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21. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On September 3, 1999
hudde, johann Jan van Waveren (16281704). Short biography and references.Hypsicles of Alexandria Hypsikles von Alexandria (c. 190 BC - c. 120 BC)
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22. Math Lessons - Johann Van Waveren Hudde
Math Lessons johann van Waveren hudde. johann van Waveren hudde (April 23,1628 - April 15, 1704) was a mathematician.
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Johann van Waveren Hudde
Johann van Waveren Hudde April 23 April 15 ) was a mathematician He was born and died in Amsterdam Netherlands
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Categories Dutch mathematicians 17th century mathematicians 18th century mathematicians ... 1704 deaths Last updated: 09-02-2005 13:36:33 algebra arithmetic calculus equations ... mathematicians

23. Death And Statistics
johann hudde was burgomaster (mayor) of Amsterdam for 30 years, from 1672 to 1702.To raise funds, the Amsterdam city government took to selling annuities.
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24. The Galileo Project
Karlheinz Haas, Die mathematischen Arbeiten von johann hudde (16281704)Bürgermeister von Amsterdam, Centaurus, 4 (1956), 235-84.
Hudde, Jan
1. Dates
Born: Amsterdam, April or May 1628. He was baptized on 23 May.
Died: Amsterdam, 15 April 1704
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Merchant, Aristocrat
Gerrit Hudde, a merchant and patrician.
Considering Hudde's career, the father must have been affluent at the very least, and Hudde must have inherited an adequate estate.
3. Nationality
Birth: Dutch
Career: Dutch
Death: Dutch
4. Education
Schooling: Leiden
He studied law in Leiden about 1648. Here he met mathe- matics through Schooten. There is no mention of a degree.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Calvinist by assumption
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Mathematics
Subordinate: Optics
His contribution to mathematics came entirely during the years 1654-63. There is no evidence that he did any further work in mathematics after 1663.
He was also interested in optics. He produced microscopes with spherical lenses and worked with Spinoza on the construction of telescopic lenses. His correspondence with Spinoza indicates that he composed a Dioptrica.
7. Means of Support

25. The Galileo Project
Michel Antoine Hacki, johann Hevelius, Jan hudde, Lodewijk Huygens, Guy Picolet, La Correspondence de Jean Picard avec johann Hevelius (16711679)
Picard, Jean
1. Dates
Born: La Flèche, 21 July 1620
Died: Paris, 12 October 1682
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Pub
Picard's father was almost certainly Jean Picard, a bookseller in La Flèche; possibly I should consider him a small merchant in a provincial town, but I am listing everyone connected with the book trade under "Pub." Nothing is known of Picard's youth.
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: Paris, M.A.
Picard probably did his early studies at the Jesuit college at La Flèche. Considerably later he earned an M.A. from Paris is 1650. As usual, I assume a B.A. There is no indication of what he did between La Flèche and his studies in Paris, a period of about twelve years.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic
Picard was ordained a priest in 1650. He held at least four benefices.
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Astronomy, Cartography, Instrumentation
Subordinate: Physics, Optics, Hydraulics
The usual story of Picard is that he was the gardener of the Duke of Crequi. Jacques de Valois, having met Picard, inspired him to make astronomical observations. The Picolet volume demonstrates that this story is not true.
Picard became very involved in astronomy and made observations with Gassendi in Paris in the period 1645 to 1652. With Auzout he perfected the movable-wire micrometer and utilized it to measure the diameter of the sun, moon, and planets. In 1667 Picard applied the astronomical telescope to the quadrant and the sector expanding their usefulness in observations. He made other innovations in instrumentation as well.

26. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Hudde
According to Boyer s HoM, johann hudde (16291704) was for about thirty johann hudde Latin, huddensis. Born at Amsterdam, probably in 1628 or 1629;
Re: [HM] Hudde
Subject: Re: [HM] Hudde
From: Antreas P. Hatzipolakis (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 10:50:17 EST I wrote:
1628 (my typo)
And Avinoam Mann remarked:
Dear Avinoam,
Smith [1] writes:
[Johann Hudde] Latin, Huddensis. Born at Amsterdam, probably in 1628 or 1629;
died at Amsterdam, April 16, 1704.
[1] D.E. Smith: History of Mathematics. Dover, 1958 (First Publ. in 1923).
Vol. I, p. 425, footnote #7. Antreas

27. Untitled
However, johann hudde (16281704) and René François de Sluse (1622-1685) foundeasily used algorithms. These algorithms were to be adapted by Newton.
Next: About this document
April 2, 1997 Early Calculus I Albert Girard (1595-1632) - Theory of Equations Jan de Witt (1623-1672) - Analytic Geometry Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) - Scientific Journal/Society Girard Desargues (1591-1661) - Projective Geometry Frans von Schooten (1615-1660) - Analytic Geometry Christian Huygens (1629-1695) - Probability Johann Hudde Early Probability Early serious attempts at probability had already been attempted by Cardano and Tartaglia. They desired a better understanding of gambling odds. Some study about dice date even earlier. There are recorded attempts to understand odds dating back to Roman times. Cardano published Liber de Ludo Alea (Book on Games of Chance) in 1526. He discusses dice as well stakes games. He then computes fair stakes based on the number of outcomes. He was also aware of independent events and the multiplication rule: if A and B are independent events then Cardano discussed this problem: How many throws must be allowed to provide even odds for attaining two sixes on a pair of dice? Cardano reasoned it should be 18. He also argued that with a single dice, three rolls are required for even odds of rolling a 2. He was wrong. This type problem still challenges undergraduate math majors to this day.

28. Ancient Mathematicians
johann hudde Pierre Varignon. Albert Einstein. Pierre Raymond de Montmort johann Heinrich Lambert Pierre Simon Laplace Adrian Marie Legendre
Home Page Manor Elementary Harbor Elementary Middle School ... School Calendar The History of Mathematics Ehrenfried Walther von Tchirnhausen Vincenzo Viviani William, Viscount Brouncker Pierre de Fermat ... John Collins Francios Viete Evangelista Torricelli John Pell Renee Descartes Johann Hudde ... Pierre Varignon Albert Einstein Pierre Raymond de Montmort Gabriel Cramer Brook Taylor Jean Paul de Gua de Malves ... School Calendar

29. Leibniz' Life (1672-1676)
met Jean Swammerdam (natural historian) and johann hudde (mathematician) inAmsterdam. met Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (natural historian) in Delft,
Home Leibniz Chronicle LEIBNIZ's LIFE and WORKS.
Paris Years (1672-1676)
Mar sent to Paris for diplomatic purpose ( realization of Concilium Aegyptiacum
tumn first contact with Christiaan Huygens.
recommends Leibniz to read John Wallis, Arithmetica infinitorum and Gregorius a S. Vincentio, Opus geometricum
Jan a visit to London for diplomatic purpose.
Feb in London. meets Heinrich Oldenburg , the secretary of the Royal Society, and presents a model of his calculator (not yet completed) at the Royal Society. meets Robert Boyle Robert Hook criticizes his calculator. became a member of the Royal Society. Boyle

after Mar through a controversy with British mathematicians, realizes his deficiency in mathematical knowledge. Leibniz consults with Huygens, and then studies latest and advanced mathematics (reads Pascal, Huygens, Descartes, James Gregory and others'). the beginning of a career as a mathematician. Sep lost a job (as the tutor of the son of Boineburg), and then he earns his living mainly as a legal counselor. contacts with Colbert , researches the French way of economy and industry.

