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21. 6 ABALLAGH M. Linfluence des écrits mathématiquesdibn albanna sur lesmathématiciens égyptiens de lempire ottoman, Symposium sur Science, Technology and http://www.ashm.ass.dz/cahier8f/collo8f.htm | |
22. History Of Astronomy: Persons (I) ibn albanna, al-Marrakushi (1256-1321). Short biography, references andlinks (MacTutor Hist. Math.) Ibn Haiyan, Jabir (?-803) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_i.html | |
23. History Of Astronomy: Persons (A) AlBanna, al-Marrakushi ibn see ibn al-banna, al-Marrakushi (1256-1321);Albategnius see al-Battani, Abu Abdallah (c.868-929); al-Battani, http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_a.html | |
24. Max Planck Society - EDoc Server ibn al-banna al-Murrakushi , Khazini, Abd al-Rahmanal-K. Authors Abattouy, M. Document type InBook Language English http://edoc.mpg.de/223536 | |
25. Mathematics A commentary on his treatise on arithmetic, written by ibn albanna, gained muchpopularity and was published in French by A. Narre in 1864 and reprinted in http://www.netmuslims.com/info/mathematics.html | |
26. New Page 1 for instance, by ibn albanna, 612 in the Kitab Raf al-hijab. of the rulesof calculation.617 ibn al-banna later wrote a commentary on it in a book http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ik/Muqaddimah/Chapter6/Ch_6_19.htm | |
27. New Page 1 ibn albanna, 685 wrote an abridgment (of Ibn Ishaq s Zij) which he entitledal-Minhaj. People have been very eager to use the Minhaj, http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ik/Muqaddimah/Chapter6/Ch_6_21.htm | |
28. History And Civilization Abd Al-Basit, Ibn Khalil Al-Malati, 1440 Abu Ali ibn albanna, 1005-1100 Autography diary of an eleventh-century historianof Baghdad by George Makdisi, 1958. (41 DS51.B3A2) http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/histciva.htm | |
29. List Of Mathematicians: Information From Answers.com alMarrakushi ibn al-banna (Morocco, 1256 - 1321); Abu Arrayhan Muhammad ibnAhmad al-Biruni (Uzbekistan, 973 - 1048); Giacomo Albanese (Italy, Brazil) http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-mathematicians | |
30. Les Promoteurs De L'esprit Scientifique Dans La Civilisation Islamique ibn al-banna», http://www.isesco.org.ma/pub/FR/Promoteurs/p38.htm | |
31. Les Promoteurs De L'esprit Scientifique Dans La Civilisation Islamique et Mohamed Ablagh Vie et uvres d ibn al-banna al-Marrakchi. http://www.isesco.org.ma/pub/FR/Promoteurs/p42.htm | |
32. L'algèbre Depuis Al-Khwarizmi Jusqu'à Descartes, Par Olivier THILL. ibn al-banna. http://members.aol.com/OlivThill/algebra.htm | |
33. L'algèbre Arabe Translate this page Le livre dalgèbre dibn al-banna - Une démonstration algébrique chez ibn al-banna.Lalgèbre après le XIIIe siècle - Lalgèbre dans les livres de calcul http://www.adapt.snes.edu/article.php3?id_article=78 |
34. ALHAMBRA 2000 - THE CONGRESS Ibn Sinän s (909946) treatise on The method of analysis and synthesis and otherways of through ibn al-banna writings and those by his commentators, http://www.ugr.es/~alhambra2000/0Congr.htm | |
35. Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL) Other terms Gehimab, IbnArabi, Ibn Rushd (Averroe), Ibn Khaldun, ibn albanna,Madinat al-ilm, Beit al-Hikma (house of wisdom), textiles, wool, leather, http://www.ethnomath.org/search/browseResources.asp?type=country&id=291 |
36. Curso Manual Tutorial Translate this page Nombre Al-Marrakushi ibn al-banna. Formato del Recurso Página Web Valoración -De Navegación Buena - De Contenido 9 de 10 http://www.conocimientosweb.net/dcmt/topic1-86.html | |
37. Biography-center - Letter I I llien, Mario www.grandprix.com/gpe/crefillmar.html; ibn al-banna,www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Bann a.html; ibn Sina, http://www.biography-center.com/i.html | |
38. Islamic Mathematics ibn albanna (Maghreb, ca. 1300). *113. ibn al-banna , Ahmad b. Muhammad.Talkhis a`mal al-hisab. Edited by M. Souissi. Tunis Université de Tunis, 1969. http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/Islamath.html | |
39. Ancient Greeks: Prime Numbers And Number Theory For a long period of time, this was the only known pair, until the Arabicmathematician ibn albanna found the next pair 17296 and 18416. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Primes.htm | |
40. Deficient Number -- From MathWorld Souissi, M. Un Texte Manuscrit d ibn albanna Al-Marrakusi sur les NombresParfaits, Abondants, Deficients, et Amiables. Karachi, Pakistan Hamdard Nat. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DeficientNumber.html | |
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