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21. References For Zhang_Heng References for the biography of Zhang Heng. SK Mo, The ratio of circumference to diameter according to heng zhang (Chinese), J. Northwest Univ. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Zhang_Heng.html | |
22. School Of Engineering, Department Of Materials Science And Engineering - Harris heng zhang, J. Gromek, G. Fernando, RS Boorse and HL Marcus, PdO/Pd System Equilibrium heng zhang, Jack Gromek, Gayanath Fernando and Harris L. Marcus, http://www.engr.uconn.edu/mse/mserphmarcus.html | |
23. University Of Science And Technology Of China Jian Yang, JingHui Zeng, Shu-Hong Yu*, Li Yang, Yu-heng zhang, Yi-Tai Qian, Shu-Hong Yu, Zhao-Hui Han, Jian Yang, Yi Xie, Yi-Tai Qian, Yu-heng zhang, http://mse.ustc.edu.cn/en/more.php?siteid=1328&tplset=depte1&siteid=1328&pid=242 |
24. Fall 2002 Class Schedule - Mathematical Sciences Section 1 Maryland 104, W 3, TA heng zhang, T 2-4. Section 2 - Maryland 202, Th 1030, TA Xue Lin, T 3-5. Section 3 - Maryland 310, Th 12 http://www.ams.jhu.edu/ams/undergraduate_programs/course_descriptionsfa02.html | |
25. Spring 2001 Class Schedule - Mathematical Sciences heng zhang. 550.730. TOPICS IN STATS ANALYSIS OF LONGITUDINAL DATA Whitehead 304. MW 830945. Prof. Carey Priebe. 201. 550.770. TOPICS IN DISCRETE MATH http://www.ams.jhu.edu/ams/graduate_programs/course_descriptionssp02.html | |
26. Davis Cup - Players Jiaheng zhang, China, PR, Flag of CHN. No Player Profile Image, Date of Birth, 09 Nov 1971. Place of Birth. Height. Weight. Handed, Unknown http://www.daviscup.com/teams/player.asp?player=10001768 |
27. Zhang Heng - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Zhang Heng began his studies in astronomy at thirty. Zhang Heng theorized that the universe was like an egg with the stars on the shell and the Earth as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Heng | |
28. 1998 Publications E Wu, heng zhang, SJ Campbell and SR Bulcock, Crystal Structure of a Quaternary SJ Campbell, heng zhang, H.S. Li and E. Wu, Magnetic Behaviour of http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/s-campbell/98pubs.htm | |
29. 2000 Publications heng zhang, SJ Campbell and AVJ Edge, Formation and Structure of RareEarth Intermetallic Compounds R3Co29M4B10, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 12, http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/s-campbell/00pubs.htm | |
30. ProgramBookFF Xinqing Ma, heng zhang, Jinxiang Dai, Jeff Roth, John Broadhead, heng zhang, Xinqing Ma, Jinxiang Dai, Shiqiang (Rob) Hui, Jeff Roth, TD Xiao, http://www.mrs.org/meetings/fall2002/program/HTML/ProgramBookFF/ | |
31. MRS Online Publications heng zhang, M. Hofmann, SJ Kennedy, and SJ Campbell. Application of Combinatorial Electropolymerization to the Development of Chemical Sensors JJ4.1 http://www.mrs.org/publications/epubs/proceedings/fall2003/jj/ | |
32. The New York Times > Movies > People > Zhang Heng Zhang Heng, Zhou Yu s Train, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/filmography.html?p_id=358125 |
33. Neutron Scattering ANSTO - Scientific Highlight - The Magnetic Phase Diagram Of and Structure of RareEarth Intermetallic Compounds R3Co29M4B10 heng zhang, heng zhang, SJ Campbell, HS Li, QW Yan, E Wu, M Hofmann, Physica B, http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/highlights/2002_03_campbell.html | |
34. 04z1mle STUDY ON VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF PAPER COATING heng zhang,Kefu Chen,Rendang EFFECT OF THICKENERS ON PAPER COATING VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR heng zhang,Kefu http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/qikan/periodical.Articles/tjqgyxyxb/tjqg2004/04z1/ |
35. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results 12 Issue 25 Article 311 200006-26 Mössbauer study of rare-earth intermetallic compounds R heng zhang, SJ Campbell, HS Li, M Hofmann and AVJ Edge Journal of http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/searchpublishers.pl?term1=intermetallic c |
36. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results by ball milling heng zhang and Erich H Kisi Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Vol. of titanium during mechanical deformation in air heng zhang, http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/searchpublishers2.pl?limit=150&term1=Tita |
37. A Solid Solution Pumping Mechanism For The Nitrogenation Of Titanium During Mech heng zhang et al 1996 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 29 13671372 Find related articles. By author. heng zhang, Erich H Kisi, Sverre Myhra. IOP CrossRef Search http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0022-3727/29/5/037 | |
38. Formation Of Titanium Hydride At Room Temperature By Ball Milling heng zhang et al 1997 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 9 L185L190 heng zhang and Erich H Kisi Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/9/11/005 | |
39. Zhang Heng Zhang Heng. Used with permission of Maiken Naylor, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, http//ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/exhibits/stamps http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/Graphicartists/Prints/scistamp/math1/03 | |
40. Zhang Heng Zhang Heng was the first person in China to construct a rotating celestial globe. He also invented the odometer. In one of his publications ling2 xian4 http://pheeds.com/info/guide/z/zh/zhang_heng.html | |
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