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21. Western Australian Convicts - Scindian 1850 hirst thomas 10 15y 26 York .. .. 1847 House breaking aka HURST Holder Robert40 15y 26 Portsmouth .. .. 1847 Robbery . http://members.iinet.net.au/~perthdps/convicts/con-wa0.html | |
22. Yorkshire Strays Found In Yorkshire 1851 hirst thomas 20 Carcroft Barnby Dun JACKSON Eliz 32 Rotherham Barnby Dun JAQUESBetsy 7 Sheffield Barnby Dun JAQUES Eliz 63 Stainforth Barnby Dun http://members.lycos.co.uk/Carole_Clyde/newpage12.html | |
23. Old Age Pensions, QLD, 1908-1909: H Surnames - Judy Webster hirst thomas HISCOCK Diana HISLOP James HITCHCOCK Mary Ann HITCHCOCK Mary AnnHITCHMAN John HIXON Caroline HOAR Ann HOAR Ann HOAR Eliza HOAR John http://www.judywebster.gil.com.au/oap-h.html | |
24. WIRKSWORTH-Parish Records 1608-1899-1841 Census INDEX Elizabeth 20 W095b HIRST Elizabeth 25 W095c HIRST Jermyne 2 W095a hirst thomas30 W095d hirst thomas 1 Iw30a HIRSTHOUSE Samuel 75 W622f HITCHCOCK http://www.wirksworth.org.uk/C41-26.htm | |
25. WIRKSWORTH-Parish Records 1608-1899-Derbyshire Wills-09 Bradbourne) HILL Thomas 1621 Heath HILL Thomas 1637 (Blank) HILL Thomas 1666 Derby HIRST Richard 1894 Derby hirst thomas (rev) 1887 Holmesfield HIRST http://www.wirksworth.org.uk/W09.htm | |
26. Computer Science hirst thomas E 2. Ivovic Uros 3. Lau William 4. Loh Anthony 5. Mishra Sourav 1.Newman Robert 2. Patel Rahuld 3. Rodham Stephen 4. Skuse Tom Michael 5 http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~rws/CS122/groups.html | |
27. H DATA018 30 hirst thomas m 56 Eng Episcopal butcher married 31 HIRST {?} Ann f 58 EngEpiscopal married 32 HIRST Mary f 22 Eng Episcopal http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/6eh/c186h018.htm | |
28. World War 2 Ex Raf - Find A NameA hirst thomas Johnson Hitchcock George Edwin Hitchen John Thomas Hitchen Keneth Hives Samuel Arthur Hmenia J http://www.worldwar2exraf.co.uk/findanameH.html | |
29. Hirst Biography of thomas hirst (18301892) thomas hirst s father was in the wooltrade. It was a prosperous family, so much so that hirst s father retired http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Hirst.html | |
30. Hirst's Diary Below are quotations from thomas hirst s journals concerning mathematicians whosebiographies are given in this archive. The dates given refer to the date http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Hirst_comments.html | |
31. Hirst, Thomas Archer Université Montpellier II hirst, thomas Archer 10th August 1851 On Tuesday evening at (. J. Helen Gardnerand Robin J. Wilson, « thomas Archer hirst Mathematician Xtravagant http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=2587 |
32. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Materials by or relating to thomas Archer hirst can be found in the followingseries Referees Reports 9 reports by hirst on papers by (i) TP Kirkman, http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/2285.html | |
33. AIP International Catalog Of Sources by author. hirst, thomas Archer, 18301853. by title. Journals, 1850-1853 .MARC Display. Journals, 1850-1853. by hirst, thomas Archer, 1830-1853. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/184.html | |
34. Layout_1 Emma hirst (Swimming) Gareth thomas (Rugby) David Hubbard (Volleyball). Club Colours,Lee Manville, Matt Turland, Laura Brown, Liam Walsh, Anna Cowley, http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/sports/sports_ball_role_of_honour.html | |
35. 807 Milton Street 1945 hirst, thomas H. master mariner Canadian Government h 807 Milton 1955hirst, thomas H. retired h 807 Milton 1965 hirst, Albert R. clerk CZ Building http://www.nwheritage.org/heritagesite/homes/content/dhb/807milton.htm | |
36. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De hirst, thomas Archer (18301892) Mathematician. 4 records noted. Scope, 1850-53journals. Repository, Royal Institution of Great Britain http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?P=P14059 |
37. Genealogy Data hirst, thomas J. Birth SEP 1837 OH Gender Male Family. Marriage 5 SEP 1882in Licking Co., OH Spouse. HAGGERTY, Cecelia J. http://www.sff.net/people/kanago/genealogy/dat19.html | |
38. Genealogy Data Spouse. hirst, Esther Birth 1888 OH Gender Female Parents. Father hirst,thomas J. Mother HAGGERTY, Cecelia J. http://www.sff.net/people/kanago/genealogy/dat87.html | |
39. Visit Of Thomas Hirst Visit of thomas hirst. In Derby Hall, hirst appears.. .. in the dark.. ..unfortunately Robin is not there! The tutors drink to his name. http://mcs.open.ac.uk/tcl2/school/Hirst.htm | |
40. Ahead Of The 21st Century Wim Delvoye, Fischli / Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, Damien hirst, thomas Struth, Damien hirst s Alone Yet Together, a pseudoscientific installation of fish http://www.artbook.com/3775712518.html | |
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