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61. Obras Daniel BDBH QA611.4 hurewicz, witold WALLMAN, Henry H963d Dimension theory. Princeton, PUP, 1948. 165p. 1948 (Princeton Mathematical Series, 4) BDBH QA340.1 http://www.ime.usp.br/bib/daniel.html | |
62. Bibliography Lectures on ordinary diff. eqns. by witold hurewicz 1b. Ordinary diff. eqns by VI Arnold 2a. Diff. eqns., dynamical systems and linear algebra by Hirsch and http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~kuppum/books/ | |
63. Who Invented The Z Transform His name actually _ends_ with z witold hurewicz, in 1947. It was named witold hurewicz s father was an industrialist. witold attended school http://www.dsprelated.com/showmessage/38067/1.php | |
64. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1953 Fellows Page witold hurewicz, Deceased. Mathematics 1953. Colin Osborne Hutton, Deceased. Earth Science 1953. Andrew W. Imbrie, Composer; Professor Emeritus of Music, http://www.gf.org/53fellow.html | |
65. Witold Hurewicz Université Montpellier II Translate this page witold hurewicz (1904-1956). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1316 |
66. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books hurewicz, witold Henry Wallman Dimension Theory Princeton University Press, 1959. Hutchinson, G. Evelyn An Introduction to Population Ecology http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/h.html | |
67. North Carolina Collection-Biographical Clippings Hr NAME hurewicz, witold (1904 ) CALL NO. CRBo N87 REEL NO. 19 PAGE(S) 245. NAME Hurlburt, Allan S. (1912- ) CALL NO. CRBo N87 REEL NO. 19 http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/ref/b75/b75Hr.html | |
68. Kleene Math Library New Books - June 2002 COLLECTED WORKS OF witold hurewicz. Krystyna Kuperberg, editor. Providence, RI American Mathematical Society, c1995. QA3 M47 1999 http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2002-06.htm | |
69. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s (PMC17) A comment or two about witold hurewicz. I believe he was the coauthor, with Hank Wallman, of a topology book. He rented, I believe, a room in Princeton. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmc17 | |
70. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s: Abstracts their activities (especially at the Graduate College), and the professors (Luther P. Eisenhart, Paul Erdos, witold hurewicz, and others). http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pm04. | |
71. Bibliography Translate this page hurewicz, witold, 1904-1956, Collected works of witold hurewicz, Providence, RI, American Mathematical Society, 1995 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=H& |
72. Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society HW41 witold hurewicz and Henry Wallman, Dimension Theory, Princeton Mathematical Series, v. 4, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1941. MR 3312b http://www.ams.org/proc/2004-132-10/S0002-9939-04-07148-5/home.html | |
73. A Web Page That Points A Browser To A Different Page After 1 Second witold hurewicz, who had worked on dimension theory under Menger in Vienna, followed him to Amsterdam in the spring of 1926. After earning his habilitation http://www.iit.edu/~am/Menger/menger.html | |
74. Citebase - Lipshitz Maps From Surfaces G/A, 9 hurewicz, witold and Wallman, Henry; Dimension Theory; Princeton University Press, 1948. G/A, 10 Katz, Mikhail; FourManifold Systoles and http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0501027 |
75. Citebase - When Soap Bubbles Collide G/A, HW witold hurewicz and Henry Wallman, Dimension Theory, Princeton U. Press (1941). G/A, M1 Frank Morgan, Geometric Measure Theorya Beginner s http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0412020 |
76. ½ÅÂøµµ¼2001³â8¿ù 20, 0108-06, 514.224 H938d2 c.4, Dimension theory, by witold hurewicz and Henry Wallman. Princeton univers 1948. 21, 01-08-06, 515.37 C241fE c.2 http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/newly_publish01_08.htm | |
77. Faculty Of Mathematics @ University Of Vienna Eduard Helly, witold hurewicz, Walther Mayer, Karl Menger, Johann Radon, Kurt Reidemeister, Otto Schreier, Gabor Szegö, Alfred Tauber, Olga Taußky1, http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/institute/history.php | |
78. Powell's Books - Mathematics by witold hurewicz Publisher Comments A rigorous and lively introduction . . . careful and lucid . . . The American Mathematical Monthly. http://www.powells.com/usedbooks/Mathematics.26.html | |
79. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page hurewicz, witold Hurwitz, Adolf Hutton, Charles Huygens, Christiaan Hypatia Hypsicles of Alexandria Ibrahim Ibn Sinan Ibn Thabit Ibn Qurra http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
80. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page hurewicz, witold. Hurwitz, Adolf. Huschke, Emil. Huschke, Emil. Hussey, William Joseph. Hutchinson, John. Hutton, Charles. Hutton, James. Hutton, James http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/h.html | |
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