30. Comments And Explanations
johann hudde was mayor of Amsterdam for thirty years. There are two Frans vanSchootens, father and son, who were both professors in Leiden.
Comments and explanations
  • The "recent" part of the information is from the Mathematics Genealogy Project . For the older part, I have relied on biographies; here "advising" needs to be interpreted more broadly than the supervision of doctoral theses. Resources consulted include, among others, Mac Tutor Wikipedia , the Catholic Encyclopedia , the Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon , the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , and the Dictionary of Scientific Biography. The online catalogs of several German university libraries, most notably Halle-Wittenberg, Tuebingen, and Leipzig, were also helpful.
  • Goertler's name is often associated with Ludwig Prandtl. Indeed, he worked under Prandtl during the period following his doctorate. The work on Goertler vortices was done in Prandtl's lab.
  • There were two scientists named Robert Daublebsky von Sterneck, who were father and son. The one in the table is the son; he is known for computational work related to the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. The father was a surveying engineer in the Austrian military.
  • Frischauf is known for his contributions to mountaineering in Slovenia in addition to work in astronomy and cartography. The Oesterreichisches Biographisches Lexikon says he studied mathematics and physics under Moth and Petzval. I was unable to find specifics.
  • 31. Mathematicians Mathematics Science
    hudde, johann (1); Huygens, Christian (1); Ivory, James (1). Kolmogorov (8);L Hospital, Guillaume (1); Lagrange, Joseph (1); Lambert, johann (1)
    Encyclopedia Music Library Music Message Board Geography ... Mathematics : Mathematicians See also: Based on:
  • Some of the content in this category is sourced from the public domain Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball (Published at 1902) at Category editor: devans
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  • 32. Index: Mathematicians Of The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries
    Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792 1871) Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703) johann hudde (1633 - 1704) Christian Huygens (1629 - 1695)
    Index: Mathematicians of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
    Available here are accounts of the lives and works of seventeenth and eighteenth century mathematicians (and some other scientists), adapted from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball (4th Edition, 1908). The mathematicians and scientists are listed below in alphabetical order. These biographies constitute part of the collection of online material relating to the history of mathematics at the School of Mathematics , Trinity College, Dublin. Maintained by
    David R. Wilkins

    School of Mathematics

    Trinity College, Dublin

    33. Johann Hudde Université Montpellier II
    johann Heinrich Lambert johann hudde johannhudde (1628-1704). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident

    34. Johann Heinrich Lambert Université Montpellier II
    johann Doppelmayr johann Faulhaber johann FriedrichPfaff johann Heinrich Lambert johann hudde johann Radon johann Segner

    35. Math History - Baroque Era
    His proof uses a method due to hudde. 1692, Leibniz introduces the term coordinate . johann Bernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli and Leibniz all solve it.

    Math History Timeline Baroque Era
    1600-1700 A.D.
    Math History
    Prehistory and Ancient Times
    Middle Ages Renaissance Reformation ... 20th Century ... non-Math History
    Prehistory and Ancient Times
    Middle Ages Renaissance Reformation ... External Resources Kepler publishes Astronomia nova (New Astronomy). The work contains Kepler's first and second law on elliptical orbits, but only verified for the planet Mars. Napier publishes his work on logarithms in Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (Description of the Marvellous Rule of Logarithms). Kepler publishes Nova stereometria doliorum vinarorum (Solid Geometry of a Wine Barrel), an investigation of the capacity of casks, surface areas, and conic sections. He first had the idea at his marriage celebrations in 1613. His methods are early uses of the calculus. Briggs publishes Logarithmorum chilias prima (Logarithms of Numbers from 1 to 1,000) which introduces logarithms to the base 10.

    36. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results
    johann van Waveren hudde Born 23 April 1628 in Amsterdam, Netherlands Died 15April 1704 in Amsterdam, Netherlands Click the picture above to see two

    37. Frans Van Schooten -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    Christiaan Huygens, (Click link for more info and facts about johann vanWaveren hudde) johann van Waveren hudde, and René de Sluze as students.
    Frans van Schooten
    [Categories: Mathematicians, 1660 deaths, 1615 births]
    Franciscus Schooten (1615 - May 29, 1660) was a (The West Germanic language of the Netherlands) Dutch (A person skilled in mathematics) mathematician who is most known for popularizing the (The use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system) analytic geometry of (French philosopher and mathematician; developed dualistic theory of mind and matter; introduced the use of coordinates to locate a point in two or three dimensions (1596-1650)) René Descartes
    Schooten read Descartes's Géométrie (an appendix to his Discours de la méthode ) while it was still unpublished. Finding it hard to understand, he went to France to study the works of other important mathematicians of his time, such as (Click link for more info and facts about François Viète) François Viète and (French mathematician who founded number theory; contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665)) Pierre de Fermat
    Schooten's father was a professor of mathematics at (A city in the western Netherlands; residence of the Pilgrim Fathers for 11 years before they sailed for America in 1620)

