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Heegaard Poul: more books (16) | ||
21. Secondary Literature About Harald Bohr heegaard, poul Bohr, Harald August. Dansk biografisk Leksikon, Bind III. 2.udgave. Redigeret af Svend Dahl og Povl Engelstoft. http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/bohr_h/seclit.htm | |
22. Poul Heegaard Archival Material Almenfattet fremstillet af Professor poul heegaard, København 1947. 138 pp. Professor poul heegaard nedstammer fra Gorm den Gamle. http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/heegaard_p/archival.htm | |
23. Heegaard, Poul POPULÆR ASTRONOMI. Illustreret. Det Nordiske Forlag. Uden år (ca. 1900). 252 sider.Slidt halvlæder. Plettede sider. 220x150 mm. Se info. http://www.x-libris.dk/shop/productinfo-nocookie.asp?id=astronomi8061 |
24. Wikipedia:Orphaned Articles/P - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Poste restante Postmaterialism Postpartum period Potassium in biology Potrzebie Potsticker poul heegaard poul Jensen poul Kjaerholm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Orphaned_Articles/P | |
25. DBLP: Bjarne E. Helvik 7, EE poul E. heegaard, Otto Wittner, Bjarne E. Helvik SelfManagement ofVirtual Paths in Dynamic 3, poul E. heegaard, 7. 4, Ulrik Johansen, 3 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Helvik:Bjarne_E=.htm | |
26. The Norwegian Mathematical Society. The editors, Friederich Engel and poul heegaard, published the first volume in1922, but for financial and other reasons the seventh and last volume did not http://www.matematikkforeningen.no/enghist.html | |
27. Norsk Matematisk Forening Utløsende årsak var, som det fremgår nedenfor, at poul heegaard ble ansatt som poul heegaard var dansk, hadde vært professor i København fra 1910, http://www.matematikkforeningen.no/historikk.html | |
28. :::::::: BISON: Progress - Overlay Networks - Monitoring :::::::: HWH05 poul E. heegaard, Otto Wittner, and Bjarne Helvik. Selfmanaged virtualpath management in HHW04 Nina Hesby, poul E. heegaard, and Otto Wittner. http://www.cs.unibo.it/bison/pubs/monitoring.shtml | |
29. :::::::: BISON: Publications :::::::: HWH05 poul E. heegaard, Otto Wittner, and Bjarne Helvik. MHW04 AndersMykkeltveit, poul heegaard, and Otto Wittner. Realization of a distributed route http://www.cs.unibo.it/bison/pubs/list.shtml | |
30. MSL Publications Cumulative Contents heegaard, poul E. Observations on Spawning and Larval History of the Shrimp,Penaeus setiferus, p. 73105. Vol. 3, no. 2, November 1954 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/msl/publcontents.html | |
31. Referansenum. W264796 Inst-ID 031408 Publ.kategori A B C D 1998 ISBN 82471-0272-2 C03 10 heegaard, poul E. Efficient simulation of network Lerchendal Gård, 1997-10-06 D04 D05 44 heegaard, poul E. Efficient http://www.ntnu.no/forskning/publikasjoner97_okt98/elektro_inst_telematikk |
32. Bruker-ID 03110000 Inst-ID 031408 Publ.kat. - År 2001 Til 3 Viken, Brynjar Åge; heegaard, poul GenSyn Generator of synthetic Internettraffic. Network Analysis Times Publisher National Laboratory for Applied http://www.ntnu.no/forskning/publikasjoner01/telematikk.txt |
33. CoE - Q2S 68 80, Bodrum, Turkey, 2004. full text; heegaard, poul (ITEM - NTNU);Wittner,Otto;Nicola, Victor F.;Helvik, Bjarne Emil . http://www.q2s.ntnu.no/publications/ | |
34. Math Lessons - Poul Heegaard Math Lessons poul heegaard. poul heegaard. poul heegaard (November 2, 1871 February 7, 1948) was a mathematician active in the field of topology. http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Poul_Heegaard | |
35. MBI poul Christian heegaard. ACTAP, Tekn. Ingeniør. Molekylærbiologisk Institut poul Christian heegaard. Personlig hjemmeside. Gruppehjemmeside http://www.mb.au.dk/da/om/global/pers/sider/pch@mb.au.dk.html | |
37. 1997 WSC Program poul heegaard (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). An ObjectOrientedAnalytical Tool Suite for Stochastic Simulation Models http://www.wintersim.org/prog97.htm | |
38. DMF Preprint Server poul heegaard. Ellen S. Munkholm. Hans J. Munkholm Abstract Please seehttp//www.imada.sdu.dk/~hjm/heegaard/heegaard.html. Version 1, ps.gz (178K) http://bib.mathematics.dk/preprint.php?lang=en&id=IMADA-PP-1997-39 |
39. Spring 2004 Schedule For NSF CSM Mentorship Program Abstract Defined by poul heegaard in his thesis in 1898, heegaard splittings ofthreemanifolds are still not completely understood. http://comet.lehman.cuny.edu/csmscholarships/s04.html | |
40. NIK 2004 poul E heegaard, NTNU. Dag Langmyhr (leder), Univ i Oslo Anders Mykkeltveit,poul E heegaard, Otto Wittner (NTNU), Realization of a distributed route http://www.nik.no/2004/ | |
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