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61. Proceedings Of The EnerEnv 2003 Conference Kexin Hu, Guang-ming Zeng, Zhao-hui yang, Jin-hui Huang, Hong-liang Li P 807-811 Zhao-hui yang, Guang-ming Zeng, Geng-xin Xie, Yao-ning Chen, Chen Li http://enerenv2003.hnu.net.cn/Conference__Proceedings.htm |
62. SFist: SFIAAFF: Music Video Asia Thoughtfully collected by program curator Chihui yang, they included local Will someone please give Chi-hui yang a weekly TV show playing these videos http://www.sfist.com/archives/2005/03/15/sfiaaff_music_video_asia.php | |
63. Some Computer Science Papers Enhui yang , Gregory Nelson , Pamela Cosman, choose a format, 2000 En-hui yang, ps (125K), 13 pp. data compression, On the Performances of Data http://lpcs.math.msu.su/~pentus/fromwww.htm | |
64. Electronic Research Announcements Of The AMS Classification of compact homogeneous spaces with invariant symplectic structures. 28D99 John Kieffer; Enhui yang Ergodic behavior of graph entropy http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/external-documentation/era-mirror/era-msc-1997.html | |
65. Electronic Research Announcements Of The AMS Kieffer, John John Kieffer; Enhui yang Ergodic behavior of graph entropy. Kim, KH KH Kim; FW Roush; JB Wagoner Inert actions on periodic points http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/external-documentation/era-mirror/era-auth-1997.html | |
66. KSW : Programs : Calendar 5-2005 Film Curatorial Workshop with Chihui yang. 18. 19. 20. 21. Pirate Radio Workshop. 22. Asian Heritage Street Celebration. 23. 24. Pirated Stories! http://www.kearnystreet.org/programs/calendar/2005_05.html | |
67. Yang Hui - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Yang Hui (, c. 1238 c. 1298) was a Chinese mathematician who worked on magic squares and binomial theorem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yang_Hui | |
68. Global & International Studies Program Mayfair Meihui yang (August 1, 2004) Spatial Struggles Postcolonial Complex, Mayfair Mei-hui yang (April 1, 2004) Goddess across the Taiwan Strait http://repositories.cdlib.org/gis/ | |
69. SSRN-Risk Exposures And International Diversification: Evidence From IShares By Zhong, Maosen and Yang, Hui, Risk Exposures and International Diversification Evidence Contact Information for hui yang Email address for hui yang http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=708667 |
70. Dai Jinhua Notes Mayfair Meihui yang (Minneapolis University of Minnesota, 1999), pp. 5 Mayfair Mei-hui yang, ed. Spaces of Their Own Womens Public Sphere in http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc46.2003/marchetti.dai/dai4.html | |
71. Book II: The Yellow Emperor hui yang went to visit Prince K ang of the Sung State. Nothing else, replied hui yang, than the teachings of Confucius and Mo Tzu. http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/tt/tt05.htm | |
72. ASIAN POP Korean Movies, Hold The Koreans / The World's Hottest Cinema Is Coming reinforces the confidence in the South Korean industry s momentum, says Chiuhui yang, there s no comparison, the SFIAFF s Chiu-hui yang says. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/gate/archive/2004/07/01/korcine.DTL |
73. China Electronic Instrument, Electronic Instrument Catalog, China Electronic Ins hui yang Electric Appliance Factory Province Guangdong Specifications 1) Input 220V, 50Hz, 40mA 2) Output DC 14AV, 300mA 3) Temperature range 25°C http://www.made-in-china.com/products/catlist/listcatprod/123055/no/4/Electrical | |
74. Pols. 680 Political Economy Of East Asia Mayfair Meihui yang, Gifts, Favors Banquets The Art of Social Relationship in China (Ithaca and London Cornell University Press, 1994); Richard Katz, http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/external/asdp/polisci/easian/polsci680.htm | |
75. Journal Of Law And Information Science hui yang and Minjie Zhang Legal Aspects of the Application of AgentBased Information Retrieval on the Internet. Penney McFarlane, Anne Fuller Equity http://www.jlis.law.utas.edu.au/v12i1.html | |
76. TWO ROC WARSHIPS DECOMMISSIONED The ceremony for the decommissioning of the hui yang and the Han Yang was held 906 hui yang began service in the ROC Navy in 1971, carried out more than http://www.fas.org/news/taiwan/1999/e-08-16-99-26.htm | |
77. 2001 ZongDuo Dai, Ding-Feng Ye, Ding-Yi Pei, Jun-hui yang,. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. Vol.37,No.7,2001.2. 9. ON THE SENSITIVITI OF THE LDU FACTORIZATION. Wenjun Li http://www.rdcps.ac.cn/shouye/article2001.html |
78. Canadian Literature: Review Edited by Mayfair Meihui yang. U of Minnesota P US$19.95 Order It! The purpose of the book, as Mayfair Mei-hui yang, the editor, explains, http://www.canlit.ca/reviews/archive/169/662_ng.html | |
79. Hui Yang http://icqs.iphy.ac.cn/old web/faculty/hyang.htm |
80. Circulation Research -- Subspecialty Collections : Smooth Muscle Proliferation A Growth Factor {alpha} Receptor in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Zhao-hui yang, Yutaka Kitami, Yasunori Takata, Takafumi Okura, and Kunio Hiwada http://circres.ahajournals.org/cgi/collection/smooth_muscle_proliferation_differ |
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