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61. Person Adolf Hurwitz Sommerfeld, 10. April 1909 Arnold Sommerfeld an Wien, Akademie, (kein Monat) http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/00081.html | |
62. E-LETTER On Systems, Control, And Signal Processing General Announcements 3.1 2003 hurwitz lecturer at ETH Graham Goodwin 3.2 ETH Graham Goodwin In commemoration of adolf hurwitz seminal contributions, http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/extras/eletter/184.html | |
63. IEEECSS 2003 hurwitz lecturer at ETH Graham Goodwin Contributed by Pablo A. Parrilo,parrilo@control.ee.ethz.ch In commemoration of adolf hurwitz seminal http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/archive/December2003.shtml | |
64. There Is A Separate File For Fibonacci Numbers adolf hurwitz U ber die Kettenbruchentwicklung der Zahl e. Math. Werke (1933),Band 2, 129133. adolf hurwitz U ber die angena herten Darstellungen der http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-Number-theory/d-Continued-fractions/b |
65. Control Systems Engineering: Introduction adolf hurwitz. As far as we are concerned his most important work was on polynomialshaving all their zeroes restricted to the left half of the complex http://www.rpi.edu/~kracua/seminar/det.html | |
66. Hurwitz-Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Mathematik An Der TUM Translate this page Lebenslauf von adolf hurwitz, den er 1881 pflichtgemäß seiner DissertationGrundlagen einer adolf hurwitz wurde 1859 in Hildesheim geboren. http://www.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/hurwitz/meilensteine/hurwitz.html | |
67. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results adolf hurwitz Born 26 March 1859 in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany Died 18Nov 1919 in Zurich, Switzerland Click the picture above to see three larger http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1550&term1= |
68. From John Robertson Jpr2718@aol.com Subject Re Generalized Presented by adolf hurwitz, edited for publication by Nikolaos Kritikos, translated,with some additional material, by William C. Schulz. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/00_incoming/pells | |
69. From Wild_dj@mit.edu (David J Wildstrom) Newsgroups Sci.math The definitive source on quaternionic number theory is adolf hurwitz s_Vorlesungen Uber die Zahlentheorie der Quaternionen , which has unfortunately never http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/integ_quatern | |
70. Workshop 23 CONFERENCE ON CENTENIAL hurwitz ON STABILITY THEORY MONTE VERITA, TICINO, ETH wants to honor adolf hurwitz who was in Zuerich from 1892 1919. http://www.scicomp.uni-erlangen.de/Conf/workshop23.html | |
71. NA Digest, V. 94, # 49 With this conference ETH wants to honor adolf hurwitz who was in Zuerich from1892 1919. In 1895 his paper ``Ueber die Bedingungen unter welchen eine http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/html/94/v94n49.html | |
72. Subject NA Digest, V. 94, 49 NA Digest Tuesday, December 6 THEORY MONTE VERITA, TICINO, SWITZERLAND May 21 26, 1995 With this conferenceETH wants to honor adolf hurwitz who was in Zuerich from 1892 - 1919. http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/94/v94n49 | |
73. Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society MR 91e53056; 54. adolf hurwitz, Über die Composition der quadratischen Formenvon beliebig vielen Variabeln, Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen (1898), 309316. http://www.ams.org/bull/2002-39-02/S0273-0979-01-00934-X/home.html | |
74. Adolf Hurwitz Université Montpellier II adolf hurwitz adolfhurwitz (1859-1919). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1317 |
75. Foyles Bookshop - The Collected Papers Of Albert Einstein To adolf hurwitz and Family, 4 May 1914 13 7. To Petr Petrovich Lazarev, 16 May1914 13 8. To Paul Ehrenfest, 18 May 1914 14 9. From Paul Ehrenfest, 20 May http://www.foyles.co.uk/foyles/display.asp?ISB=069104841X&TAG=&CID= |
76. Looper's Delight Mailing List Archive (by Date: December 01, 1998 To December 31 Edwin hurwitz; Echoplexproblem, adolf wegener; Re lowbudget reverbrecommendations (?), Doug Tapia; Loop-a-thon Middle East Downstairs Mon Dec 7 -800pm http://www.loopers-delight.com/LDarchive/199812/ | |
77. David Hilbert / Edition Am Gutenbergplatz Leipzig (EAGLE) / EAGLE-ARCHIV Translate this page von adolf hurwitz (1859-1919). Herausgegeben und mit Anhängen versehen Mai 1896 an adolf hurwitz. In Hermann Minkowski, Ausgewählte Arbeiten zur http://www.eagle-leipzig.de/david-hilbert.htm | |
78. Biografía Matemáticos:David Hilbert. Versión Para Imprimir Translate this page Pero lo que sí resultó decisivo fue la amistad con adolf hurwitz (18591919) yHermann Minkowski (18641909), el primero llegado en 1884 como profesor http://www.divulgamat.net/weborriak/Historia/MateOspetsuak/Inprimaketak/Hilbert. | |
79. Ausgewählte Kapitel Der Funktionentheorie Translate this page hurwitz, adolf und Courant, Richard Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorieund elliptische Funktionen /von adolf hurwitz., Hrsg. u. erg. durch e. http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/Erasmus-old/ws99/html/v_26_Ausge.html | |
80. Definition Adolf Hurwitz - BegriffsPortal.de http://begriffsportal.de/Adolf Hurwitz |
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