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         Huygens Christiaan:     more books (100)
  1. Constantijn en Christiaan: Verhaal van een vriendschap (Dutch Edition) by Elisabeth Keesing, 1983
  2. Abhandlung über das licht (German Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, 1890-01-01
  3. Abhandlung Über Das Licht: Worin Die Ursachen Der Vorgänge Bei Seiner Zurückwerfung Und Brechung Und Besonders Bei Der Eigenthümlichen Brechung Des Isländischen Spathes Dargelegt Sind (German Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, Eugene Lommel, et all 2010-02-09
  4. Christiani Hugenii Aliorumque Seculi XVII Virorum Celebrium Exercitationes Mathematicæ Et Philosophicæ, Volume 2 (Italian Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek, et all 2010-03-03
  5. De Circuli Magnitudine Inventa (1654) (Latin Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, 2010-09-10
  6. Opera Varia, Volume 1 (Latin Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, 2010-02-16
  7. Nouveau Traite De La Pluralite Des Mondes (1718) (French Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, 2009-08-27
  8. Treatise on light;: In which are explained the causes of that which occurs in reflection, & in refraction and particularly in the strange refraction of Iceland crystal, by Christiaan Huygens, 1960
  9. Christiani Hugenii Aliorumque Seculi XVII Virorum Celebrium Exercitationes Mathematicae Et Philosophicae: Ex Manuscriptis in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae Servatis, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Christiaan Huygens, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-03-28
  10. The Celestial Worlds Discover'd, Or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets by Christiaan Huygens, 2009-12-17
  11. The Celestial Worlds Discover'd by Christiaan Huygens, 2009-12-27
  12. La mecanique de Christian Huygens: La relativite du mouvement au XVIIe siecle (Collection Sciences dans l'histoire) (French Edition) by Christiane Vilain, 1996
  13. Christian Huygens and the development of science in the seventeenth century by Arthur Bell, 1950
  14. Huygens' Principle 1690 - 1990: Theory and Applications (Studies in Mathematical Physics)

21. Science Museum | Huygens' Clocks | Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens was born in The Hague in 1629. His father, Constantijn, wasa famous enlarge. Christiaan Huygens. Science Society Picture Library

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huygens' clocks
Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens was born in The Hague in 1629. His father, Constantijn, was a famous statesman, scientist, poet and musician. From 1645 to 1649, Christiaan studied at Leiden University and Breda before returning home to the Hague. There, he developed new ideas in mathematics, mechanics and optics. In 1655, he built a telescope with which he discovered Saturn's rings and one of its moons. He also designed and built the first working pendulum clock. In 1666, Huygens moved to Paris to become the director of the Académie des Sciences. While he was there, he published the classic work Horologium Oscillatorium, in which he gave a complete mathematical description of the pendulum and a description of his improved pendulum clock. In the same year, he produced a kind of engine which ran on gunpowder, although it didn't work very well. enlarge Christiaan Huygens In 1675, he built a chronometer which used a balance wheel and a spiral spring instead of a pendulum. Robert Hooke had tried in 1660 to control a clock using a straight spring but Huygens' was the first to work properly. Balance wheels and spiral springs were used in almost all watches until the invention of the quartz crystal oscillator. Huygens returned to the Hague in 1681 and published his second classic work, Traité de la Lumière in 1690. In this book, he explained refraction by suggesting that light was a kind of wave. In 1693, he announced his theory of the conservation of mechanical energy.

