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41. Hypatia Of Alexandria Born C. 370, Died 415 Although A Brilliant hypatia of alexandria born c. 370, died 415 Although a brilliant and popular hypatia of alexandria unfortunately lived at a time of political and http://www.mith2.umd.edu/WomensStudies/ReadingRoom/History/Biographies/hypatia-o | |
42. Skyscript: The Life And Work Of Hypatia By Sue Toohey hypatia of alexandria, a mathematician, was dragged from her carriage and savagely hypatia of alexandria. Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1995 p41. http://www.skyscript.co.uk/hypatia.html | |
43. Philosophy: Philosophers: H: Hypatia-of-alexandria Spirit And Sky hypatia of alexandria. Resource page maintained by Howard A. Landman. Hosts a number of biographical works on Hypatia, as well as extensive annotated links. http://www.spiritandsky.com/philosophy/philosophers/h/hypatia-of-alexandria/ | |
44. Hypatia Of Alexandria By Maria Dzieska (Making feminist scholars work accessible to you.) A Sunshine for Women s Book Summary Read excerpts from this biography about hypatia of alexandria, http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/book-sum/hypatia.html | |
45. 15 Women, 15 Centuries, A Women's History Month 1998 Celebration hypatia of alexandria (c. 355415). Men from all over the ancient world flocked to Dzieska, Maria, hypatia of alexandria, Harvard University Press, 1995 http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/15women.html | |
46. Hypatia Resources At Erratic Impact's Feminism Web hypatia of alexandria (Revealing Antiquity , No 8) by Maria Dzielska, F. hypatia of alexandria. Page from the University of Utah. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~feminism/html/women_hypatia.htm | |
47. Hypatia Of Alexandria Biography / Biography Of Hypatia Of Alexandria Biographies hypatia of alexandria Biography profile biographies life history. http://www.bookrags.com/biography/hypatia-of-alexandria/ | |
48. Hypatia Of Alexandria Hypatia was born in the year 370, in Alexandria, Egypt, and died March, 415, Hypatia became head of the Platonist school in Alexandria in about 400 AD. http://www.edu.pe.ca/rural/grassroots/grassroots_2004/math521A3/Hypatia_of_Alexa | |
49. Hypatia Of Alexandria Drawing on historical references, this essay composes a brief insight into Hypatia s life. Includes picture believed to resemble Hypatia. http://www.edwardtbabinski.us/history/hypatia.html | |
50. Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria was the first woman to become famous for her studies in mathematics, Hypatia was born in Alexandria, Egypt in about AD 370 . http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/biographies/hypatia/ | |
51. Biography - Hypatia Of Alexandria: C.370-415 hypatia of alexandria c.370415 by Light-Science.com. hypatia of alexandria was the first woman recognized as a mathematician and scientist since the http://www.light-science.com/hypatia.html | |
52. Hypatia Of Alexandria: Biography And Much More From Answers.com hypatia of alexandria b. Alexandria, Egypt, c. 370 ce , d. Alexandria, 415 Hypatia was a Greek philosopher and the daughter of another philosopher, http://www.answers.com/topic/hypatia-of-alexandria | |
53. Hypatia The Martyr Of The Pagans And Feminist Movement hypatia of alexandria (350370 to 415 AD) was one of the first women to make a hypatia of alexandria Site with many links with information of the http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Ypatia.htm | |
54. AWM Book Review: Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria. Maria Dzielska, translated by F. Lyra. Deakin, Michael AB, Review of hypatia of alexandria by M. Dzielska, The American http://www.awm-math.org/bookreviews/MayJun96.html | |
55. Hypatia Of Alexandria - MavicaNET hypatia of alexandria, The first woman to make a substantial contribution The Primary Sources for the Life and Work of hypatia of alexandria English http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/7421.html | |
56. Hypatia Of Alexandria Hypatia was politically active in Alexandria, and up until Cyrus was elected patriarch, often consulted by politicians 27 ff. She was greatly admired for http://www.wdog.com/brian/Scriptorium/hypatia.htm | |
57. Hypatia Of Alexandria - A Stage Play hypatia of alexandria. A Play in Three Acts. by Gerald Everett Jones. This stage play about the famous Hellenistic teacher Hypatia tells a story of civil http://www.superscribbler.com/hypatia.htm | |
58. Hypatia Of Alexandria - A Stage Play - Historical Notes hypatia of alexandria. A Stage Play in Three Acts. Historical Notes. This play is my speculation about what might have happened in fifth century Egypt. http://www.superscribbler.com/hyphist.htm | |
59. Hypatia Hypatia was born in Alexandria in the fourth century CE (there s disagreement about + hypatia of alexandria Article by JJ O Connor and EF Robertson, http://users.ox.ac.uk/~worc0337/authors/hypatia.html | |
60. Hypatia Of Alexandria -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article hypatia of alexandria (in (A native or inhabitant of Greece) Greek ?pat?a) (? There was a woman at Alexandria named Hypatia, daughter of the http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/h/hy/hypatia_of_alexandria.htm | |
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