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81. [35.01] Caroline Herschel As An Observer 35.01 caroline herschel as an Observer. MA Hoskin (Churchill College, Cambridge).caroline herschel (17501848) made an immense contribution to astronomy http://www.aas.org/publications/baas/v37n3/dps2005/54.htm | |
82. Bath Preservation Trust: The William Herschel Museum of the museum at 19 New King Street, Bath (18th century residence ofWilliam and caroline herschel)...... http://www.bath-preservation-trust.org.uk/museums/herschel/ | |
83. Bath Preservation Trust The William Herschel Museum These modest words are by caroline herschel who was the first woman scientist and Following the discovery of Uranus in 1781 caroline herschel became http://www.bath-preservation-trust.org.uk/museums/herschel/biographies.html |
84. Caroline Herschel Biography / Biography Of Caroline Herschel Main Biography caroline herschel Biography profile biographies life history. http://www.bookrags.com/biography/caroline-herschel/ | |
85. Memoirs Of Caroline Herschel Photograph of the book, the Memoirs of caroline herschel This is a collectionof memoir and correspondence of caroline herschel, the first lady http://www.williamherschel.org.uk/memoirsbook.htm | |
86. Caroline Herschel - First Female Astronomer - Astronomy Starting out as her brother´s assistant, caroline herschel quickly made a namefor herself at a time when few women even held jobs. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art32051.asp | |
87. Welcome To Judy Chicago's Online Store Poster The Dinner Party - caroline herschel Runner Click to enlarge. Featuring thecaroline herschel runner from The Dinner Party exhibition at Printer s http://www.judychicago.com/onlinestore/product_info.php?cPath=27&products_id=82 |
88. The Herschel Archive - Royal Astronomical Society Papers of caroline herschel herschel C. 1. Comets. CH caroline herschel.Dreyer JLE Dreyer, Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of William http://www.ras.org.uk/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=78 |
89. RAS Herschel Archive — Caroline Herschel The herschel Archive caroline herschel. herschel C. 1. Letters and papers froma bundle marked by CH This is what I call the Bills Recds of my Comets http://www.ras.org.uk/html/library/ArchiveMS/herschelc.html | |
90. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Among caroline herschel s correspondence are letters from Carl Gauss, John Haygarth, caroline herschel s manuscripts include diaries from 1833 to 1845, http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/3668.html | |
91. Re: (IAAC) Caroline Herschel I have a question about caroline herschel. I think I would like to observe orreobserve all the objects she discovered. I know NGC 7789, 891, http://www.visualdeepsky.org/netastrocatalog-announce/msg01108.html | |
92. (IAAC) Caroline Herschel I have a question about caroline herschel. I think I would like to observe orreobserve all the objects she discovered. I know NGC 7789, 891, http://www.visualdeepsky.org/netastrocatalog-announce/msg01080.html | |
93. Experimentarium The Great Sexperiment Exhibits Caroline Herschel Tom blok, The Great Sexperiment caroline herschel caroline herschel (17501848)stayed all her life in the shadow of her brother William (1738-1822). http://www.experimentarium.dk/uk/udstillinger/koensexperimentet/opstilling.833.5 | |
94. Caroline Herschel caroline Herschelnacque in Germania nel 1750. Era una di sei fratelli. http://www.pd.astro.it/othersites/sc/starchild/whos_who_level1/herschel.html | |
95. City Of Bath William and caroline herschel. in Bath, England city that we see today, andit is the city that William and caroline herschel set up residence in 1766. http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/herschel/herschel.htm | |
96. Herschel Partnership Book on caroline herschel. The ragsto-riches story of caroline herschel,from household drudge in Hanover to gold-medal-winning astronomer, http://www.shpltd.co.uk/herschel.html | |
97. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac Birth of caroline herschel Birth of caroline herschel Arthur Evans beginsto dig in Crete A Life in Art Benjamin Franklin An American In London http://www.historytoday.com/dm_getArticle.asp?gid=10899 |
98. CAROLINE LUCRETIA HERSCHEL Translate this page caroline LUCRETIA herschel PortraitCLherschel.gif (11452 octets). 1750-1848.Sur de William herschel, caroline est la cinquième enfant de cette famille de http://perso.wanadoo.fr/simoes/christian/biographie/lucretiaherschel.htm | |
99. Die Literaturdatenbank Des Österreichischen Bibliothekswerks Translate this page Belletristische Darstellung* / herschel, William* / Belletristische Darstellung* /herschel, caroline Lucretia*, (KAT-sbg-) http://www.biblio.at/rezensionen/list.php3?limit=1&no=10&schlagwort1=Herschel, C |
100. Caroline Herschel's Deep Sky Objects Unless otherwise noted, the caroline herschel findings were looked up in John caroline herschel was honored lately by the astronomical community by http://astro.ago.uni-lj.si/mirror/www.seds.org/messier/xtra/similar/cher.html | |
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