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41. GRK201.Apology19d8-20c3 OCD hippias of elis, sophist, a younger contemporary of Protagoras (who lived c.481411), is vividly depicted in Plato s Hippias Major and Hippias Minor. http://www.wesleyan.edu/~mkatz/grk201/GRK201.Apology19d8ktl.html | |
42. Thales Of Miletus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] and include hippias of elis, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Eudoxus of Cnidus, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, Alcmaeon, Hippo of Samos, and hippias of elis. http://www.iep.utm.edu/t/thales.htm | |
43. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY: The Metaphysical Period - Page 1 hippias of elis. Hippias taught science among other things and appears in Plato sHippias Major, Hippias Minor, and Protagoras. d. Prodicus of Ceos http://radicalacademy.com/adiphilmetaphysical.htm | |
44. Talk:Battle Of Marathon - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The link for Hippias goes to hippias of elis, a Sophist. The article there givesno hint that hippias of elis was also the tyrant of Athens. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Battle_of_Marathon | |
45. Hippias - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hippias of elis, Greek Sophist, was born about the middle of the 5th century BCand was thus a younger contemporary of Protagoras and Socrates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippias | |
46. Olympic History, Olympic Games hippias of elis, at ca. 400 BC, compiled a list of Olympic victors, and accordingto him, the only event at the beginning was a stadiumlength foot race http://www.inglewoodcarecentre.com/history/olympic.htm | |
47. Elis - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Elis There is Gorgias of Leontium, and Prodicus of Ceos, and hippias of elis, who gothe round of the cities, and are able to persuade the young men to leave http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Elis | |
48. Western Philosophy The Sophists were professional teachers of wisdom of the 5th century BCE includedProtagoras, hippias of elis and were the Encyclopedists of Antiquity. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/help/collect.htm | |
49. OVL Book Proposal which was first compiled by hippias of elis in the late fifthcentury BCE and Hippias compiled the first Olympic victor list from a diverse array of http://www.apaclassics.org/AnnualMeeting/05mtg/abstracts/christesen.html | |
50. Max NELSON Aristotle And The First Olympic Games about Olympic victors, the fifth century BC sophist hippias of elis, and tofind the claim that this remained the standard date throughout antiquity. http://www.apaclassics.org/AnnualMeeting/05mtg/abstracts/Nelson.html | |
51. Historical Time-Line Of The Ancient Olympics - Vagablogging.net - Rolf Potts (The date 776 BC was noted by the Greek chronicler hippias of elis; archaeologistssuggest the Games may have begun slightly earlier. http://www.vagablogging.net/archives/003212.shtml | |
52. LacusCurtius • Quintilian — Institutio Oratoria — Book III, C Euathlus is said to have paid 10000 denarii, Link to the editor s note at thebottom of this page hippias of elis and Alcidama of Elae whom Plato Link http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Quintilian/Institutio_Oratoria | |
53. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sophists hippias of elis, the Polymathist; and Prodicus of Ceos, the Moralist. Hippias was called the Polymathist because he laid claim to knowledge of many http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14145c.htm | |
54. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Seven Liberal Arts Of hippias of elis it is related that he boasted of having made his mantle, histunic, and his footgear (Cicero, De Oratore, iii, 32, 127). http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01760a.htm | |
55. MediterraneanTours With Adventures Abroad The first Olympiad (the fouryear interval between Festivals) was reckoned bythe 5th century BC scholar, hippias of elis, as beginning in 776 BC. http://www.adventures-abroad.com/travel/greece/ | |
56. Religion And Humanism, Why I Am Not A Christian Some Sophists advertised themselves, as we hear with hippias of elis, who issupposed to have showed up at the Olympic Games saying that he could teach http://www.friesian.com/why.htm | |
57. Apologetics Ministries [Apologetics Encyclopedia Of Bible Verses Plato says that the Sophist hippias of elis was able to repeat fifty names afterhearing them only once. Pliny the Elder reports that Cyrus was able to http://www.tektonics.org/ntdocdef/orality01.html | |
58. MLLL5063Intro Sophists (Wise men) A term applied by Plato to various teachers of whom hedisapproved Protagoras, Gorgias, Thrasymachus, and hippias of elis. http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/L/A-Robert.R.Lauer-1/MLLL5063Intro.html | |
59. BMCR-L: BMCR 2002.09.40 Mann, Athlet Und Polis Im Archaischen Und victors since the list of Olympionikai compiled by hippias of elis ca. I discuss Elis exploitation of Olympia further in my A Polis as a Part of http://omega.cohums.ohio-state.edu/mailing_lists/BMCR-L/2002/0313.php | |
60. Sydney Olympic Games History And Facts From Koala Express In Sydney Australia 20 The first record of the Olympic Games comes from hippias of elis in the fifthcentury BCE, though the first Olympic victory is dated to 776 BCE (this http://www.koalaexpress.com.au/olympics.htm | |
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