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41. Fields Medal Prize Winners 1970 heisuke hironaka. born April 9, 1931, Yamaguchiken, Japan Harvard University.Generalized work of Zariski who had proved for dimension =3 the theorem http://www.icm2002.org.cn/general/prize/medal/1970.htm |
42. Fields Medal Prize Winners 1990 heisuke hironaka On the Work of Shigefumi Mori. Ludwig D. Faddeev On the Workof Edward Witten. Michael Atiyah (not delivered at the Congress) http://www.icm2002.org.cn/general/prize/medal/1990.htm |
43. Heisuke Hironaka -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article heisuke hironaka. Categories Japanese mathematicians, 20th century heisuke hironaka () (born April 9, 1931) is a (A constitutional monarchy http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/h/he/heisuke_hironaka.htm | |
44. The New York Review Of Books: Heisuke Hironaka Bibliography of books and articles by heisuke hironaka, from The New York Reviewof Books. http://www.nybooks.com/authors/4727 | |
45. The New York Review Of Books: WOUND TO SOVIET SCIENCE Philip A. Griffiths, Harvard University; heisuke hironaka, Harvard University,member of Academy of Sciences of Japan, Fields Medalist, 1970; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/8513 | |
46. Complex Analytic Desingularization (Aroca)-Springer Algebraic Geometry Book 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics, Preliminary entry 450 Aroca,Jose M., hironaka, heisuke, Vicente, Jose L. 2010, Hardcover http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-10042-72-52067277-0,00 | |
47. Complex Analytic Desingularization (Aroca)-Springer Algebraic Geometry Book Aroca, Jose M., hironaka, heisuke, Vicente, Jose L. 2010, Hardcover ISBN4431-70218-0 Order now, and we will ship when available. http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-10043-22-52067277-0,00 | |
48. Heisuke Hironaka Translate this page heisuke hironaka ( ) 58.4.2~60.1.30. hironaka. http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kenkyubu/past-director/hironaka.html | |
49. Fields Medal -- From MathWorld heisuke hironaka (Harvard University). Serge P. Novikov (Moscow University).John Griggs Thompson (Cambridge University) http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FieldsMedal.html | |
50. Fonds Heisuke Hironaka Translate this page Parmi les intervenants se trouvaient également heisuke hironaka et Mikhael GROMOV, Le Professeur heisuke hironaka, grand mathématicien japonais, http://www.ihes.fr/ACTUALITE/presse/hironaka.html | |
51. JSPS-JSPS PRIZE hironaka, heisuke, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Japan Association ofMathematical Sciences. HONDA, Kazuko, President, Ochanomizu University http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-jsps-prize/selected_1st.html |
52. JSPS Quarterly No.8 2004 Dr. Bourguignon, then, met with Dr. heisuke hironaka and other leading Japanesemathematicians. They discussed the JSPS Prize and other approaches being http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-quart/12/10.html |
53. Fields Medal Winners 1970, Alan Baker (Cambridge University), heisuke hironaka (Harvard University),Serge P. Novikov (Moscow University), and John Griggs Thompson (Cambridge http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0192505.html | |
54. THE INAMORI FOUNDATION hironaka, heisuke (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University). Miyoshi, Akira (Composer).Nakanishi, Shigetada (Director, Osaka Bioscience Institute) http://www.inamori-f.or.jp/e_kp_out_sel.html |
55. THE INAMORI FOUNDATION hironaka, heisuke (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University). Honda, Katsuhiko (Presidentand CEO, Japan Tobacco Inc.) Itoh, Kensuke (Chairman, Kyocera http://www.inamori-f.or.jp/e_fd_out_adv.html |
56. Math Lessons - Heisuke Hironaka Math Lessons heisuke hironaka. heisuke hironaka. heisuke hironaka () (born April 9, 1931) is a Japanese mathematician. http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Heisuke_Hironaka | |
57. Heisuke Hironaka - Les Membres De L'Académie Des Sciences listes par section scientifique, in memoriam. http://www.academie-sciences.fr/Membres/H/Hironaka_Heisuke.htm | |
58. Remise De La Légion D'Honneur à Heisuke HIRONAKA http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/sgt/pix/Hironaka-Legion_2004/ | |
59. Hironaka-honor4 heisuke hironaka / hironaka-honor4. EL 11/02/2004.Précédent Accueil Suivante. hironaka-honor4. http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/sgt/pix/Hironaka-Legion_2004/pages/Hironaka-honor4.htm |
60. SMF - Publications - Séminaires et Congrès - 10 heisuke hironaka Three key theorems on infinitely near singularities Abstractand full text. Dwi Juniati David Trotman http://www.emis.de/journals/SC/2005/10/html/ | |
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