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41. 21st NORDUnet Networking Conference, Reykjavík Iceland NET, llc presentation in .pps format ; Measurement based traffic engineering,poul heegaard, Telenor and NTNU presentation in .ppt format http://www.nordunet2003.is/programme.php | |
42. Norsk Matematisk Forening poul heegaard (18711948) var dansk, hadde vært professor i København fra 1910,og var nettopp De første redaktørene, Anton Alexander og poul heegaard, http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/nmf.htm | |
43. ICMI Bulletin No. 48, June 2000 poul heegaard (Norway) Walter LIETZMANN (Germany) Gaetano SCORZA (Italy) HenriFEHR (Switzerland) Eric Harold NEVILLE (UK) http://www.mathunion.org/Organization/ICMI/bulletin/48/EC_08_98.html | |
44. Bibliography Lie, Sophus, 18421899, Gesammelte Abhandlungen / hrsg. von dem NorwegischenMathematischen Verein durch Friedrich Engel und poul heegaard, Leipzig http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=L& |
45. Matematikere Og Matematik-relaterede Personer Fra DBL heegaard, poul, 18711948. Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, *1854. Hjelmslev, Johannes Trolle,1873-1950. Hjelte, Johan Christoffer Leonhard, 1800-1867 http://www.henrikkragh.dk/hom/dbl.html | |
46. Henrik Kragh On The Sources For The History Of Mathematics poul heegaard (18711948), dansk-norsk topolog af Ellen S. og Hans J. Munkholm @imada.sdu.dk. The main page is poul heegaard, a home page. http://www.henrikkragh.dk/hom/sources.html | |
47. UNINETT: Norwegian Network Research Seminar 2004 poul heegaard, Otto Wittner, Victor F. Nicola, Bjarne Helvik, Telenor, ITEM, Q2S,U Twente. Practice An Experimental System for PathFinding in Networks by http://www.uninett.no/nettforskning/nfs2004/program.html | |
48. UNINETT: Norwegian Network Research Seminar 2004 Associate Professor poul E. heegaard Department of Telematics, Norwegian Universityof Science and Technology poul.heegaard@item.ntnu.no http://www.uninett.no/nettforskning/nfs2004/practical.html | |
49. Scalable Network Technologies Alberto Montresor, Gianni Di Caro, poul E. heegaard BISON IST2001-38923.Biology-Inspired techniques for Self Organization in dynamic Networks http://www.scalable-networks.com/training_and_support/documentation/resources.ph | |
50. GenSyn - A Generator Of Synthetic Internet Traffic Used In QoS 0.3 poul heegaard Munkholm, Munkholm (1997) (Correct) 0.3 Rare Event Simulation -Görg, Lamers, Fuß, heegaard (Correct) http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/heegaard00gensyn.html |
51. Scalable Distributed Discovery Of Resource Paths In Networks using Cooperative Antlike Agents Otto Wittner, poul E. heegaard + distributed search in the amigos environment - Wittner, heegaard et al. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/653174.html |
52. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 7 poul Sophus Vilhelm, 183584, Filosof 204-206 heegaard, Steffen Peder Anker, f.1815, Fabrikejer 206 heegaard, Thomas Wissing, 1781-1831, http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_7 | |
53. Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / VII. Bind. I. Hansen - Holmsted heegaard, poul Sophus Vilhelm, 183584, Filosof - 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 heegaard, Thomas Wissing, 1781-1831, Forfatter - 206 http://runeberg.org/dbl/7/ | |
54. Update Information 1/28/98 Additions/updates to homepages/conferences; a page on poul heegaard,under 3manifolds. 12/12/97 Additions/updates to homepages/conferences http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbritten/ldt/updateinfo.html | |
55. Colloquia And Seminars - UNL - Department Of Mathematics Splitting surfaces have been studied by threemanifold topologists since theywere introduced in poul heegaard s thesis, in 1898. A splitting surface is http://www.math.unl.edu/pi/colloquia/abstract-20040210.txt | |
56. WSC 2005 Program Application of Rare Event Techniques to Trace Driven Simulation poul E.heegaard (NTNU), Bjarne E. Helvik (Q2S, NTNU) and Ragnar Ø. Andreassen (Telenor R D) http://www-infosys.tx.ncsu.edu/wsc05/generatePrelimProgram.asp | |
57. Poul Heegaard Université Montpellier II Translate this page poul heegaard (1871-1948). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1260 |
58. FYNS ANTIKVARIAT - LAGER 29014, heegaard, poul Stjerneverdenen. Verdensbilledet gennem tiderne.Populær fremstilling. Gads forlag 1921, 423s. + XXI Tavler. halvlæderbind. 120,00 http://www.fynsantikvariat.dk/natu.htm | |
59. Søgning.dk - Heiberg, Peter Andreas 17121781 heegaard, poul 1871-1948 . .. Holck, Axel Nikolaj 1863-1940 Holm, . ..Heinrich Elias 1766-1839 Mollerup, . .. M?ller, poul Martin 1794-1838 Naur http://www.soegning.dk/cgi/search?q=Heiberg, Peter Andreas |
60. BSHM: Abstracts -- M Munkholm, Ellen S., and Hans J Munkholm, poul heegaard, IM James (ed), The Danish topologist poul heegaard (18711948) played a vital part, http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/abstracts/M.html | |
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