22. Great Books Index - Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens Great Books Index. Writings of Christiaan Huygens.Articles. Links to Information About Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens (16291695)
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23. Huygens Christiaan
Translate this page huygens christiaan (1629 - 1695). home page - back. linearazzo.gif (489 byte).Astronomo e fisico olandese, Huygens fu probabilmente il miglior osservatore
Huygens Christiaan (1629 - 1695)
home page back Astronomo e fisico olandese, Huygens fu probabilmente il miglior osservatore con i cannocchiali del suo tempo. nel 1655 scoprì Titano, il satellite più luminoso di Saturno, e fu il primo a rendersi conto che l'aspetto strano del pianeta era dovuto ad un sistema di anelli. Fu anche il primo a scorgere segni (reali) su Marte, anche se i tratti riportati sono sicuramente di dimensioni maggiori di ciò che aveva visto. Questi tre disegni eseguiti da Huygens, sono i primi che si conoscano che mostrino segni evidenti della superficie del pianeta. Ecco come l'astronomo descriveva il pianeta rosso che considerava, con normalità, abitato da essseri intelligenti: home page back

24. Huygens
Translate this page huygens christiaan. Physicien et mathématicien néerlandais (La Haye, 1629 —id., 1695). Christiaan Huygens naît à La Haye le 14 avril 1629.
PERSONNALITES HUYGENS Christiaan Physicien et mathématicien néerlandais (La Haye, 1629 — id., 1695).
En 1642, Huygens a treize ans, Galilée meurt en résidence surveillée à Arcetri, près de Florence, Isaac Newton naît à Woolsthorpe, en Angleterre, et Descartes vient d'achever la rédaction en latin de ses Principes de la philosophie. D'une génération intermédiaire entre Galilée et Newton, ni pionnier ni véritable fondateur, Huygens est cependant celui qui, par la profondeur de ses recherches et la rigueur de ses écrits, a rendu possibles le développement et la constitution d'une véritable physique mathématique.
Christiaan Huygens naît à La Haye le 14 avril 1629. Issu de l'une des familles les plus importantes des Provinces-Unies, très liée à la maison d'Orange, il reçoit une excellente éducation, à laquelle participe activement son père, Constantijn Huygens. Ce dernier, intéressé par la pensée baconienne et l'avènement de la nouvelle science, est aussi en relations épistolaires avec des hommes comme René Descartes ou Marin Mersenne.
Un milieu privilégié
L'aisance financière de la famille comme l'extrême compréhension et l'aide intellectuelle de son père permettent à Christiaan Huygens de se consacrer entièrement, dès l'âge de vingt ans, à la science. Son activité scientifique peut alors être divisée en trois grandes périodes correspondant à ses lieux de résidence successifs: de 1650 à 1666, à La Haye, chez son père; de 1666 à 1681, à Paris, à la Bibliothèque du roi, où il participe activement aux travaux de la nouvelle Académie royale des sciences; enfin, de 1681 à sa mort, en 1695, de nouveau en Hollande, entre La Haye et Hofwijck, près de Voorburg, où il met la dernière main à la rédaction de son Traité de la lumière.

25. Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens is geboren op 14 april 1629 in Den Haag. Na zijn astronomischeondekkingen is Christiaan Huygens zich gaan concentreren op de Huygens
Christiaan Huygens Jef Pennings 4V2, 15 juni 2001 Het begin
Christiaan Huygens is geboren op 14 april 1629 in Den Haag. Hij was de tweede zoon van Constantijn Huygens en komt uit een welgestelde familie. De intellectuele eisen die Constantijn aan zijn gezin stelde waren erg hoog, Christiaan zal hier later zijn voordeel van hebben.
Nadat Huygens uitgebreid de theorieën van Galileo Galilei had bestudeerd kwam hij in de jaren 1655-56 met zijn eigen ideeën. Zo ontdekte hij met een 83 meter lange eigen gemaakte telescoop, waarin door hemzelf zijn jongere broer Constantijn geslepen lenzen in zaten, dat Saturnus omgeven was door een satelliet, namelijk Titan. Een paar maanden later geeft hij een nauwkeurige omschrijving van een ring van Saturnus. Ook dit was waargenomen met zijn zelf gemaakte telescoop. Weer een jaar later ontdekt hij "de nevelvlek van Orion". Al zijn opvattingen en waarnemingen publiceerde hij in het boek 'Cosmotheoros', hierin verdedigde hij het standpunt van Copernicus en probeerde hij aan te tonen dat ook op andere planeten behalve de aarde levende wezens voorkwamen. Huygens is nu ook astronoom geworden. Hiermee is hij wel afgeweken van de leer van Descartes en zijn idealen.
In 1660 vertrekt Huygens naar Londen. Hier staat hij direct in contact met de belangrijkste geleerden van die tijd. Deze waren verenigd in de Royal Society. Hier heeft Huygens de sfeische aberratie bestudeert die in lenzen kan optreden. Dit toonde aan dat Huygens nog volop belangstelling had voor optica.

