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Hankel Hermann: more books (16) | |||
21. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Hermann Hankel According to our current online database, hermann hankel has 1 students and 1descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=34188 |
22. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Hermann Hankel If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=34188 |
23. Bibliography hankel, hermann. 1867. Theorie der complexen Zahlensysteme insbesondere dergemeinen imaginären Zahlen und der Hamilton schen Quaternionen nebst ihrer http://www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/vol3no1/algbrlog/node4.html |
24. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page hankel, hermann. hankel, Wilhelm Gottlieb. hankel, Wilhelm Gottlieb. Hann, JuliusFerdinand von. Hann, Julius Ferdinand von. Hansen, Emil Christian http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/h.html | |
25. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page hankel, hermann Harris, John Hartlib, Samuel Heath, Thomas Little Herapath, JohnHerbart, Johann Friedrich Herbert, William Hernández, Francisco http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/his.html | |
26. Great Mathematicians hankel, hermann, (18391873), Germany, hankel functions and the hankel transform.Gibbs, Josiah Willard, (1839-1903), USA, Vector Calculus, http://www.sali.freeservers.com/engineering/maths.html | |
27. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library hankel, hermann, Elemente der Projectivischen Geometrie in SynthetischerBehandlung ,1875, 268. Hanus, Paul Henry, Elementary Treatise on the Theory of http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/reformatghi.php | |
28. Hermann Hankel: Information From Answers.com Bessel function Information From Answers.com functions express inward and outward-propagating cylindrical wave solutionsof the cylindrical wave equation.) They are named for hermann hankel. http://www.answers.com/topic/hermann-hankel | |
29. Math Lessons - Hermann Hankel Math Lessons hermann hankel. hermann hankel. hermann hankel (February 14,1839 - August 29, 1873) was a German mathematician who was born in Halle, http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Hermann_Hankel | |
30. Annotated Bibliography On Analysis -- §2: Ancient Conceptions Of Analysis: A Su , 1962, Platos Theory of Knowledge, London Methuen 147, 108-20recollection; hankel, hermann, 1874, Zur Geschichte der Mathematik in Alterthum http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/analysis/bib2.html | |
31. INDEX OF NAMES hankel, hermann (Germany, 18391873) and generalization in math, 1168 Hardy, G.Harold (England, 1877-1947) and Goldbach s Conjecture, 911 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/names/f-j.html?SearchIndex=Hilbert |
32. H hankel, hermann (Germany, 18391873) and generalization in math, 1168 Haploidcells and randomness in biology, 970 Hard hexagon model and 2D entropies, 959 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/h.html | |
33. Biografia De Hankel, Hermann Translate this page hankel, hermann. (Halle, 1839-Schramberg, 1873) Matemático alemán. Sus trabajosversaron sobre geometría proyectiva y sobre la teoría de funciones de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/h/hankel.htm | |
34. Hermann Goering - Definition Of Hermann Goering By The Free Online Dictionary, T Meaning of hermann Goering. What does hermann Goering mean? hermann GuntherGrassmann hermann Günther Grassmann hermann hankel hermann Hauser http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Hermann Goering | |
35. Hankey-pankey - Definition Of Hankey-pankey By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesa hankel matrix hankel transform hankel Transform Domain hankel, hermann Hanken hanker hanker hanker hanker hanker hanker hankering http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Hankey-pankey | |
36. Hankel Matrix -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article after (Click link for more info and facts about hermann hankel) hermann hankel,is a square matrix with constant (positive sloping) skewdiagonals, eg; http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/H/Ha/Hankel_matrix.htm | |
37. Bessel Function -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article They are named for (Click link for more info and facts about hermann hankel)hermann hankel. There are also spherical analogues of the hankel functions http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/b/be/bessel_function.htm | |
38. Pascal - Pappus Theorem In Germany, hermann hankel (18391873) proclaimed the Principle of Permanency inMathematics which involves the principle of retaining the same formal laws http://ca.geocities.com/ingsaler6/pascalpappus.html | |
39. A Passion For Mathematics 325 group theory, 266 Guberlet, Constantin, 49 Guy, Richard, 94, 229 Hales,Thomas, 4 Hamburger, Peter, 139 hankel, hermann, 33 Harborth configuration, http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/passion-math.html | |
40. Mathematicians From DSB Translate this page hankel, hermann, 1839-1873. Hansteen, Christopher, 1784-1873. Hardy, Godfrey Harold,1877-1947. Heine, Heinrich Eduard, 1821-1881. Hensel, Kurt, 1861-1941 http://www.henrikkragh.dk/hom/dsb.htm | |
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