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61. Universitaet Graz The mathematician paul guldin established ?guldins Rules for calculating thevolume of solids of revolution. The economist Joseph Schumpeter devised his http://www-classic.uni-graz.at/bdrwww/geschichte/masterminds.html | |
62. Worldroots.com Kepler was assisted to remove the seal of the reformation commission on hislibrary by the Jesuit Father paul guldin in Vienna (he wanted to borrow some of http://www.worldroots.com/brigitte/kepler.htm | |
63. Biografisk Register Translate this page guldin, paul (Habakuk) (1577-1643) Guthrie, Frederick Gödel, Kurt (1906-78)Hadamard, Jacques (1865-1963) Haken, W Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-65) http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
64. Reviews, Beutner Multimedia Software Services High quality video shows every step clearly and Dave guldin does a fantastic paul Snyder, coauthor of Nautical Knots Illustrated, one of the very best http://www.beutner.com/reviews.html | |
65. CD Baby: MIKE GULDIN AND "ROLLIN' & TUMBLIN'": Caught Between The Blues And A He Stinging guitar and soulful vocals are second nature for guldin who has had the Billy paul until 79, with the OJays from 80 to 81, and with Sister http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/mgart/from/bonda6974 | |
66. FOREST INFORMATION UPDATE VOL 2, NO. 26 25 JUNE 2001 Forest Tom Geary, Andy Gillespie, Rich guldin, Christoph Kleinn, Rich Maher, VidarNordin, paul Rogers, paul Romeijn, and Eric van Poederooijen. http://www.foresters.org/fiu/2001/26.htm | |
67. PAPPUS OF ALEXANDRIA - LoveToKnow Article On PAPPUS OF ALEXANDRIA curve given in position); (b) the theorems which were rediscovered by andnamed after paul guldin, but appear to have been discovered by Pappus himself. http://18.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PA/PAPPUS_OF_ALEXANDRIA.htm | |
68. Dissertations Terra Machinis Mota is a dialogue between the Jesuit mathematician paul guldin,the famous Friar Marin Mersenne, and Galileo Galilei, about the Archimedean http://cis.alma.unibo.it/NewsLetter/101997Nw/Phd.htm | |
69. Matematici D-L guldin, paul (ieHabakkuk guldin) (San Gallo, Svizzera, 1577 - Graz, Austria, 1643) http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/matematici_d_l.html | |
70. Mueller Science - Specialities: Swiss Inventions And Discoveries guldin s rule (paul guldin, 163541). Illustrated journal (Matthäus Merian d.Ä., 1635). 1650-1699. Definition of stroke (Johann Jakob Wepfer, 1658) http://www.muellerscience.com/ENGLISH/Swiss_Inventions_and_Discoveries.htm | |
71. Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page paul guldin. (En este momento no hay texto en esta p¡gina. Para iniciar elartculo, click editar esta p¡gina (http//es.wikipedia.orgpaul_guldin).) http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Paul_Guldin | |
72. Paul Guldin Université Montpellier II Translate this page paul guldin (1577-1643). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1221 |
73. BSHM: Abstracts -- S study of his correspondence with paul guldin, NTM 5 (1997), 236244 Kepler to the Jesuit mathematician paul guldin (1577-1643), written 1618-1628. http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/abstracts/S.html | |
74. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page guldin, paul. Gulick, John Thomas. Gulland, John Masson. Gulland, John Masson.Gullstrand, Allvar. Gullstrand, Allvar. Gullstrand, Allvar http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/g.html | |
75. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page guldin, paul Gullstrand, Allvar Gunter, Edmund Haar, Alfréd ?abash al-?asib,A?mad Ibn ?Abdallah al-Marwazi Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre Hadamard, Jacques http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
76. The Research Notebook Of A Beleaguered Hack.: Struik: A Concise History Of Mathe The scholastics Gregorie de SaintCincent, paul guldin and Andre Tacquet developedand coined the exhaustion method following Archimedes and Eudoxus. http://arsenal.media.mit.edu/notebook/archives/000108.html | |
77. Homegrown Music Listings For January 2003 14 A Live Homegrown Music Concert with paul MARK AND THE VAN DORENS. WVIAFM sunique monthly series of live Mike guldin and Rollin and Tumblin http://georgegraham.com/hgm0301.html | |
78. The New York Review Of Books: Moonshine It was published together with a letter to paul guldin, SJ, on lunar geography,and Kepler s Latin translation of Plutarch s On the Face in the Moon, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/12355 | |
79. REJSTØÍK OSOBNOSTÍ guldin, paul 352. Güttler, Emerich 1345. H. Habermehl, Erasmus 368. Hacar, Bohumil1211. Haenke, Tadeá 147, 1005, 1025. Hájek z Hájku, Tadeá 389, 844, http://www.vcdv.cas.cz/komitet/index-personalities.htm | |
80. Card Of The Old Books Translate this page I. Meietti, Roberto, editore. 18890. OAC H 120. guldin, paul, 1577-1643.Refutatio elenchi calendarii gregoriani a Setho Caluisio conscripti, http://www.na.astro.it/biblioteca/eng/oldbook.html | |
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