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         Hausdorff Felix:     more books (42)
  1. Felix Hausdorff: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i>
  2. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band 5: Astronomie, Optik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (German and English Edition) (v. 5)
  3. Analytiker (20. Jahrhundert): Stefan Banach, David Hilbert, Felix Hausdorff, Sergei Natanowitsch Bernstein, Alexander Grothendieck (German Edition)
  4. Felix Hausdorff
  5. Algebraiker (20. Jahrhundert): Emmy Noether, David Hilbert, Felix Hausdorff, André Weil, Alexander Grothendieck, Alfred Theodor Brauer (German Edition)
  6. Biography - Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  7. People From Wroc?aw: Manfred Von Richthofen, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Felix Hausdorff, Max Born, Edith Stein, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  8. Topologists: Waclaw Sierpinski, René Thom, Henri Poincaré, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Felix Hausdorff, John Milnor, Vladimir Arnold
  9. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke: Band IV: Analysis, Algebra und Zahlentheorie (German Edition) by Felix Hausdorff, 2001-07-03
  10. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band III: Mengenlehre (1927,1935) Deskripte Mengenlehre und Topologie (German and English Edition) (v. 3) by Felix Hausdorff, 2008-03-11
  11. People From the Province of Silesia: Paul Ehrlich, Manfred Von Richthofen, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Felix Hausdorff, Max Born
  12. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VI: Geometrie, Raum und Zeit (German and English Edition)
  13. Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band VII: Philosophisches Werk. "Sant' Ilario. Gedanken aus der Landschaft Zarathustras" "Das Chaos in kosmischer Auslese" ... Gesammelte Werke) (German Edition) by Felix Hausdorff, 2004-02-23
  14. Mengenlehre by felix hausdorff, 1944-01-01

21. Felix Hausdorff - Wikipedia
Felix Hausdorff (19131921) Groter. Felix Hausdorff (1913-1921). Felix Hausdorff (8november 1868 – 26 januari 1942) was een Duitse wiskundige die als een
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Felix Hausdorff
Felix Hausdorff (1913-1921) Felix Hausdorff 8 november 26 januari ) was een Duitse wiskundige die als een van de stichters van de moderne topologie wordt beschouwd en als iemand die een grote bijdrage heeft geleverd aan de verzamelingenleer en functionaalanalyse . Hij bestudeerde in het bijzonder partieel geordende verzamelingen en de naar hem vernoemde Hausdorffruimten . Hij publiceerde zijn filosofische en literaire werken onder het pseudoniem Paul Mongr©. Hausdorff studeerde in Leipzig en was daar docent wiskunde tot 1910, waarna hij professor in de wiskunde werd in Bonn . Hoewel de nazi 's aan de macht kwamen en Hausdorff joods was, werd hij als ge«erbiedigde universitaire professor niet vervolgd. Zijn abstracte wiskunde werd echter wel aan de kaak gesteld en hij verloor zijn positie in 1935. Toen hij in 1942 niet meer kon voorkomen dat hij naar een concentratiekamp zou worden afgevoerd, pleegde Hausdorff samen met zijn vrouw en schoonzuster

22. Gli Scienziati Ebrei
Translate this page hausdorff felix (Ebreo). Matematico, compie importanti studi sulla topologia.Nel 35 allontanato dalla cattedra di Bonn. Si suicida il 26/1/42 per evitare i
Temi tecnologici trattati: Cos'è un semiconduttore parte 1 parte 2 parte 3 Impiantazione Ionica ... Che cos'è il vuoto Giunzione p-n Rettificatore Pile a combustibile Dispositivi elettronici ad alta frequenza: dal Si al GaAs Processo Haber-Bosh Storia Fritz Haber Walter H. Nerst Carl Bosh ... Migrazioni culturali: La "diaspora" degli scienziati Ebrei e di chi solidarizzo con loro Nel 1934 il ministro nazista della cultura chiese allo scienziato David Hilbert " ." La risposta fu lapidaria " Matematica a Göttingen? non ce n’è più" . (Weyl) La situazione scientifica e culturale Europea nei primi anni del novecento vede il fiorire di nuove teorie di pensiero, di nuove forme espressive, di nuovi strumenti tecnologici che non trova riscontro in nessuna altra epoca della storia umana. La ricomposizione del sistema unitario di pensiero presente in Europa nel novecento non avverrà mai più. Su queste vicende, sul destino dei singoli scienziati coinvolti in questa amara fuga, torneremo in maniera sistematica a partire da Settembre. Di seguito presentiamo una prima lista di uomini che, per la loro origine o per

