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41. Jacques-Louis Lions came back to life in 1951, when eberhard hopf established the longtimeexistence of weak solutions for bounded domains in three dimensions. http://www.siam.org/siamnews/07-01/lions.htm | |
42. Heinz Hopf Translate this page Die Treffer zu Wiener-hopf beziehen sich nicht auf Heinz sondern auf eberhard hopf.Sucht man im Zentralblatt MATH nach Titeln, die die Wörter hopf algebra* http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homo-heid/hopf.htm | |
43. Infinite Dimensional Chaos In The Broadest Sense > GaianXaos called the first excitation, was rigorously explored by eberhard hopf in 1942.This event, which is now commonly called a hopf bifurcation, involves the http://www.gaianxaos.com/xaos_dynamic_insanity.htm | |
44. Mathematics Unbound Abstracts Fortunately, eberhard hopf s book, Ergodentheorie, brought much of the worktogether when published in 1937 in the Ergebnisse series. http://www.math.virginia.edu/MathUnbound/abstracts.htm | |
45. References 24 eberhard hopf, ``An Inequality for Positive Linear Integral Operators, Journal for Mathematics and Mechanics 12 683692 (1963). http://delta.cs.cinvestav.mx/~mcintosh/newweb/cf/node59.html | |
46. Direction Des Bibliothèques, Université De Montréal Selected Works of eberhard hopf with Commentaries. QA 377 K36 2003 Kappeler, T.KdV KAM. QA 377 V5614 2001 Vinogradov, AM http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MI/NAcq20040917.htm | |
47. New Books H662 2002 Selected Works of eberhard hopf with Commentaries Ed. by CS MorawetzQA331.7 .S74 2003 Stein, Elias M. Complex Analysis Princeton http://www.sunysb.edu/library/math/book_archive.html | |
48. Chaos,Entropy And The Arrow Of Time The foundations of ergodic theory were laid down by John von Neumann, GeorgeBirkhoff, eberhard hopf and Paul Halmos during the 1930s and more recently http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/entropy.html | |
49. Alexander Barvinok, Selected Works of eberhard hopf with Commentaries This work celebrates thework of eberhard hopf, a founding father of ergodic theory, a mathematician http://www.yurinsha.com/353/p9.htm | |
50. [KOAKIDI] Otto Rössler eberhard hopf came, Benoît Mandelbrot of fracal fame, Bob May, the magicean, whomI secretely hold responsible for the chaos success, Jim Yorke, http://www.koakidi.com/article.php3?id_article=194 |
51. Artist Hans Hopf Artist Hans hopf Popular Music. Adolph Kurt Bohm, Wiener Staatsopernorchester,eberhard Wächter, Grace Hoffmann, Hans hopf, Leonie Rysanek http://www.thaipro.com/shop/12u-music-Artist-Hans Hopf.htm | |
52. AMS Prize - Leroy P. Steele Prizes August 1981 To eberhard hopf for three papers of fundamental and lastingimportance Abzweigung einer periodischen Lösung von einer stationären Lösung http://www.ams.org/prizes/steele-prize.html | |
53. MathComp Database - Browse - List 1, Hope, GS (Gordon Sidney), 1931. 1, hopf, eberhard, 1902-. 1, Hopgood, Adrian A.3, Hopgood, FRA (Frank Robert Albert). 1, Hopper, Andrew http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/COMP/SCAN-F/0442025 | |
54. MathComp Database - Full View Of Document to mail the record to your email account. SYSNO, 1054481. Holdings. Shelf No.106 HO. Author, hopf, eberhard, 1902- http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/COMP/FIND-ACC/0445749 | |
55. Eberhard Hopf Université Montpellier II Translate this page eberhard hopf (1902-1983). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1301 |
56. PNAS -- Index By Author (Feb 15 1948, 34 (2)) hopf, eberhard. K. Kasner, Edward. M. Mautner, FI. P. Piotrowski, SL. R. Roman,Herschel. S. Salem, R. Shapley, Harlow http://www.pnas.org/content/vol34/issue2/aindex.shtml | |
57. PNAS -- Index By Author (Feb 15 1932, 18 (2)) hopf, eberhard Huntington, Edward V. L. Lacoss, DA Lefschetz, Solomon Lotka, AJ.M. Menzies, Alan WC Murnaghan, Francis D. http://www.pnas.org/content/vol18/issue2/aindex.shtml | |
58. Liste Historischer Mathematischer Dissertationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page 162, hopf, eberhard (1902-1983), H, Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen gewissenhöheren Differenzenquotienten reeller Funktionen einer reellen Variablen und http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/listen/histdisslist.php3?sec=H |
59. Liste Historischer Mathematischer Habilitationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page 39, hopf, eberhard (1902-1983), Zur mathematischen Theorie desStrahlungsgleichgewichts. (Kopff, Guthnick, Schmidt), Über die Theorie derMondbewegung. http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/listen/histhabillist.php3?sec=ALLE |
60. Protein Expression Laboratory Giovanna Bergamini, Karen Croughton, Cristina Cruciat, Dirk eberhard, JulienGagneur, Sonja Ghidelli, Carsten hopf, Bettina Huhse, Raffaella Mangano, http://web.ncifcrf.gov/rtp/PEL/highlights.asp | |
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