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21. Hecke Operator - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Algebras of hecke operators are called hecke algebras, a paper on the specialcusp form of Ramanujan, ahead of the general theory given by erich hecke. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hecke_algebra | |
22. BibScout - Hecke, Erich Werke / erich hecke. - Goettingen Vandenhoeck Ruprecht, 1959 Bibliotheken http://titan.bsz-bw.de/bibscout/SA-SP/SF1000-SF9900/SF3460-SF4180/SF.3760 | |
23. Math Lessons - Erich Hecke Math Lessons erich hecke. erich hecke. erich hecke (September 20, 1887 February 13, 1947) was a German mathematician. http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Erich_Hecke | |
24. Julius G. Baron, George Pólya, Wolfgang Pauli, And Erich Hecke Baron, Polya, Pauli, hecke. Circa late 1930s, possibly Zürich. II at StanfordUniversity; Wolfgang Pauli; and erich hecke, a Germanborn mathematician. http://www.aip.org/history/newsletter/spring2001/pic_pauli.htm | |
25. Photos & Quotes: Spring 2001 Newsletter Of The AIP Center For History Of Physics Baron, Polya, Pauli, hecke Circa late 1930s, possibly Zürich. II at StanfordUniversity; Wolfgang Pauli; and erich hecke, a Germanborn mathematician. http://www.aip.org/history/newsletter/spring2001/photospring2001.htm | |
26. On A Generalization Of A Theorem Of Erich Hecke -- Lee And Weintraub 79 (24): 79 On a Generalization of a Theorem of erich hecke. Ronnie Lee and Steven H. Weintraub.E. hecke initiated the application of representation theory to the http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/79/24/7955 | |
27. Bibliography Translate this page hecke, erich, 1887-1947, Mathematische Werke / hrsg. im Auftrage der Akademie der hecke, erich, 1887-1947, Matematische Werke / erich hecke http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=H& |
28. Harald Bohr Correspondence hecke, erich, 192037, 7, German. Heckscher, Eli, 1927-50, 13, Danish The letters from Harald Bohr to erich hecke They were located at the the http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/bohr_h/corresp.htm | |
29. Archival Material Related To Jakob Nielsen hecke, erich, 192140, 11, E. hecke Nachlass, Math. Seminar Hamburg. Heegaard, Poul,1935-47, 5, Box 9, Jakob Nielsen Papers. http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/nielsen_j/archival.htm | |
30. On A Generalization Of A Theorem Of Erich Hecke On a generalization of a theorem of erich hecke. Ronnie Lee and Steven H.Weintraub. Department of Mathematics, Yale University, New Haven, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=347472 |
31. Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society hecke, erich. 1938. Lectures on Dirichlet series, modular functions and quadraticforms. Ann Arbor Edwards Brothers. 4. Knopp, Marvin. 1978. http://www.ams.org/proc/2000-128-02/S0002-9939-99-05298-3/home.html | |
32. Mathematics Of Computation H erich hecke, Lectures on the theory of algebraic numbers, SpringerVerlag,New York, 1981. MR 83m12001. L AF Lavrik, On functional equations of http://www.ams.org/mcom/2004-73-247/S0025-5718-03-01586-2/home.html | |
33. Fromm, Erich -- Encyclopædia Britannica erich hecke University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketch of this Germanmathematician known for his contributions in analytic number theory. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9035492 |
34. Mathematik In Göttingen: Erich Hecke Translate this page erich hecke wurde in Buk bei Posen (jetzt Poznan, Polen) am 20. September 1887geboren. Er studierte von 1905 bis 1910 in Breslau, Berlin und Göttingen. http://www.math.uni-goettingen.de/Personen/Bedeutende_Mathematiker/hecke.html | |
35. Members Of The School Of Mathematics hecke, erich HLAVATY, Vaclav HUREWICZ, Witold JOHNSON, Marie M. KETCHUM, Pierce W.KLINE, Morris LEVY, Harry MacDUFFEE, Cyrus C. McCOY, Neal H. http://www.math.ias.edu/1933.html | |
36. Members Of The School Of Mathematics Translate this page hecke, erich, 1937-38. HEDLUND, Gustav A. 1933-34, 1938-39, 1953-54. HEGENBARTH,Friedrich, 1974-75. HEIDER, Lester J. 1957-58. HEIERMANN, Volker, 1998-99 http://www.math.ias.edu/hnames.html | |
37. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics hecke, erich, 18871947, Mathematische Werke, 1, QA 3 H36 1970, Killam. Heesch,Heinrich, 1906-, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, 1, QA 443 H43 1986, Killam http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
38. Modular Form -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article as the automorphic form concept was understood (for one variable); by (Clicklink for more info and facts about erich hecke) erich hecke from about 1925 http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/m/mo/modular_form.htm | |
39. Langlands Program -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about erich hecke) erich hecke had earlierrelated Dirichlet Lfunctions with (Click link for more info and facts about http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/la/langlands_program.htm | |
40. Abstract For 2002/10/21: Russo In the mid 1930 s, erich hecke clarified the connection by way of the Mellintransform. He established a correspondence theorem between Dirichlet series http://www.math.binghamton.edu/dept/ComboSem/abstract.200210rus.html | |
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