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61. Ryös Antikvariat - ASTRONOMY heegaard, poul STJERNEVERDENEN. Verdensbilledet gennem tiderne. Populær fremstilling . Heegård, poul POPULÄR ASTRONOMI. Stockholm Ljus, 1902. 244 s. http://www.ryo.se/katalog/en-ast.html | |
62. Hálózati Szimulációs Technikák 4 poul E. heegaard, Speedup simulation techniques (survey) , 6 poul E.heegaard, Comparison of speedup techniques for simulation , http://w3.tmit.bme.hu/~vidacs/w3_hu/education/simulation_techniques/simulations_ | |
63. INFORMS Tel Aviv 1998 Session WA15 poul E. heegaard; Norwegian Univ. of Science Technology, Dept. of Telematics,Trondheim, N7034 , Norway; poul.heegaard@item.ntnu.no http://www.informs.org/Conf/TelAviv98/TALKS/WA15.html | |
64. INFORMS Tel Aviv 1998 Author Index Translate this page heegaard, poul E. WA15 Hefner, Andreas TB14 Heidelberger, Philip WA15 Helber,Stefan TB10 Herbon, Avi WC10 Herer, Yale T. MA19 MD12 Herman, Al MC10 http://www.informs.org/Conf/TelAviv98/TALKS/Authors.html | |
65. Norske Matematikere poul heegaard, 18711948. Thoralf Albert Skolem, 1887-1963. Edgar Bonsak Schieldrop,1891-1965. poul heegaard, f. 2/11 1871, København, d. 7/2 1948. http://www.math.uio.no/~bentb/Oslomat/Oslomat.html | |
66. Workshop Program Poul Heegaard Norwegian University Of Science And poul heegaard. Norwegian University of Science and Technology poul heegaard.Norwegian University of Science and Technology http://www.comnets.uni-bremen.de/~cg/cn-intern/prog.alt.html | |
67. RIPE NCC poul heegaard, Telenor FoU. Guy Herv, CANARIE Inc. Ulrich Hofmann, Salzburg ResearchForschungsgesellschaft mbH. Chris Hubbard, BTexaCT http://www.ripe.net/pam2001/attendees.html | |
68. Norske Matematikere Cato Maximilian Guldberg (1836 1902). Christopher Hansteen (1784 - 1873).poul heegaard (1871 - 1948). http//www.imada.sdu.dk/~hjm/heegaard.html http://home.hia.no/~aasvaldl/norskem.html | |
69. FAMILY HISTORY LITERATURE heegaard heegaard, poul Anker Bidrag til Familien heegaards Historie. DK Frdbg.1952. 204pp. fb. heegaard NN 8I-1922 s. 199-201. PHT. A. Heeleday . http://home.online.no/~cfscheel/SL-HE.HTM | |
70. Kilder Borås 1989; poul heegaard Stjerneverdenen, GEC Gads Forlag, København 1921;Lars Nicolai Bork og Nicolaj Hyllestad Torvald Køhls Observatorium. http://www.hs-gym.dk/kastro/kastro1/sources/ | |
71. Busbjerg 1984-1989 Dolly Tate Mona Olsen Buffalo Bill poul Kisum Pawnee Bill Jens heegaard WilsonJørn Lorenzen Sitting Bull Jens Olaf Pedersen Mac Arne Andersen http://www.1999.busbjerg.dk/page7.html |
72. Beboere I Helstrup 1951-95 poul Erik heegaard, snedker + Bodil heegaard (192988) 1988 ingen 1991/95 SvendAa D. Dantoft, redaktør + Eva N Dantoft, assistent http://www.langaabibliotek.dk/lokark/Beboerehel51.htm | |
73. Nordic Seminar On Dependable Computing Systems 1994 SF) 15.00 Closing Session Chair EV Soerensen (DTU, DK) 15.30 End of seminarProgramme Committee = poul E. heegaard, NTH (N) Bjarne E. http://vl.fmnet.info/formal-methods/conf/NSDCS94 |
74. Medlemmer poul heegaard, poul.heegaard at item.ntnu.no. Prof. Finn Arve Aagensen (V),finn.arve.aagesen at item.ntnu.no. Universitetet i Stavanger, Inst. for http://www.gunnar.cs.uit.no/informatikkradet/members.htm | |
75. Rare Event Simulation poul heegaard. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Telematics,Trondheim. Survey of Speedup Simulation Techniques http://www.comnets.rwth-aachen.de/~cg/workshop.html | |
76. NIK/NOKOBIT'2004, Stavanger - Deltakersliste NIK, heegaard, poul, Dr. NTNU Inst. for Telematikk, Institutt for telematikk NTNUOS Bragstads plass 2B 7491 Trondheim, Hele konferansen (mandag onsdag) http://www.ux.his.no/nik2004/Deltakerliste.htm | |
77. Bøger heegaard, poul. Populær astronomi. Det Nordiske. 60,00. Bestil. Hoyle, Fred.Verdensrummet. Hasselbalch. 1956. 60,00. Bestil. Janssen, C. Luplau http://www.sydfyns-antikvar.dk/boeger.asp?katid=59 |
78. RUCNYT | Meddelelser | Meddelelser Om Uddannelse & Forskning poul heegaard (18711948), hans matematik, undervisning og liv. poul heegaardforsvarede sin disputats i København for præcis 100 år siden. http://www.rucnyt.ruc.dk/old/9798/08/979808-20.html | |
79. NRK.no - Nominering Halle, Gunnar heegaard, poul Hektoen, Halvor Houmb, Prepple Halbauer, Hans Husemoen, Rune Husby, Hans Erik Haugen, Sigbjørn http://www.nrk.no/underholdning/store_norske/nominering/Module5.aspx?Mode=2&Sear |
80. Norwegian Mathematical Society Friederich Engel and poul heegaard were appointed as editors and they publishedthe first volume in 1922. However it was a major task which faced various http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Societies/Norwegian.html | |
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