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61. Dividing One Angle Into Three Equal Angles Seems A Trivial Problem One of the earliest ways discovered was that of hippias of elis(circa 425 BC).Hippias used a curve he had invented, called the quadratrix. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Tim/Trisection.page.html | |
62. EpistemeLinks.com: Website Results For Philosopher Hippias General website search results for Hippias including brief biographies, linkresources, Site Title, Details. hippias of elis. Source LookSmart. Hippias http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Philosophers.aspx?PhilCode=Hipp |
63. Archaic Period This is based on a list of Olympic victors written by hippias of elis in 400 BC,although there are some doubts as to whether the list is authentic. http://www.athens2004.com/en/ArchaicPeriod/youthinternal | |
64. UN-Letter: Winter 2004: Not A Roman, But A Greek (Academic) Holiday and hippias of elis Lectures at Olympia Plato, Sophists, and Homeric Poetryonlysuggest the breadth and depth of topics covered. http://www.dce.harvard.edu/pubs/unletter/2004/winter/7.html | |
65. Hippias2.html hippias of elis (430 BC) was a sophist who invented the quadratrix curve totrisect an angle. The problem of trisecting a given angle was one of the http://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl/ma330/hippias/hippias21.html | |
66. The Memorabilia - Chapter IV and one particular discussion with hippias of elis9 on the topic of Hippias had just arrived at Athens after a long absence, and chanced to be http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/historical/TheMemorabilia/chap3 | |
67. Philosophy: Research She is presently researching hippias of elis, and women philosophers of ancienttimes. She is writing an historical novel on Pythagoras, aimed at young http://ehlt.flinders.edu.au/philosophy/research/ | |
68. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page hippias of elis. hippias of elis. Hippocrates of Chios. Hippocrates of Chios.Hippocrates of Cos. Hirayama, Kiyotsugu. Hirayama, Kiyotsugu http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/h.html | |
69. Classics In The History Of Psychology -- Baldwin (1901) Definitions Het - Hz hippias of elis. A sophist contemporary with Prodicus and Protagoras. See PRESOCRATICPHILOSOPHY (Sophists). Hippolytus, Romanus. http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Baldwin/Dictionary/defs/H3defs.htm | |
70. EAWC Anthology: The Apology There is Gorgias of Leontium, and Prodicus of Ceo s, and hippias of elis, who gothe round of the cities, and are able to persuade the young men to leave http://eawc.evansville.edu/anthology/apology.htm | |
71. McLuhan Program - Toronto School Of Communications - Plato's Critique Of The Sop Evidence from a memory treatise attributed to the sophist hippias of elis (whoappears as chief interlocutor in Plato s Lesser Hippias and Greater Hippias), http://www.mcluhan.utoronto.ca/tsc_plato_critique_sophists.htm | |
72. Elis elis was the birthplace of hippias, the sophist staged in several of Plato sdialogues, including two bearing his name (hippias Major and hippias Minor). http://plato-dialogues.org/tools/loc/elis.htm | |
73. Hippias Aus Elis Translate this page hippias aus elis Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/hippias.htm | |
74. Hippias Van Elis - Wikipedia hippias van elis (geboren rond 450 v. Chr. in Athene) was een Grieks sofist.Hij was jonger dan zijn tijdgenoot en tevens sofist Protagoras, en zou als zijn http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippias_van_Elis | |
75. Greciaheroica2 Unlike the Pythagoreans, hippias de elis (460 BC) was a Sophist; in other wordshe earned his living by teaching his disciples. This is mentioned in Plato s http://descartes.cnice.mecd.es/ingles/maths_workshop/A_history_of_Mathematics/Gr | |
76. Hippias Von Elis http://www.lateinforum.de/thesauru/WdAntike/H/hippias2.htm | |
77. Hippias D'Elis Cherchant à résoudre le problème de la trisection de l angle http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Hippias.html | |
78. Lexikon Hippias Von Elis hippias von elis aus der freien EnzyklopädieWikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist http://lexikon.freenet.de/Hippias_von_Elis | |
79. MSN Encarta Winkler Prins - Hippias Van Elis hippias van elis (450 400 vC), Grieks wijsgeer en beroemd sofist, beheerste enonderwees vrijwel Zoeken in Encarta Winkler Prins naar hippias van elis http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1021519119/Hippias_van_Elis.html | |
80. Hippias D'Elis Translate this page Philosophe sophiste et diplomate, hippias delis se frotte au problème de la hippias delis propose de ramener la subdivision régulière du cercle à http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/recherche/irem/histoire/hippias_d'elis.htm | |
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