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61. ANTIQUARIAAT SIGMA Rare And Scholarly Books: Physical Sciences ( Physics, Astron 3309 hopf, eberhard Mathematical Problems of Radiative Equilibrium. Cambridge Tractsin Mathematics, 31. First edition.. . VIII + 104 p. http://home.introweb.nl/~jonsigma/physcien.htm | |
62. Volume 12, Number 1 2, March/July 1994 CONTENTS ERRATA IN THE GER KOOLE An Optimal Dice Rolling Policy for Risk. 49. PAULO RIBENBOIM PrimeNumber Records. 53. AROUND MATHEMATICS. ANDRZEJ ICHA eberhard hopf (19021983) http://www.cwi.nl/publications/NAW/NaW/12_ma_jul_94.html | |
63. Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society The bakers map, invented by eberhard hopf in 1937, is an intuitively accesible,twodimensional chaos-generating discrete dynamical system. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ddns/volume-5/S1026022600000467.html | |
64. History Of Approximation Theory eberhard hopf s thesis, under E. Schmidt and I. Schur, characterizes thosefunctions on a given interval whose nth divided differences are nonnegative or, http://www.math.technion.ac.il/hat/papers.html | |
65. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library Selected works of eberhard hopf with commentary / Cathleen S. Morawetz, James B.Serrin, Yakov G. Sinai, editors. hopf, eberhard, 1902, Hargrave-Andrew http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/collections/newtitles/science/science-040202.html | |
66. AIM Book Library: Selected works of eberhard hopf with commentaries / Cathleen S. Morawetz, James B.Serrin, Yakov G. Sinai, editors. hopf, eberhard, 1902 http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=books;mode=display;BrowseCall |
67. USP/SIBi - DEDALUS Galves, A, Introducao aos sistemas markovianos de particulas, 19? Ver_Completo,2, 0314154, hopf, eberhard 1902-, Ergodentheorie, 1948 c1937 http://dedalus.usp.br:4500/ALEPH/POR/USP/USP/DEDALUS/FIND-ACC/0133834 | |
68. BIND - The Biomolecular Interaction Network Bouwmeester T; Bauch A; Ruffner H; Angrand PO; Bergamini G; Croughton K; Cruciat C;eberhard D; Gagneur J; Ghidelli S; hopf C; Huhse B; Mangano R; Michon AM http://bind.ca/Action?pg=3001&identifier=bindid&idsearch=209986 |
69. A Record Of Continuous News Service For Over Half A Century -T - 9 W Professor Victor O. Homerberg, Professor eberhard hopf, Mr. John Kirkwood,Professor Warren K. Lewis, Professor William H. Mc Adams, Professor Hans http://www-tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_054/TECH_V054_S0118_P001.txt |
70. Phys. Rev. 87, 111 (1952): Klein - The Ergodic Theorem In... 17, 656 (1931); eberhard hopf, Ergodentheorie (Chelsea Publishing Company, NewYork, 1948); AI Khinchin, Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.87.111 | |
71. ChaosBook Links Rick Heller Tony Hey hopf, eberhard Philip J. Holmes Tom Imbo Jacobi Nathan Jacobson Anders Johansen Anders Johansen/astro http://www.nbi.dk/ChaosBook/extras/links.html | |
72. Person Eberhard Hopf an Gustav Herglotz, 21. Oktober 1945 Arnold Sommerfeld an Werner http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/01387.html | |
73. Suche Nach Personen hopf, Dietrich (*1918) hopf, eberhard (1902-1983) hopf, Elise (1865-1936) hopf, Hans (1854-1918) hopf, Hans (*1913) http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/H.html | |
74. 6063 Ludwig Arnold Zufaellige Dynamische Systeme. Jber. DMV 96 934 eberhard hopf Ergodentheorie. Chelsea 1948. Andrzej Huczynski Topologicalproperties in models of dynamical systems generated by invertible http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-Dynamical-systems/d-Topological-dynam |
75. Matematici Famosi Translate this page eberhard hopf (1902-1983). Negli ultimi dieci anni di vita era molto ammalato e 5086 Manfred Denker eberhard hopf 1902-1983. Jber. DM 92 (1990), 47-57. http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-The-mathematician/t-Mathematicians-A- | |
76. «» · Act Of Creation,The(Koestler),192/« Translate this page hopf,eberhard,50/?. hopf instability,50?52/(?). Hubbard,JohnH.,96/?. Huxley,Andrew,129/?. hypercycles,154?55/? http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/resguide/tmirror/tb07.htm |
77. Jahrgang November 1990 Translate this page hopf, eberhard Jürgens, Dirk Jürgens, Karin Kahmann, Gabriele Kearsley, JörgenKlamt, Thomas Kleeberg, Christian Köhler, Gita Kröger, Astrid http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/kat/14626.html | |
78. Neuanschaffungen 3/2004 Translate this page hopf, eberhard, Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen gewissen höheren Differenzenquotientenreeller Funktionen einer reellen Variablen 1926 http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/biblio/neu3_2004.html | |
79. DMV Translate this page hopf, eberhard (1902-1983), 92, 47-57. hopf, Heinz (1894-1971), 78, 113-146.Hoppe, Reinhold (1816-1900), 9, 33-58 *. Hoppe, Robert (1857-1899) http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/nachr_u.html | |
80. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page M, hopf, eberhard, Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen gewissen höheren Differenzen-Quotientenreeller Funktionen einer reellen Variablen und deren http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/dissertationen/1926.html | |
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