    38. Schooten, Frans Van (1615-1660)
    to promote the spread of Cartesian geometry, and trained many students includingJan DeWitt, Christian Huygens, johann hudde, and Hendrick van Heuraet.
    Biographical Information: Frans van Schooten (1615-1660) was the son of Frans van Schooten, a professor at the engineering school in Leiden who was also involved with military engineering projects. Little is known about Schooten (the younger) prior to his enrollment in the university in Leiden in 1631. Though he received an intense education in mathematics, there is no mention of him completing his degree. While in Leiden in 1637 Schooten met Rene Descartes and developed a close and strong relationship with him, evening reading the proofs of Descartes’ Geometry. Soon afterwards with an introduction from Descartes, Schooten left the confines of Leiden, and traveled abroad to meet members of the mathematical communities in London and Paris (Mersenne’s circle). His travels lasted until 1643, after which time he returned to Leiden and published the works of Viète and Descartes. He became an assistant to his father at the university, and two years later in 1645, upon the death of his father, received his father’s position at the university. Schooten became one of the main people to promote the spread of Cartesian geometry, and trained many students including Jan DeWitt, Christian Huygens, Johann Hudde, and Hendrick van Heuraet. Schooten’s own work, the Geometria a Renato Des Cartes , appeared in two volumes 1659-1661. But many considered Schooten’s contributions to mathematics modest at best, especially his 1657 work

    39. Homepage Of Varoujan "Maz" Mazmanian
    Grégoire de SaintVincent (1584 - 1667) Evangelista Torricelli (1608 - 1647) johann hudde (1633 - 1704) Bernard Frénicle de Bessy (c.1605 - 1670)
    Main Courses History of Math Contact ... Stevens Institute of Technology
    The History of Mathematics
    Mathematicians of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
    Available here are accounts of the lives and works of seventeenth and eighteenth century mathematicians (and some other scientists), adapted from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball (4th Edition, 1908). The ordering of the mathematicians and scientists below is approximately chronological. A separate index is provided which lists these people in alphabetical order.

    40. Famous Mathematicians With An H
    Alston Householder Sir Hoyle Edwin Hubble johann hudde Georges Humbert PierreHumbert Edward Huntington Witold Hurewicz Adolf Hurwitz Christiaan Huygens
    Mathematicians - H
    Alfred Haar
    Jean Hachette
    Jacques Hadamard
    John Hadley
    Hans Hahn
    Jaroslav Hajek
    Abu Ali al-Haitam
    Marshall Jr. Hall
    Philip Hall
    Edmond Halley
    Paul Halmos George Halphen George Halsted Christine Hamill William Hamilton Hankel Hermann Claude Hardy G.H. Hardy Thomas Harriot Brian Hartley Douglas Hartree Abu Kamil al Hasib Helmut Hasse Lene Hau Stephen Hawking Louise Hay Ellen Hayes Olive Hazlett Abu Ali al Haytham Thomas Heath Oliver Heaviside Percy Heawood Daniel Hecht Erich Hecke Earle Hedrick Poul Heegaard Hans Heilbronn Eduard Heine Werner Heisenberg Ernst Hellinger Eduard Helly Hermann von Helmholtz Zhang Heng Olaus Henrici Kurt Hensel Heraclides Jacques Herbrand Pierre Herigone Jakob Hermann Charles Hermite Caroline Herschel John Herschel Yitz Herstein Otto Hesse Hendrik van Heuraet Arend Heyting Graham Higman David Hilbert George Hill

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