23. Felix Hausdorff - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
Felix Hausdorff, urodzony 8 listopada 1868 roku we Wroclawiu (wówczas Breslau),zmarl 26 stycznia 1942 roku w Bonn. Matematyk niemiecki, jeden z twórców
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Felix Hausdorff
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
Felix Hausdorff , urodzony 8 listopada roku we Wrocławiu (w³wczas Breslau), zmarł 26 stycznia roku w Bonn Matematyk niemiecki , jeden z tw³rc³w topologii Hausdorff wni³sł poważny wkład w rozw³j analizy funkcjonalnej i teorii mnogości , gdzie konsekwentnie badał pojęcie mocy zbioru , wprowadził pojęcie zbioru częściowo uporządkowanego , zajmował się badaniem liczb porządkowych . Sformułował i udowodnił twierdzenie o łańcuchu maksymalnym , kt³re jest r³wnoważne aksjomatowi wyboru Jednak największy wkład wni³sł Hausdorff do topologii, kt³rej podstawy wsp³Å‚tworzył. Badał systematycznie przestrzenie metryczne i przestrzenie T , nazywane dziś przestrzeniami Hausdorffa. Ciekawostką jest fakt, że w latach 1987-1904 Hausdorff publikował r³wnież rozprawy filozoficzne i prace literackie pod pseudonimem "Paul Mongr©". Studia matematyczne ukończył na Uniwersytecie w Lipsku , a w roku złożył tam rozprawę habilitacyjną. Około roku

24. Einige Der Bedeutenden Mathematiker
Translate this page hausdorff felix, 1868-1942. Hermite Charles, 1822-1901. Heawood Percy, 1861-1955.Heron von Alexandrien, ~60 n.Chr. Hilbert David, 1862-1943
Einige der bedeutenden Mathematiker
Abel Niels Hendrik Appolonius von Perga ~230 v.Chr. Archimedes von Syrakus 287-212 v.Chr. Babbage Charles Banach Stefan Bayes Thomas Bernoulli Daniel Bernoulli Jakob Bernoulli Johann Bernoulli Nicolaus Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm Bieberbach Ludwig Birkhoff Georg David Bolyai János Bolzano Bernhard Boole George Borel Emile Briggs Henry Brouwer L.E.J. Cantor Georg Ferdinand Carroll Lewis Cassini Giovanni Domenico Cardano Girolamo Cauchy Augustin Louis Cayley Arthur Ceulen, Ludolph van Chomsky Noel Chwarismi Muhammed Ibn Musa Al Church Alonzo Cohen Paul Joseph Conway John Horton Courant Richard D'Alembert Jean Le Rond De Morgan Augustus Dedekind Julius Wilhelm Richard Descartes René Dieudonné Jean Diophantos von Alexandria ~250 v. Chr. Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirichlet Peter Gustav Lejeune Eratosthenes von Kyrene 276-194 v.Chr. Euklid von Alexandria ~300 v.Chr. Euler Leonhard Fatou Pierre Fermat Pierre de Fischer Ronald A Sir Fourier Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fraenkel Adolf Frege Gottlob Frobenius Ferdinand Georg Galois Evariste Galton Francis Sir Gauß Carl Friedrich Germain Marie-Sophie Gödel Kurt Goldbach Christian Hadamard Jacques Hamilton William Rowan Hausdorff Felix Hermite Charles Heawood Percy Heron von Alexandrien ~60 n.Chr.

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26. Felix Hausdorff - Wikipedia
Translate this page Felix Hausdorff (1868 - 1942), matematico tedesco. Diede contributi alla teoriadei gruppi. Tra i fondatori della topologia moderna.
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Felix Hausdorff
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Questo articolo ¨ solo una bozza ( stub ). Se puoi contribuisci adesso a migliorarlo secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia
Per l'elenco completo degli stub di biografie , vedi la relativa categoria Felix Hausdorff ), matematico tedesco. Diede contributi alla teoria dei gruppi. Tra i fondatori della topologia moderna. Ricavato da " Categorie Stub Biografie Biografie ... Matematici tedeschi Views Strumenti personali Navigazione Ricerca strumenti Altre lingue

27. Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
Vorlesungen zum Gedenken an felix hausdorff. Burton, DM The History of MathematicsAn Introduction, 3rd ed. William C. Brown, 1995.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality German ... Elkins
Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942)

This entry contributed by Ben Elkins German mathematician who founded point-set topology in (1914). He also developed Hausdorff spaces In addition to his work in set theory Hausdorff developed the concepts of metric and topological spaces Hausdorff sought to develop the idea of "closeness" without any dependency on being able to "measure" the distance between these points. As a result of the Nazi Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Hausdorff was forced to leave his academic position at Bonn and, although he remained mathematically active for several more years, his research could only be published outside Germany. In January 1942, when internment in a concentration camp became imminent, Hausdorff, his wife, and her sister committed suicide together (Burton 1995).
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Vorlesungen zum Gedenken an Felix Hausdorff. Burton, D. M. The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, 3rd ed. William C. Brown, 1995. Czyz, J.

28. - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math
hausdorff, felix. howsdaw(r)f. (18681942). Mathematician, born in Wroc lstrok;aw,Poland (formerly Breslau, Germany). He studied at Leipzig and Berlin,

29. Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942)
hausdorff, felix (18681942) Among several concepts named after him is thehausdorff dimension, which gives a way of assigning a fractional dimension to
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Hausdorff, Felix (1868-1942)
A German mathematician who is considered to be one of the founders of modern topology and who also did significant work in set theory and functional analysis. Among several concepts named after him is the Hausdorff dimension , which gives a way of assigning a fractional dimension to a curve or shape. Hausdorff also published philosophical and literary works under the pseudonym "Paul Mongré." He studied at Leipzig and taught mathematics there until 1910, when he became professor of mathematics at Bonn. When the Nazis came to power, Hausdorff, a Jew, felt that as a respected university professor he would be safe from persecution. However, his abstract mathematics was denounced as useless and "un-German" and he lost his position in 1935. He sent his daughter to Britain but stayed with his wife in Germany. When in 1942 he could no longer avoid being sent to a concentration camp, he committed suicide together with his wife and sister-in-law.

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30. Hausdorff Dimension
The hausdorff dimension, named after felix hausdorff, coincides with the morefamiliar notion of dimension in the case of wellbehaved sets.
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Hausdorff dimension
A way to accurately measure the dimension of complicated sets such as fractals . The Hausdorff dimension, named after Felix Hausdorff , coincides with the more familiar notion of dimension in the case of well-behaved sets. For example a straight line or an ordinary curve, such as a circle, has a Hausdorff dimension of 1; any countable set has a Hausdorff dimension of 0; and an n -dimensional Euclidean space has a Hausdorff dimension of n . But a Hausdorff dimension is not always a natural number . Think about a line that twists in such a complicated way that it starts to fill up the plane. Its Hausdorff dimension increases beyond 1 and takes on values that get closer and closer to 2. The same idea of ascribing a fractional dimension applies to a plane that contorts more and more in the third dimension: its Hausdorff dimension gets closer and closer to 3. As a specific example, the fractal known as the Sierpinski carpet has a Hausdorff dimension of just over 1.89.

31. Hausdorff
Biography of felix hausdorff (18681942) felix hausdorff s father was Louishausdorff, who was a merchant dealing in textiles, and his mother was Hedwig
Felix Hausdorff
Born: 8 Nov 1868 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland)
Died: 26 Jan 1942 in Bonn, Germany
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Felix Hausdorff 's father was Louis Hausdorff, who was a merchant dealing in textiles, and his mother was Hedwig Tietz; both were Jewish. Felix was born into a wealthy family and this had quite an influence on his life and career since he never had the problem of having to work to support himself financially. Felix was stll a young boy when the family moved from Breslau to Leipzig, and it was in Leipzig that he grew up. At school he had wide interests and, in addition to mathematics, he was attracted to literature and music. In fact he wanted to pursue a career in music as a composer but his parents put pressure on him to give up the idea of becoming a composer. They achieved this, but only after quite an effort for Felix had his heart set on the idea, and after this he turned towards mathematics as the subject to study at university. Hausdorff studied at Leipzig University under Heinrich Bruns and Adolph Mayer , graduating in 1891 with a doctorate in applications of mathematics to astronomy. His thesis was titled

32. Hausdorff Portraits
Portraits of felix hausdorff. The URL of this page is, © Copyright information.http//
Felix Hausdorff
JOC/EFR August 2005 The URL of this page is:

33. Hausdorff, Felix
hausdorff, felix (18681942). German mathematician and philosopher who developedthe branch of mathematics known as topology, in which he formulated the
Hausdorff, Felix
German mathematician and philosopher who developed the branch of mathematics known as topology, in which he formulated the theory of point sets. He investigated general closure spaces, and formulated Hausdorff's maximal principle in general set theory.
Hausdorff was born in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), and studied at Berlin, Freiburg, and Leipzig. In 1902 he was appointed professor at Leipzig, later moving to Bonn. During World War II he committed suicide rather than be sent to a concentration camp.
Hausdorff formulated a theory of topological and metric spaces, proposing that such spaces be regarded as sets of points and sets of relations among the points, and introduced the principle of duality. This principle states that an equation between sets remains valid if the sets are replaced by their complements and the symbol for union is exchanged for that of intersection.
He also created what are now called Hausdorff's neighbourhood axioms; from these four axioms he derived Hausdorff's topological spaces. A topological space is understood to be a set E of elements x and certain subsets Sx of E which are known as neighbourhoods of x.