26. Christiaan Huygens - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Christiaan Huygens (pronounced in English (IPA) ha?g ?nz; in Dutch hœyns) (April 14, 1629–July 8, 1695), Bibliography of Christiaan Huygens
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Christiaan Huygens
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens (pronounced in English IPA [ˈhaɪg ənz] ; in Dutch [ˈhœy γəns] April 14 July 8 ), was a Dutch mathematician and physicist ; born in The Hague as the son of Constantijn Huygens . He studied law at the University of Leiden and the College of Orange in Breda before turning to science. It is a good thing he did, as historians commonly associate Huygens with the scientific revolution Christiaan generally receives minor credit for his role in the development of modern calculus . He also achieved note for his arguments that light consisted of waves ; see: wave-particle duality . In , he discovered Saturn 's moon Titan . He also examined Saturn's planetary rings , and in he discovered that those rings consisted of rocks. In the same year he observed the Orion Nebula . Using his modern telescope he succeeded in subdividing the nebula into different stars . (The brighter interior of the Orion Nebula bears the name of the Huygens Region in his honour.) He also discovered several

27. Christiaan_Huygens
ImageHuygens.jpg thumb right Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens (pronouncedin English (IPA) {{IPA ha?g ?nz}}; in Dutch {{IPA h?y ns}})
Main Page
'''Christiaan Huygens''' (pronounced in English IPA Dutch April 14 ... July 8 ), was a Dutch mathematician and physicist ; born in The Hague as the son of Constantijn Huygens . Historians commonly associate Huygens with the scientific revolution
Christiaan generally receives minor credit for his role in the development of modern calculus . He also achieved note for his arguments that light consisted of wave s; see: wave-particle duality . In , he discovered Saturn 's moon Titan . He also examined Saturn's planetary ring s, and in he discovered that those rings consisted of rocks. In the same year he observed the Orion Nebula . Using his modern telescope he succeeded in subdividing the nebula into different star s. (The brighter interior of the Orion Nebula bears the name of the '' Huygens Region '' in his honour.) He also discovered several interstellar nebulae and some double star s.
After Blaise Pascal encouraged him to do so, Huygens wrote the first book on probability theory , which he had published in
He also worked on the construction of accurate clock s, suitable for naval

28. Encyklopedia: Huygens Christiaan
huygens christiaan (16291695), wybitny niderlandzki fizyk, astronom i matematyk,czlonek Royal Society i francuskiej Akademii Nauk. Sformulowal

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Huygens Christiaan
Dodaj do notesu Astronomia, Fizyka, Matematyka, Europa, Holandia Galeria zdjêæ: 5 Huygens Christiaan (1629-1695), wybitny niderlandzki fizyk, astronom i matematyk, cz³onek Royal Society i francuskiej Akademii Nauk. Sformu³owa³ hipotezê o falowej naturze ¶wiat³a (¶wiat³o) (1678) i... widzisz tylko tre¶ci has³a chcesz zobaczyæ resztê? dostêp do pe³nej wersji encyklopedii SMS tylko 3,66 z³ z VAT Wpisz kod: Dlaczego warto korzystaæ z WIEM?
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29. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Huygens Christiaan
huygens christiaan . Articles Christiaan Huygens (Science Source/Photo Researchers,
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30. Christiaan Huygens
de logiciels,actualit? spatiale,agenda,TV

31. Christiaan Huygens, Vereniging Voor Weer En Sterrenkunde
Weer en sterrenkundevereniging in Dordrecht. Vereniging, agenda, nieuws en bestuur.

