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61. Anatomy hunayn ibn ishaq systemized and defined the life sciences and devised practicalconcepts and procedures for study, experimentation and practice. http://www.islamic-study.org/anatomy.htm | |
62. Muslim Contributions To Science, Philosophy, And The Arts hunayn ibn ishaq, a philosopher and physician made advances in Medicine, Physics, He was born at Ray, Iran and became a student of hunayn ibn ishaq and http://www.jannah.org/articles/contrib.html | |
63. Gibb Memorial Trust - Recent Publications Hoyland, Robert G., Theomnestus of Magnesia, hunayn ibn ishaq, and the beginningsof Islamic veterinary science 7. Jamil, Nadia, Playing for time http://www.gibbtrust.org/recent.html | |
64. Euclid's Geometry: The Arabian Euclid the House of Wisdom, in Baghdad, headed by hunayn ibn ishaq (808873) in Ishaq ibn Hunayn, two of the most important translators of Greek works. http://mathforum.org/geometry/wwweuclid/transl.htm | |
65. Islamic History And Culture - Personalities In Islam Specifically Muhammad Ibn M A certain hunayn ibn ishaq, a Christian, was in charge of translations from theGreek, Aristotle and Plato among the philosophers, Hypocrites and more http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/History/Personalities/Content/Khwarizm | |
66. Early Medieval Period biography of the Prophet Muhammad written by hunayn ibn ishaq (809873), 990 In Baghdad, Abu l-Farag Muhammad Ibn Ishaq al-Nadim published his http://www.nmhschool.org/tthornton/mehistorydatabase/early_medieval_periods.htm | |
67. Abasid1 The caliph himself collected texts, employed translators like the celebratedhunayn ibn ishaq, and established an academy in Baghdad, the Bayt alHikmah http://www.angelfire.com/nt/Gilgamesh/abasid1.html | |
68. The Arabic Christian Literature hunayn ibn ishaq (808837)was a famous physician, philosopher, and translator ofGreek works underseveral caliphs. He is the author of a Letter to Yahya ibn http://www.al-bushra.org/arbhrtg/arbxtn01.htm | |
69. 1 Ménestrel Histoire Des Sciences Et Des Techniques Moyen Age Middle Ages Histo Translate this page hunayn ibn ishaq) , Macrobius , Maimonides , Manilius, M., Martianus Capella ,Mashallah , Messehalla , Mesue , Palladius, Plinius Senior (Gaius Plinius http://www.ccr.jussieu.fr/urfist/menestrel/indexsci.htm | |
70. Different Aspects Of Islamic Cultures: International Scientific Committee Boston, London, 1997, Helaine Selin, ed, papers on Ibn alNafis (pp.409-410),hunayn ibn ishaq (pp. 399-400), Ibn Ridwan (pp. 429-431), Ibn Rushd (pp. http://www.unesco.org/culture/aic/html_eng/comite.htm | |
71. Alibris: Hans Daiber Meteorologie in der Fassung des Hunain Ibn Ishaq more books like this byhunayn ibn ishaq alIbadi, and Daiber, Hans buy used from $49.45! http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Daiber, Hans | |
72. Interpreting The Self hunayn ibn ishaq (d. 873 or 877) 107 AlTirmidhi (d. between 905 and 910) 119Al-Mu ayyad al-Shirazi (d. 1077) 132 Imad al-Din al-Katib al-Isfahani (d. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/8736.html | |
73. Thabit Ibn Qurra Biography Thabit had revised translation of Euclid Elements of hunayn ibn ishaq. He hadalso rewritten the Hunayn s translation of Ptolemy s Almagest and he http://www.biographybase.com/biography/ibn_Qurra_Thabit.html | |
74. Science And Technology In Islam hunayn ibn ishaq (809873 AD) When al-Mamun succeeded to the Abbasid throne herebuilt Baghdad and founded his unique Dar al-Hikmah where a galaxy of http://www.fam.aust.com/helal/alhaqq/newslttr/nl_11a.html | |
75. UCLA Biomedical Library History & Special Collections Majusi (Haly Abbas), Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya alRazi (Rhazes),Jalinus (Galen),and hunayn ibn ishaq al-Ibadi (Johannitius)amongstothers. http://unitproj.library.ucla.edu/biomed/his/collection-orig.cfm?id=736&f=x |
76. Project MUSE were criticized by him for their attacks on Galen and hunayn ibn ishaq (d . and Ishaq ibn Imran (d. ca. 290/903) on the use of truffles for eye http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/bulletin_of_the_history_of_medicine/v071/71.3br_al- | |
77. Islam-usa.com He was a Persian Muslim who trained under hunayn ibn ishaq. he must be regardedas one of the greatest physicians of all times, who produced over 100 http://islam-usa.com/im13.html | |
78. BJO -- Sign In Page Yuhanna ibn Masawayh, the head of Bayt alHikma, and hunayn ibn ishaq. With hisstudents, Hunayn translated almost all of the then known Greek medical http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/89/3/394 | |
79. Shattered Christian Minorities In The Middle East hunayn ibn ishaq, an Assyrian. Sergius of Rashayn, a celepated physician andphilosopher, skilled in Greek and translator into Syriac of various works on http://phoenicia.org/christiansmea.html | |
80. Nuova Pagina 1 Translate this page Lopera di hunayn ibn ishaq sispira ampiamente a un altro trattato di un falconieresiriano alla corte del califfo el-Malik, al-Ghitrif ibn Qudama http://www.cesn.it/falconeria/de-arte.htm | |
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