34. Lakatos Collection Authors H-K
hausdorff, felix, 18681942. Mengenlehre / von F. hausdorff. 2. neubearb. Aufl . hausdorff, felix. Grundzüge der Mengenlehre / von felix hausdorff.
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Lakatos Collection Authors H-K
Haar, Dirk ter Old quantum theory / by D. Ter Haar Oxford, Pergamon Press [1967] (The Commonwealth and international library. Selected readings in physics). QC174 H11 LAK. Held in Archives Habermas, Jürgen. Legitimationsprobleme im Sp_atkapitalismus / Jurgen Habermas. 1 Aufl. [Frankfurt am Main] : Suhrkamp Verlag, [1973]. (Edition Suhrkamp. 5.). JC497 H11 LAK. Normal loan Habermas, Jürgen. Erkenntnis und Interesse / Jurgen Habermas. [Frankfurt am Main] : Suhrkamp, [1968]. (Theorie ; 2). BD163 H11 LAK. Normal loan Habermas, Jürgen. Erkenntnis und Interesse, mit einem neuen Nachwort / Jürgen Habermas. Frankfurt am Main : Suhkrkamp, 1973. (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ; 1). ISBN 3518076019 . BD163 H11 LAK. Normal loan Habermas, Jürgen. Technik und Wissenschaft als >Ideologie < / Jürgen Habermas. Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, [1969]. (Edition Suhrkamp.). B945.M2984 H11 LAK. Held in Archives Habermas, Jürgen.

35. Hausdorff Dimension: Information From
hausdorff dimension In mathematics , the hausdorff dimension is an extendednonnegative It was introduced in 1918 by the mathematician felix hausdorff.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Hausdorff dimension Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Hausdorff dimension In mathematics , the Hausdorff dimension is an extended non-negative real number metric space . It was introduced in by the mathematician Felix Hausdorff . Many of the technical developments used to compute the Hausdorff dimension for highly irregular sets were obtained by Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch . For this reason, Hausdorff dimension is sometimes referred to as Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension . It is also less frequently called the capacity dimension or fractal dimension Intuitively, the dimension of a set (for example, a subset of Euclidean space ) is the number of independent parameters needed to describe a point in the set. One mathematical concept which closely models this na¯ve idea is that of topological dimension of a set. For example a point in the plane is described by two independent parameters (the

36. CWI Library: Acquisitions
hausdorff, felix / Chatterji, SD / Remmert, R. / Scharlau, W. Gesammelte Werke von hausdorff, felix / Stegmaier, Werner Gesammelte Werke von felix
Library: Acquisitions books
AW 55.7-9
July 1 - September 30, 2004 Mathematics, general
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Bakker, Jaco W. de / Boer, Frank S. de / Heijden, Marlin Y. van der / Klint, Paul / Rutten, Jan J. M. M. Liber amicorum Jaco de Bakker : [bij zijn afscheid van het CWI], 30.08.2002 Amsterdam : C.W.I., 2002
Bogolyubov, O. M. Matematika i matematichne prirodoznavstvo v Ukraini v XX st. : pratsi mizhnarodnoi litn'oi naukovoi shkoli m. Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kii 01-07.07.1999 [Mathematics and the mathematical sciences in Ukraine in the twentieth century : proceedings of the international summer scientific school held in Kam'yanets-Podil's'kii, 01-07.07.1999] Kiev : Institut Matematiki NAN Ukraini, 2001 (Pratsi Institutu Matematiki NAN Ukraini ; 34) Gadjiev, Akif Djafar Selected works Baku : Elm, 2003 Hausdorff, Felix / Brieskorn, E. / Chatterji, S. D. / Epple, M. / Felgner, U. a.o. Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2002

37. Nachlass Felix Hausdorff By W. Purkert, Ed.
Production Editor Atlas Automation Team. Nachlass felix hausdorff. W. Purkert,Ed. AtlasImage format LaTeX source file dvi file PostScript file
Topology Atlas Document # iaad-06.htm
Nachlass Felix Hausdorff
W. Purkert, Ed.
Topology Atlas

38. Nachlass Felix Hausdorff - Introduction By W. Purkert, Ed.
Nachlass felix hausdorff Introduction. W. Purkert, Ed. AtlasImage format LaTeX source file dvi file PostScript file
Topology Atlas Document # iaad-05.htm
Nachlass Felix Hausdorff - Introduction
W. Purkert, Ed.
Topology Atlas

39. Felix Hausdorff, Mathematician
felix hausdorff, mathematician. hausdorff worked mainly in set theory and topology.Go to my HOME PAGE for more links. © by Ray Streater, 13/11/00.
Felix Hausdorff, mathematician
Hausdorff worked mainly in set theory and topology. Go to my HOME PAGE for more links.

40. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Felix Hausdorff
According to our current online database, felix hausdorff has 3 students and 3descendants. We welcome any additional information.

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