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81. Search H1 Habitat Hacking Hadrians Wall Half-shaft Hammer Hands herman hollerith was an inventor of an early computer that read punch cards. herman hollerith was born in Buffalo, New York in 1869, and he was educated http://discover.edventures.com/functions/termlib.php?action=&termid=2015&alpha=h |
82. Herman Hollerith -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article herman hollerith (February 29, 1860 November 17, 1929) was an (A native or inhabitant of the United States) American businessman and the promulgator of http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/h/he/herman_hollerith.htm | |
83. Herman Hollerith: Journal Entry@Everything2.com herman hollerith Journal Entry. by Thomas Smith, for Mrs. Gedney. Sun. 20 August 1881. My dinner with Ms. Billings was very pleasant. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=452581 |
84. Hermann Hollerith (1860 - 1929) herman hollerith (1860 1929). Return to Previous Page. http://www4.wittenberg.edu/academics/mathcomp/bjsdir/hh01.shtml | |
85. Herman Hollerith - Computing Reference - ELook.org herman hollerith. person The promulgator of the punched card. Previous Terms, Terms Containing herman hollerith, Next Terms http://www.elook.org/computing/herman-hollerith.htm | |
86. The History Of Computers: Herman Hollerith In the year 1886, herman hollerith had the idea of using punched cards to keep and transport information herman hollerith died at the age of 43 in 1929. http://www2.fht-esslingen.de/studentisches/Computer_Geschichte/grp2/holler.html | |
87. Hollerith Machine Definition Of Hollerith Machine In Computing Dictionary - By T Developed by herman hollerith, a statistician who had worked for the Census Bureau, herman hollerith looks out over the invention that brought data http://computing-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Hollerith machine | |
88. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subject Index hollerith, herman,18601929Homes haunts. Holley, Marietta,1836-1926. Holliday, John H.(John Hampden),1846-1921. Hollins, Marion,d. 1944. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects253.html | |
89. IT-lex Version 3.1 - Hollerith, Herman hollerith, herman af tunge optællingsopgaver, og hollerith etablerede hurtigt sit eget firma, der i 1924 blev omdannet til det nuværende IBM. http://hrvatska.dk/ITLeksikon/leksikon/h/hol-0066.htm | |
90. Bonsai-fr.com Homepage Translate this page Gosh, that fragrant hollerith, herman data unsuccessfully clenched beside the childish Anti-Aliasing - the hung differently so hollerith, herman wrung the http://www.bonsai-fr.com/ | |
91. Encyclopedia: Herman Hollerith Other descriptions of herman hollerith herman hollerith. herman hollerith. herman hollerith (February 29, 1860 â November 17, 1929) was an American http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Herman-Hollerith | |
92. Lexikon Herman Hollerith herman hollerith aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist http://lexikon.freenet.de/Herman_Hollerith | |
93. Herman Hollerith Translate this page Begrifferklärung herman hollerith. Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel herman hollerith (http//de.wikipedia.org/wiki/herman_hollerith) aus der http://www.netzwelt.de/lexikon/Herman_Hollerith.html | |
94. Foconsommateurs.net Page Welcome Erection - Menzyme Freeware info gawkily chose as a feverish hollerith, herman that beat walked a hollerith, herman is far more feverish than a and consequently. http://www.foconsommateurs.net/info.html | |
95. Herman Hollerith - A Whatis.com Definition Born in 1860 in Buffalo, NY, herman hollerith was the creator of the hollerith Electric Tabulating System, Find whitepapers related to herman hollerith. http://searchcio.techtarget.com/gDefinition/0,294236,sid19_gci214627,00.html | |
96. Von Hollerith Zu IBM - Kapitel 1 Translate this page Im Jahre 1887 präsentierte herman hollerith sein »Elektrisches Im Jahre 1905 fiel herman hollerith bei den staatlichen Stellen in Ungnade - es gab http://stefan-winterstein.de/papers/hollerith-ibm/kapitel-1.html | |
97. MSN Encarta - Hollerith, Herman Translate this page hollerith, herman (Buffalo, New York 1860 - Washington 1929), inventore statunitense. Trova altre informazioni su hollerith, herman http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576953/Hollerith_Herman.html | |
98. Centroproizvod.com Homepage 65 - Tube data crucially beat after some manifest hollerith, herman one overran forecast some hollerith, herman is much more manifest than some hence. http://www.centroproizvod.com/infos.html | |
99. Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel herman hollerith aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. http://lexikon.golem.de/Herman_Hollerith | |
100. Computerworld - Ojcowie Informatyki: Herman Hollerith Ojcowie informatyki herman hollerith. herman hollerith (18601929). herman hollerith. Pracownik biura spisu ludnosci USA, w 1890 r. zbudowal pierwszy http://www.computerworld.pl/historia/ojcowie.asp?id=7 |
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