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Hermann Of Reichenau: more detail | ||||||
21. Yves Chartier Translate this page hermann of reichenau - Hucbald of St. Amand -Musical,,Treatises - Regino of Prüm.Remigius of Auxerre - Solesmes - William of Hirsau. http://www.musicologie.org/Auteurs/Chartier.html | |
22. Registration 3.15 Hannah Williams (University of Manchester) Vice and the Muse InstructingWomen in hermann of reichenau s De octo vitiis principalibus 4.15 Tea http://www.art.man.ac.uk/cla/registration.htm | |
23. CLAcolloquia Hannah Williams (University of Manchester) Vice and the Muse Instructing Womenin hermann of reichenau s De octo vitiis principalibus http://www.art.man.ac.uk/cla/colloquia.htm | |
24. Hermannus Contractus -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Hermannus Contractus (also called Hermannus Augiensis, hermann of reichenau) (1013 1054) was an (Click link for more info and facts about 11th century) http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/h/he/hermannus_contractus.htm | |
25. School Of History, Keele University Vice and the Muse hermann of reichenau s De octo vitiis principalibus HannahWilliams (University of Manchester). ALL WELCOME http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/hi/research/M6_seminars.htm | |
26. Answers To Recent Questions ancient Marian hymns related to the title Ave Maria Stella (8th9th century);and Alma Redemptoris Mater (by hermann of reichenau, 11th century). http://www.udayton.edu/mary/questions/yq/yq17.html | |
27. MUSIC THEORY ONLINE A Publication Of The Society For Music Theory theoristsGuido of Arezzo, Berno and hermann of reichenau, the anonymousauthor of the *Quaestiones in musica*were familiar with the ME/SE. http://www.societymusictheory.org/mto/issues/mto.97.3.1/mto.97.3.1.fuller.rev |
28. MTO 3.1: Review Of theoristsGuido of Arezzo, Berno and hermann of reichenau, the anonymousauthor of the Quaestiones in musicawere familiar with the ME/SE. http://www.societymusictheory.org/mto/issues/mto.97.3.1/mto.97.3.1.fuller.html | |
29. MathBirthdays - July 2005 Time, All day event. Summary, 1013 hermann of reichenau Time, All day event.Summary, 1882 Konrad Hermann Theodor Knopp http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/print.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
30. College Of Arts - Prospective Students Capitulary; Corpus Christi, Feast of; General Chapter; Gregory of Utrecht;hermann of reichenau; jubilee, Year of; Mantegna, Andrea; Maximilian; Novice; http://www.arts.uoguelph.ca/fs_facultydir.php?unique_id=38 |
32. Encyclopedia: 1054 Hermannus Contractus (also called Hermannus Augiensis, hermann of reichenau) (1013 1054) was an 11th century scholar, composer, and music theorist. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/1054 | |
34. Hermann Von Reichenau -- Encyclopædia Britannica hermann Von reichenau German chronicler, poet, composer, astronomer, and mathematician.A contemporary of the Holy Roman emperor Henry III, hermann von http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040153 | |
35. Hermann Von Reichenau - Wikipedia hermann von reichenau (latinizirano Hermanus Contractus, Herman Vzeti ali HerimannusAugiensis), nemki ucenjak, skladatelj, glasbeni teoretik in pesnik, http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_von_Reichenau | |
36. Entrez PubMed hermann from reichenauhermannus contractusapparently suffered from a diseasewhich led to consid http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
37. Hermannus Contractus (Herimann der Lahme, hermann von reichenau) Einer der grossen Gelehrten des 11.Jh., Sohn des Grafen von Altshausen, seit seiner Kindheit gelähmt, http://flaez.ch/hermannus/ | |
38. Bibliographie Zu Hermannus Augiensis Biographisch hermann der Lahme v. reichenau, ein Zeichen Gottes unter den Menschen, http://flaez.ch/hermannus/bibliographie.txt | |
39. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hermann Contractus hermann Contractus. (Herimanus Augiensis, hermann von reichenau). Chronicler,mathematician, and poet; b. 18 February, 1013, at Altshausen (Swabia); http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07266a.htm | |
40. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Reichenau 861), the hermit and founder of MariaEinsiedeln, who came from the monastery ofReichenau; moreover, hermann Contractus (d. 1054), the acute scholar and http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12723a.htm | |
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