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21. Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria was a famous philosopher of Egypt who ran into trouble with the Christian Church. http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa033198.htm | |
22. ABC Radio National - Ockham's Razor Transcript - 3 Aug 97 hypatia of alexandria. Robyn Williams Today s talk gives an unanswerable For hypatia of alexandria was indeed, at the time she was killed by Christian http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/or030897.htm | |
23. Great Inspirations - Hypatia Great Inspirations hypatia of alexandria. Maria Dzielska, 1995; hypatia of alexandria. Harvard University Press. http://www.abc.net.au/science/slab/inspire/hypatia.htm | |
24. Hypatia Of Alexandria - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia There was a woman at Alexandria named Hypatia, daughter of the philosopher Theon, who made such attainments in literature and science, as to far surpass http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia_of_Alexandria | |
25. Hypatia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hypatia of alexandria (?370415), a neoPlatonic philosopher, mathematician, and teacher. Hypatia (crater), a lunar crater that lies along the northwest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia | |
26. Malaspina Great Books - Hypatia Of Alexandria (355-415) hypatia of alexandria (b? 370 d. 415) was a neoPlatonic philosppher mathematician, There was a woman at Alexandria named Hypatia, daughter of the http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_665.asp | |
27. Harvard University Press/Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria by Maria Dzielska Translated by F. Lyra, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/DZIHYP.html | |
28. Harvard University Press/Hypatia Of Alexandria/Reviews Reviews of hypatia of alexandria by Maria Dzielska Translated by F. Lyra, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/reviews/DZIHYP_R.html | |
29. Hypatia - Biography Of Hypatia Hypatia, a mathematician, was an important pagan philosopher. hypatia of alexandria was a popular teacher in the Roman empire, and came under attack by the http://womenshistory.about.com/od/hypati1/a/hypatia.htm | |
30. Hypatia Of Alexandra hypatia of alexandria was a mathematical philosopher and astronomer. Hypatia taught at the Neoplatonist school of philosophy in Alexandria. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/hypati1/ | |
31. Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria was a mathematician, astronomer, and Platonic philosopher. Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not http://space.about.com/od/astronomerbiographies/a/hypatiabio.htm | |
32. Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria, The first woman to make a substantial contribution to the development of mathematics, astronomy and philosophy. http://www.akashanpathways.com/hypatia.htm | |
33. Multicultural Resource Center: Hypatia hypatia of alexandria is the earliest woman scientist whose life is well documented; she was also the last scientist of the Golden Age of Pericles, http://www.inventions.org/culture/female/hypatia.html | |
34. Women In Science: Hypatia Of Alexandria--Mathematician & Scientist Preeminent among scients of her day and heir to an intellectual tradition of secularism and paganism, Hypatia (370415 CE) was educated by her father, Thon, http://www.inventions.org/culture/science/women/hypatia.html | |
35. Hypatia Of Alexandria hypatia of alexandria. AKA Hypatia. Born c. 370 AD Died Mar415 AD Location of death Alexandria, Egypt Cause of death Murder http://www.nndb.com/people/407/000093128/ | |
36. Hypatia Of Alexandria By Maria Dzielska (Paperback) - Books - Compare Products A Google Directory Society Philosophy Philosophers H hypatia of alexandria - http//www.polyamory.org/~howard/Hypatia/ Resource page maintained by Howard A. Landman. Hosts a number of biographical works on http://www.mysimon.com/msrch/index.jhtml?c=bookisbn&pgid=shop&ps=t&_ttag=astg.my |
37. BBC - H2g2 - Hypatia Of Alexandria h2g2 is the unconventional guide to life, the universe and everything, a guide that s written by visitors to the website, creating an organic and evolving http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A481006 | |
38. H2G2 hypatia of alexandria In 2. The Universe, 3. Everything. hypatia of alexandria. « 1 of 6 ». Created 05 Dec 2000. Hypatia was a Greek scientist, http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/pda/A481006 | |
39. NBI: Philosophers: Hypatia, School Of Athens hypatia of alexandria, born circa 370 CE., is the first woman documented to JJ O Connor and EF Robertson hypatia of alexandria (html, at University of http://www.newbanner.com/AboutPic/athena/raphael/nbi_hypa.html | |
40. The My Hero Project - HYPATIA OF ALEXANDRIA Confucius was a religious philosopher of ancient China. hypatia of alexandria she taught mathematics and natural philosophy over 1500 years ago http://myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=HYPATIA_SLOVENIA |
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