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41. Liste Des Nouvelles Acquisitions - Septembre - Octobre 2004 higman, graham. Existentially Closed Groups. Oxford University Press. 1988.08.0796. IVANOV, AA. Geometry of Sporadic Groups I Petersen and Tilds http://www.desargues.univ-lyon1.fr/Sept_Oct_2004.htm | |
42. MaCuData Report, In '' Format. Wilson RJ, Rice A. (2001) Interview with graham higman in Interview with grahamhigman Sep 2001 edition issue 41 pp. 1213 European Mathematical Society (ed http://mcs-notes1.open.ac.uk:8080/MaCuData.nsf/$$ViewTemplate for Bibliography\I |
43. Oxford University Press: Existentially Closed Groups: Elizabeth Scott graham higman and Elizabeth Scott. bookshot Add to Cart graham higman,Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, and Elizabeth Scott, Department of http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Mathematics/PureMathematics/?view= |
44. Balliol College, Oxford: Calendar Entry higman, graham, MA, D.Phil., FRS * Knowles, Jeremy Randall, CBE, MA, D.Phil., FRS *Thomas, Sir Keith Vivian, MA, FBA * Hinde, Robert Aubrey, MA, D.Phil., http://www.akme.btinternet.co.uk/oclball2.html | |
45. Magdalen Calendar Entry, Fellows, 2003-4 higman, graham, MA, D.Phil., FRS Stoye, John Walter, MA, D.Phil. Jones, EmrysLloyd, MA, FBA Pasicy, Sir John Malcolm Sabine, MA, FBA http://www.akme.btinternet.co.uk/oclmage2.html | |
46. AAS-Interview With Cheryl Praeger When I arrived I was interviewed by graham higman, the chairman of the MathematicalInstitute. He said it was time I learnt some more group theory, http://www.science.org.au/scientists/cp.htm | |
47. Centre For The Study Of Global Governance - Global Civil Society: Past Events Speakers graham Baxter, Roger higman and Yahia Said Chair Professor Lord DesaiVirtually every country in the world is dependent on oil, many increasingly http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/global/2gcseventspast.htm | |
48. Read This: Combinatorial Group Theory having an unsolvable word problem; and graham higman, in 1961, characterizedsubgroups of finitely related groups in terms of recursive functions. http://www.maa.org/reviews/MagnusKarrassSolitar.html | |
49. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY - December 2001 The error group has an associated geometry via the theory of extra specialpgroups, developed in the 1950s by Philip Hall and graham higman. http://www.maa.org/pubs/monthly_dec01_toc.html | |
50. Atlas: Embedding Finitely Generated Abelian Lattice-ordered Groups: Higman's The graham higman proved that a finitely generated group can be embedded in a finitelypresented group iff it has a recursively enumerable set of defining http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/i/g/59.htm | |
51. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Quantum Error Correction: Classic Group Theo In the 1950s the group theorists Philip Hall and graham higman were studying pgroups, groups of prime power order. They defined what they called http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200112/ai_n9006124 | |
52. R. A. Bailey: Home Page I obtained a DPhil in Mathematics from the University of Oxford under thesupervision of graham higman. My thesis was about finite permutation groups. http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~rab/ | |
53. Publication List For Dr E. A. Scott Existentially Closed Groups, graham higman and Elizabeth Scott, LMS MonographsNew Series, No.3, Oxford University Press, (1988) http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/CompSci/Research/languages/publications/eas_publication | |
54. Dr E. A. Scott Dr Scott studied at Manchester and then at Oxford, where she completed a D.Phil underthe supervision of Professor graham higman. http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/people/staff/scott.html | |
55. A Hetfoi (februar 17, 1000) Geometria Szeminarium Eloadasa Odor \bibitem{higman} G.\ higman, graham, {\em Finitely generated infinite simplegroup}, 6164. \bibitem{Stillmanetal} Maureen Stillman-Michael http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/seminars/geoszem/199697/febr17 |
56. NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE Interview with graham higman, 12. The Methodology of Mathematics, part 2, 14.Mathematical Societies Norwegian, 17. Mathematical Societies Estonian, 18 http://emis.math.ecnu.edu.cn/newsletter/archive_contents.html |
57. %_ \MR{295889} \bibitem{higman60} graham higman, ``Enumerating $p$groups.{I} {I}nequalities , \textit{ Proc.\ London Math.\ Soc. http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/external-documentation/era-mirror/2001-01-001/2001-0 |
58. Untitled Document in particular the proof of the solubility of finite groups of odd order; hispaper with graham higman too, on the nonexistence of certain generalised http://www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/332/332_06.html | |
59. Graham Higman Université Montpellier II Translate this page graham higman (1917-0BC). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=2177 |
60. References graham higman, Amalgams of pgroups. J. Algebra 1 (1964), 301-305. JM Howie andJR Isbell, Epimorphisms and dominions II, J. Algebra 6 (1967), 7-21. http://www.math.umt.edu/magidin/research/references.html | |
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