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Hipparchus Of Rhodes: more detail |
41. Mappa.Mundi Magazine - Locus - Meridian In the second century BC hipparchus of rhodes proposed that all distances bemeasured from a meridian running through the island of Rhodes, http://mappa.mundi.net/locus/locus_015/ | |
42. Astronomy Links - Early Astronomy hipparchus of rhodes St Andrew s University page; Cornell University page.Ptolemy, Claudius Galileo Project page; St Andrew s University page; seds page. http://www.olemiss.edu/courses/astr104/Topics/Ancient-L.html | |
43. Astronomy Lecture Notes - Early History hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC) Wrote a star catalog in which he introducedthe magnitude system also calculated the length of the year and discovered http://www.olemiss.edu/courses/astr103/Topics-Introduction/Ancient-N.html |
44. Astronomy@Kirkwood IC: Supplemental Notes--Astronomy Of Ancient Greece Hipparchus hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC) observed a nova stella (today wewould call it a supernova) in 134 BC and this strange, new object in the http://www.avalon.net/~bstuder/added_notes1.html | |
45. So What Sign Are You Anyway? Tropical Vs. Sidereal Astrology It was the Greek astronomer, hipparchus of rhodes, who first officially discoveredthat the Sun was in a slightly earlier position at the time of the Spring http://www.mr-wizard.com/whatsign.html | |
46. Appendix 1 A generation later, Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes (c190125) compiledthe first star catalog of about 850 stars. His follower, Ptolemy of Alexandria http://www.visualstatistics.net/web Visual Statistics/Visual Statistics Multimed | |
47. GEOG 482 Project 1 Sample Report Traced back to 2nd Century hipparchus of rhodes (Robinson et al) it has historicallybeen used for navigation of ships. Consisting of east/west location http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/b/w/bwo105/P01_Report.html |
48. A Potted History Of Computers - The Birth It is worth noting, however, that the man who invented trigonometry and firstscientifically catalogued the stars positions was hipparchus of rhodes. http://www.hodgy.net/computer_history/page_1/page_1a.htm | |
49. Kenneth Bowser - Western Sidereal Astrology : Frequently Asked Questions # Ken B world until the Greeks decided to use the equinoxes and solstices to reckoncelestial positions, probably around the time of hipparchus of rhodes. http://www.westernsiderealastrology.com/faqs/faqs.asp | |
50. Astronomy 9 (Spring 2000): Handout 10 hipparchus of rhodes (190120 BC). Great Greek astronomer; Synthesized Babylonianand Greek data with new Greek geometrical models from Appollonius http://jonathanbaker.org/courses/ay9/week4/handout10/ |
51. ARMILLARY SPHERES - Beautiful Recreations Of Antique Scientific Instruments and hipparchus of rhodes (150125BD) determined distance from the Earth tothe Sun and produced a complete star catalogue for his latitude) in practice http://www.sunscience.co.uk/armillary.html | |
52. Science Timeline hipparchus of rhodes, 134 bce. Hippocrates of Chios, 430 bce. Hippocrates of Cos,400 bce, 1185. His, Wilhelm, 1887, early decades 20th century http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_h.htm | |
53. Epicycle(1): Draws Point Moving Around Circle ... - Linux Man Page The geometry of epicycles was perfected by hipparchus of rhodes at some timearound 125 BC, 185 years after the birth of Aristarchus of Samos, the inventor http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/epicycle.1.html | |
54. Compositions Successfully Submitted To The Collegio Romano longitude by virtue of the observation of the eclipses of the Moon, as proposedby the learned hipparchus of rhodes, should I trust be readily apparent. http://www.vaticanengarde.com/BGprinmeth.htm | |
55. Conservation Treatment Awards West Region The six scientists depicted are hipparchus of rhodes, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo,Isaac Newton, and William Herschel. Six different artistsRoger Noble http://www.heritagepreservation.org/PROGRAMS/SOS/CTA/West.htm | |
56. H hipparchus of rhodes ca. 180 ca. 125 BCE). Born in Greece. His mathematicalcomputations to chart the sun, moon, and stars led to his being named the http://www.innvista.com/science/math/mathians/h.htm | |
57. Is The Earth's Climate Changing? - Access To Energy Newsletter Archive The earth s axis now points to the North Star, but that is not where it pointedwhen hipparchus of rhodes first noted the wobble in about 120 BC Scientists, http://www.accesstoenergy.com/view/atearchive/s76a4558.htm | |
58. Stellar Greek astronomer hipparchus of rhodes is recognized as being the first person tocatalog the Constellation of RX7. Regretfully the Greeks were unable to http://www.q-net.net.au/~orinoco/stellar.html | |
59. JCA: Education: Physics 316 (Lecture 1) Early Cosmo Aristotle, Hipparchus Ptolemy The Rise of Reason Beauty.(Timeline for the curious) Early Cosmo hipparchus of rhodes (c.125BCE) http://www.jca.umbc.edu/~george/html/courses/2002_phys316/lect1/lect1.html | |
60. JCA: Education: Magnitude System + Dist Modulus These are measures of the brightest of an object, and based on the originalclassification scheme used by hipparchus of rhodes who assigned an apparent http://www.jca.umbc.edu/~george/html/courses/glossary/magnitude_system.html | |
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