilization/ | |
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