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41. S.F. International Asian American Film Festival 2005 Chihui yang FESTIVAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Taro Goto FESTIVAL ASSOCIATE Lynne Connor Chi-hui yang La Donna Yumori-Kaku SPECIAL PROGRAM CURATORS http://www.naatanet.org/festival/2005/html/staff.html | |
42. Project MUSE Mayfair Meihui yang teaches in the anthropology and religious studies departments at the University of California, Santa Barbara. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/public_culture/v016/16.2yang.html | |
43. ICEE 2001 Author Index Yang, HsiaoHui. A STUDY ON THE TEACHING ENVIRONMENT PERCEPTION FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. Session Assessment 5. Yu-Min Chang, Hsiao-hui yang, Chy-Ling Kau http://www.ineer.org/Events/ICEE2001/Proceedings/authors/Y.htm | |
44. Grace Yang Hui hui yang, TatSeng Chua, Effective Web Page Classification for Finding List Answers, hui yang, Hang Cui, Min-Yen Kan, Mstislav Maslennikov, Long Qiu, http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~yangh/ | |
45. PUBLICATIONS hui yang and TatSeng Chua. Effectiveness of Web page classification on finding hui yang, Tat-Seng Chua and Shuguang Wang. Modeling web knowledge for http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~chuats/publications.htm | |
46. Dechert LLP Lawyers Tsunghui yang Staff Attorney Philadelphia +1.215.994.2164 (fax) +1.215.994.2222 Tsung-hui yang is a staff attorney in the litigation department. http://www.dechert.com/lawyers/lawyers.jsp?pg=detail&id=5612 |
47. :: Angelic-Dream.net :: Version. 5 Eyes Of Mystery :: 800x600 1024x768 Credit Anh (my sis for helping with some part). 31 Jul 2005 by Yuki hui yang comments (10). Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next http://angelic-dream.net/ | |
48. ETDs Browse Page Wenhui yang, Tailoring the Domestic Software Project Estimation Process and Hsin-hui yang, An Action research of the Influence of Knowledge Sharing http://pc01.lib.ntust.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-browse/browse?first_letter=Y |
49. Dan-Hui Yang Danhui yang. On the Molecular Mechanism of LHCII Proteolysis During Photoacclimation of Photosystem II. Higher plants and green algae have a remarkable http://www.su.se/forskning/disputationer/spikblad/DanYang.html | |
50. Title Mayfair Meihui yang. The said return of the religious, . . . is not a simple return, for its globality and its figures (tele-techno-media-scientific, http://www.newschool.edu/gf/publicculture/backissues/pc43/yang.html | |
51. Untitled Document There are comprehensive facilities and provide with dutyfree shop inside the port area. Company Address Au Tou Town, hui yang City, Guangdong Tel. No. http://www.cksp.com.hk/eng/route/route_intro1.html | |
52. Licensees Of MPEG-2: Information From Answers.com Eastwin Technology Inc. Eastwin Technology Industries (hui yang) Co. HT Ventures, Inc. Hughes Network Systems; hui yang Eastway Electronics Co., Ltd http://www.answers.com/topic/licensees-of-mpeg-2 | |
53. Title YunJin Hu*, Yong-Yong Ji, Yu-Lin Wu, Bing-hui yang, Ming Yeh. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 1997 7(13) 1601-1606 |
54. ExEAS - Syllabi Mayfair Meihui yang, From Gender Erasure to Gender Difference State Thoughts on Transnational Feminism in China, in Mayfair Mei-hui yang (ed. http://www.exeas.org/syllabi/gender-in-east-asia.html | |
55. University Of Wollongong - SITACS hui yang, Minjie Zhang, Xiaohua Yang, Fusion methods based on common order Minjie Zhang, hui yang (student), Xiaohua Yang, Minshen Tan, Zhenyu Liu http://www.itacs.uow.edu.au/research/publications/2001.shtml | |
56. Electronic Research Announcements Enhui yang Affiliation Department of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 En-hui yang and John C. Kieffer, Efficient Universal Lossless Data http://www.ams.org/era/1997-03-02/S1079-6762-97-00018-8/home.html | |
57. Untitled Document CHIhui yang is the Exhibition and Festival Director at NAATA, which presents the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival (SFIAAFF). http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ethnic/911/yang.html | |
58. World J Gastroenterol Yin hui yang, Xiao Bing Fu, Tong Zhu Sun, Li Xian Jiang and Xiao Man Gu Correspondence to Dr. Yin hui yang, Trauma Center, the 304th Hospital, http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/6/147.asp |
59. World J Gastroenterol JingLin Xia, Hui-Chuan Sun, Lu Wang, Jian Zhou, Lun-Xiu Qin, Yan Li, Zeng-Chen Ma, Xin-Da Zhou, Zhi-Quan Wu, Zhi-Ying Lin, Bing-hui yang, Lian-Sheng Ma http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/Review.asp |
60. International Business Data YUAN INDUSTRY YING SHAN LIANG JING hui yang,GUANGDONG,CHINA. Representative of Legal entity. Yang Chao. Postal Code. 516265. General Manager. Yang Chao http://english.ibd.com.cn/search/detail.asp?sysno=62 |
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