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21. Registro Completo Translate this page Autor(es) hormander, lars. Título THE ANALYSIS OF LINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS. Editorial Berlin etc Springer-Verlag 1983. http://www.iac.es/biblio/libros/spa/r000005/r004731.htm | |
22. Paths To Erdos Roth 1958 Germany 2 Rene Thom 1958 France 4 lars hormander 1962 Sweden 3 Hungary/USA 3 Friedrich E. Hirzebruch 1988 Germany 3 lars hormander 1988 http://www.oakland.edu/enp/erdpaths.html | |
23. Astrologos Books, NY , AS NEW Print-to-order B W......Edited by lars hormander. Title, Seminar on Singularities of Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations. http://www.astrologos.org/P_S/page000258.htm | |
24. Lars Hörmander lars Hörmander. Lunds Universitet Matematiska Institutionen Box 118 221 00 LUND, Rum 511 Tel 046222 85 56 E-mail lars.hormander@math.lu.se. http://www.maths.lth.se/matematiklu/personal/lvh/ | |
25. Why Isn't There A Nobel Prize In Mathematics? by lars Garding and lars hormander (pgs. 734 of Mathematical Intelligencer73,1985). The authors point out that Mittag-Leffler and Nobel had almost no http://mathforum.org/social/articles/ross.html | |
26. Documents For An Access Point 3, lars hormander, Analysis of partial differential operators I Distribution Author(s), lars hormander. Publication, Berlin SpringerVerlage , 1983 http://libibm.iucaa.ernet.in/slim/wslxRSLT.php?A1=4135 |
27. History Of Mathematics: Fields Medals lars hormander; John Milnor. 1966. Michael Atiyah; Paul Cohen; Alexander Grothendieck; Stephen Smale. 1970. Alan Baker; Heisuke Hironaka; Serge Novikov http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/fieldsmedal.html | |
28. Obras Daniel Série Matemática, 1) BDBH QA377.4 hormander, lars H812L Linear partial differential operators. 2.ed. rev. New 2.ed. York, Academic Press; Berlin, Springer, http://www.ime.usp.br/bib/daniel.html | |
29. Univ. Of Haifa Library - New Items List - Index By Authors hormander, lars The analysis of linear partial differential operators / operators. Horn, Peter, Ph.D. Clinical ethics casebook. Horne, Gerald Race war http://lib.haifa.ac.il/www/sdi/a72.html | |
30. Xref: Info.physics.utoronto.ca News.answers:30349 Sci.answers:1657 Sci.math:7371 Rene Montbeliard France 35 U of Strasbourg France 1962 hormander, lars Mjallby Sweden 31 U of Stockholm Sweden 1962 Milnor, John Orange NJ USA 31 http://www.skepticfiles.org/faq/math2faq.htm | |
31. Wolf Prize Recipients In Mathematics and lars hormander, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, for fundamental work in modern analysis, in particular, the application of pseudodifferential and http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Society_&_Culture/wolfmath.html | |
32. Contents Of Volume 3, 1999 lars Garding, A Happy Collaboration. G. Lusztig, Recollections about My Jan Boman and lars hormander, A PaleyWiener Theorem for the Analytic Wave Front http://www.ims.cuhk.edu.hk/~ajm/vol3/vol3.html | |
33. Berkeley Book List: Mathematics The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators 1, lars hormander. Knots and Links, Dale Rolfsen, American Mathematical Society, 2004 http://books.berkeley.edu/2003/math.shtml | |
34. Diploma & Master's - The Library, The Abdus Salam ICTP hormander, L. (lars);. Amsterdam, NorthHolland, 1973. 517.55 HOE 3rd ed. An introduction to complex analysis in several variables. 3rd rev. ed. http://library.ictp.it/pages/diploma/dsearch.php?PAGE=0 |
35. Journal D'Analyse Mathematique - Editorial Board Henri Cartan, Paul Malliavin, Barry Simon. Charles Fefferman, GD Mostow, EM Stein. lars hormander, Louis Nirenberg, Shlomo Sternberg http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/jdm/board.html | |
36. Prizes, Awards, And Honors For Women Mathematicians Garding, lars and lars hormander. Why is there no Nobel prize in mathematics? The Mathematical Intelligencer, 7(3)(1985), 7374. Ross, Peter. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/prizes.htm | |
37. Matematica - Articoli - Interventi Di
lars hormander John Willard MILNOR. 1966. Michael Francis ATIYAH Paul Joseph COHEN Alexander GROTHENDIECK Stephen SMALE. 1970. Alan BAKER Heisuke HIRONAKA http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/interventi/medaglie-fields-elenco.htm | |
38. Www.china-pub.com/search/power_search/power_search Lectures on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations lars Lectures on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations lars hormander hormander L hormander. http://www.china-pub.com/search/power_search/power_search.jsp?key1=Lars Hormande |
39. Wolf Prize -- From MathWorld 1988, Friedrich Hirzebruch (MaxPlanck-Institut and University of Bonn, Bonn, W. Germany) and lars hormander (University of Lund, Lund, Sweden) http://mathworld.wolfram.com/WolfPrize.html | |
40. Awards Klaus Breslau Germany 32 1958 Thom, Rene Montbeliard France 35 1962 hormander, lars Mjallby Sweden 31 1962 Milnor, John Orange, NJ USA 31 1966 Atiyah, http://www.arthurhu.com/index/aaward.htm | |
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