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Herschel Caroline: more books (51) | |||
61. EXPLORE Caroline Herschel - Dictionary Of Astronomers caroline herschel. Article from free online dictionary of astronomers with over1000 biographies. http://www.dictionaryofeverything.com/explore/843/Caroline_Herschel.html |
62. : Events : What's On : National Maritime Museum An actor in the role of caroline herschel will lead this session, providing afascinating insight into how her own, and her brother Williams discoveries http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conEvent.1112 | |
63. Caroline Herschel's Deep Sky Objects Unless otherwise noted, the caroline herschel findings were looked up in John caroline herschel s objects include the conspicuous galaxy NGC 253, http://www.obspm.fr/messier/xtra/similar/cher.html | |
64. Caroline Herschel herschel, caroline 17501848 English Astronomer caroline worked on thecomplicated mathematics for her brothger s observations. http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/women_n2/herschel.html | |
65. Caroline Herschel Translate this page En total caroline herschel descubrió 8 cometas entre 1786 y 1797 y se embarco enel trabajo de realizar correcciones en el catalogo de Flamssteed el cual http://almaak.tripod.com/biografias/caroline_herschel.htm | |
66. C. Herschel Objects caroline herschel Objects NGC7789, NGC891, NGC205 and NGC253. caroline herscheldiscovered 13 deep sky objects from 1783 to 1787. http://www.whiteoaks.com/sketches/chershel.html | |
67. ESA - Science - Home - Revealing The Invisible: Caroline And William Herschel William herschel was one of the first professional astronomers, His sisterCaroline helped him to develop the modern mathematical approach to http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEM8600P4HD_index_0.html | |
68. Caroline Herschel Main Web Page The caroline herschel Visitor Program to Enhance Women Minority We envisionthe caroline herschel visitors meeting regularly with the STScI junior http://www.stsci.edu/institute/sd/ch | |
69. Caroline Herschel Visitor Program Guidelines GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORT caroline herschel VISITORS TO STScI The carolineherschel visitor will be reimbursed for one round trip between the visitor s http://www.stsci.edu/institute/sd/ch/visitorGuidelines | |
70. ASP: Women In Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide herschel, M. Memoirs and Correspondence of caroline herschel. 1876, Appleton.Higgins, F. Sweeper of the Skies caroline herschel. 1967, Follett. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/womenast_bib04.html | |
71. The Astronomy Connection: Caroline Herschel Biography got, Michael Hoskin s biography of caroline herschel. Titled The herschelPartnership, as viewed by caroline. Sky Publishing has it. http://observers.org/tac.mailing.list/2005/Feb/0285.html | |
72. The Astronomy Connection: Re: Caroline Herschel Biography Re caroline herschel biography. This message Message body More options ;Related messages Next caroline herschel discovered M52 http://observers.org/tac.mailing.list/2005/Feb/0287.html | |
73. William Herschel William and caroline herschel were the first astronomers in history to do asystematic caroline herschel (17501848) joined her brother in Bath in 1772. http://hometown.aol.com/deepskyguy1/williamherschel.html | |
74. Great Creation Scientists caroline herschel. Scientific achievements. caroline was her brother Williamsdevoted and Encarta 96 Encyclopedia, herschel, caroline Lucretia, http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v22/i3/scientists.asp | |
75. Caroline Herschel Biography caroline herschel s parents concluded that she would never marry but would liveher life as an old maid. Instead, caroline herschel became one of the most http://space.about.com/cs/astronomyhistory/a/herschelcar.htm |
76. Caroline Lucretia Herschel (Grades 9-12) - First Lady Of Astronomy (Grades 912) caroline Lucretia herschel - First Lady of Astronomy. caroline Lucretiaherschel was born on March 16, 1750 in Hannover, Germany. http://space.about.com/cs/kidshu1/a/carherschel912.htm | |
77. Herschel. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 Sir Williams sister, caroline Lucretia herschel, 17501848, discovered eight See MC herschel, Memoirs and Correspondence of caroline herschel (1876). http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/Herschel.html | |
78. Women In Science: Caroline Herschel Biography of caroline herschel, an astronomer and scientist. Information on herlife and career. http://co.essortment.com/carolinehersche_renb.htm | |
79. Caroline Herschel -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article caroline herschel. Categories Women in science, British women caroline Lucretiaherschel (March 16 1750 January 9 1848) was a (A person of German http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/c/ca/caroline_herschel.htm | |
80. [29.01] The REAL Caroline Herschel 29.01 The REAL caroline herschel. MA Hoskin (Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge,UK). caroline herschel (17501848) is famous as the discoverer of eight http://www.aas.org/publications/baas/v35n5/aas203/586.htm | |
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