32. Christiaan Huygens School
Informatie over de afdelingen, roosters, vacatures en online agenda. Te Barneveld.

33. Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Bio
huygens, christiaan (16291695) In contradiction to Newton, huygens correctlybelieved that light must travel more slowly when it is refracted towards
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Dutch
Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)

Dutch physicist who was the leading proponent of the wave theory of light In (1690), he developed the concept of the wavefront but could not explain color. The wave theory, however, was supported by the observation that two intersecting beams of light did not bounce off each other as would be expected if they were composed of particles. In contradiction to Newton , Huygens correctly believed that light must travel more slowly when it is refracted towards the normal, although this was not proven until experiments by Foucault in the nineteenth century. Huygens also made important contributions to mechanics, stating that in a collision between bodies, neither loses nor gains "motion" (his term for momentum ). He stated that the center of gravity moves uniformly in a straight line, and gave the expression for centrifugal force as
Additionally, he studied pendula He discovered Titan and was the first to correctly identify the observed elongation of Saturn as the presence of Saturn's rings. Huygens was also the mentor of

34. Astro Biography
Short biography of christiaan huygens (16291695).

35. Huygens
Biography of christiaan huygens (16291695) christiaan huygens studied lawand mathematics at the University of Leiden from 1645 until 1647.
Christiaan Huygens
Born: 14 April 1629 in The Hague, Netherlands
Died: 8 July 1695 in The Hague, Netherlands
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Christiaan Huygens came from an important Dutch family. His father Constantin Huygens had studied natural philosophy and was a diplomat. It was through him that Christiaan was to gain access to the top scientific circles of the times. In particular Constantin had many contacts in England and corresponded regularly with Mersenne and was a friend of Descartes Tutored at home by private teachers until he was 16 years old, Christiaan learned geometry, how to make mechanical models and social skills such as playing the lute. His mathematical education was clearly influenced by Descartes who was an occasional visitor at the Huygens' home and took a great interest in the mathematical progress of the young Christiaan. Christiaan Huygens studied law and mathematics at the University of Leiden from 1645 until 1647. Van

36. Christiaan Huygens, Vereniging Voor Weer En Sterrenkunde
Weer en sterrenkundevereniging in Dordrecht. Vereniging, agenda, nieuws en bestuur.

37. References For Huygens
References for the biography of christiaan huygens. HJM Bos, christiaanhuygens, in Lectures in the History of Mathematics (Providence RI London,
References for Christiaan Huygens
Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • V I Arnol'd, Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke. Pioneers in mathematical analysis and catastrophe theory from evolvents to quasicrystals (Basel, 1990).
  • A E Bell, Christian Huygens and the Development of Science in the Seventeenth Century (London, 1947).
  • H L Brugmans,
  • E J Dijksterhuis, Christiaan Huygens (Haarlem, 1951).
  • D J Struik, Het land van Stevin en Huygens (Nijmegen, 1979).
  • D J Struik, The land of Stevin and Huygens (Dordrecht-Boston, Mass., 1981).
  • C Vilain, (Paris, 1996).
  • J G Yoder, Unrolling time. Christiaan Huygens and the mathematization of nature (Cambridge, 1988). Articles:
  • M Barth, Huygens at work : annotations in his rediscovered personal copy of Hooke's 'Micrographia', Ann. of Sci.
  • Rev. Histoire Sci. Appl.
  • R Bogazzi, The 'Kosmotheoros' of Christiaan Huygens (Italian), Physis - Riv. Internaz. Storia Sci.
  • H J M Bos, Christiaan Huygens, in
  • 38. W.I.S.V. "Christiaan Huygens"
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  • 39. Christiaan Huygens

    40. Astro-Biographie
    Eine kurze Biographie des niederl¤ndischen Astronomen.

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