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Hypsicles Of Alexandria: more detail |
61. HYPSMC - What Does HYPSMC Stand For? Definitions By The Free Online Dictionary A hypsicles of alexandria Hypsiglena Hypsiglena torquata Hypsilanti Hypsilanti Hypsiloid Hypsilophodon Hypsilurus Hypsipetes crassirostris http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/HYPSMC | |
62. Biographies For Famous People Starting With The Letter H hypsicles of alexandria, Biography Hämäläinen, Helvi Biography Härkönen, IivoBiography Hövenmark, Nils Biography http://www.biographycorner.com/biography_h.html | |
63. TMTh:: APOLLONIUS OF PERGA of Perga (in the Ionian kingdom of Pamphylia) studied at alexandria with Euclid s hypsicles discussed this work in his commentary on the Elements of Euclid. http://www.tmth.edu.gr/en/aet/1/10.html | |
64. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Claudius Ptolemy Born about 85 in Egypt Died about 165 in alexandria, Abu Kamil Shuja Ahmes Diophantus Euclid Heron Hypatia hypsicles Menelaus Pappus http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Ptolemy&limi |
65. Bibliotheca Alexandrina - A History Of The Library Of Alexandria The ancient library of alexandria and the rebuilt of the modern one Also inthe 2nd century BC, hypsicles first divided the circle of the zodiac into http://www.arabworldbooks.com/bibliothecaAlexandrina.htm | |
66. Diophantus Of Alexandria And The 10-th Problem Of Hilbert We know almost nothing about Diophantus, except that he lived, in alexandria.We know that he quotes hypsicles (150 BC) and he is quoted by Theon of http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Diophantus.htm | |
67. Hipparchus The Astronomer It is possible that he took over from hypsicles, who earlier had divided The angular size of the visible Sun seen at alexandria therefore is 0.1 degree. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Hipparchus.htm | |
68. History Of Alexandria: The Ptolemaic Legacy that hypsicles first divided the circle of the zodiac into 360 degrees. The construction of the Lighthouse of alexandria was completed during the http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/Alexandria/History/legacy.html | |
69. University At Alexandria - History For Kids! the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), the Library of alexandria, which was today,that Euclid invented the rules of geometry, that hypsicles first divided http://historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/people/university.htm | |
70. Euclid - Books I-IX According to another version hypsicles, a pupil of Euclid at alexandria, offeredto the king and published Books XIV. and XV., it being also stated that http://www.headmap.org/unlearn/euclid/before/tradition.htm | |
71. Table Of Contents hypsicles (Euclid, book XIV). Nicomedes. Diocles . Perseus. Zejodorus The capture of alexandria, and end of the alexandrian Schools . CHAPTER VI. http://web.doverpublications.com/cgi-bin/toc.pl/0486206300 | |
72. Fabled Library Of Alexandria Unearthed! the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), the Library of alexandria, which was usetoday, that Euclid wrote the rules of geometry, that hypsicles first divided http://www.politicscafe.com/forum/index.php?board=15;action=display;threadid=166 |
73. Index Of Ancient Greek Philosophers-Scientists Euclid (alexandria, 4th 3rd century BC). alexandrian mathematician. It isbelieved that hypsicles introduced the 360 degree circle to Greek http://www.ics.forth.gr/~vsiris/ancient_greeks/hellinistic_period.html | |
74. Hutton, Charles A Mathematical And Philosphical Dictionary 15th books of Euclid, and which, it is said, were contracted by hypsicles. Seventyyears after Christ, was born Ptolomy of alexandria; a good geometrician, and |
75. Bibliotheca Alexandrina The chief Librarian of alexandria was chosen from the most prominent Also inthe 2nd century BC, hypsicles first divided the circle of the zodiac into http://www.aldokkan.com/geography/library.htm | |
76. Math History - Pre-historic And Ancient Times About 150BC, hypsicles writes On the Ascension of Stars. In this work he is thefirst to She becomes head of the NeoPlatonist school at alexandria. http://lahabra.seniorhigh.net/pages/teachers/pages/math/timeline/MpreAndAncient. | |
77. FACING HISTORY The ancient Greek University unearthed in alexandria was one of many in the that hypsicles first divided the circle of the zodiac into 360 degrees, http://ethnikoi.org/polydoros.html | |
78. Engineering Database The number of volumes in the Library of alexandria reached 500000. Stirrups areused in China. 150BC, hypsicles writes On the Ascension of Stars. http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/t/i/timeline/source.html | |
79. ContentCafe 271, (1). 142 hypsicles and his works. 272, (2). 143 Hipparchus. 274, (2). 144 Heronof alexandria. 276, (4). 145 Heron s geometrical works. 280, (4). http://contentcafe.btol.com/ClientApplication/ContentCafe.aspx?UserID=quantum&Pa |
80. The Seattle Times Nation World Site Of Ancient University It was in alexandria that Archimedes invented the screwshaped fluid pump stillin use today, that Euclid invented the rules of geometry, that hypsicles first http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2001923722_alexandria09.html |
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