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81. Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877) Became A Sanskrit Scholar, But In Says Hestenes hermann grassmann completed the algebraic formulation of basicideas in Greek ideas begun by Descartes. The Greek theory of ratio and http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/grassmann.htm | |
82. Contents, Volume 7 of hermann and Robert grassmann, Modern Logic 7 (1997), 131 159. and insuch of hermann grassmann s works as the Ausdehnungs-lehre is to be found http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/pmilne/ml/abs7.html | |
83. The Australian National University (ANU) Library - Hancock Precinct English; Extension theory / hermann grassmann translated by Lloyd C. Kannenberg ,grassmann, hermann, 18091877, History of mathematics v. 19 http://anulib.anu.edu.au/clusters/science/lac/mathlac/maths2000.html | |
84. Browse The Cornell Library Historical Math Monographs by grassmann, hermann Ernst. Projektive geometrie der ebene, unter benutzung derpunktrechnung (Volume 2) by grassmann, hermann Ernst http://historical.library.cornell.edu/math/title_P.html | |
85. UW Libraries - Database Search Click here to see record details, Abriss des geometrischen Kalkuls nach den Werkendes Professors Dr. hermann Gunther grassmann / http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=keyword&ID=31211 |
86. UW Libraries - Database Search dr (33), ferdinand (10), geometrischen (3), geometry (133), grassmann (2),gunther (8), hermann (34), historical (636), kalkuls, kraft, library (2125), http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=keyword&ID=32727 |
87. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Caratheodory Concerning hermann G\ unther grassmann, it could be of special interest to D. Flament, hermann G\ unther grassmann. La science de la grandeur extensive. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/mar00/0116.html | |
88. Grassman hermann grassmann is chiefly remembered for his development of a general calculusfor vectors. grassmann taught at the Gymnasium in Stettin from 1831 until http://govschl.ndsu.nodak.edu/~rausch/grassman.htm | |
89. 1997 Repères. Num. 26. P. 89-108. Hermann Grassmann Et La Théorie De L'extensi hermann Grassmannand the theory of extension. Editeur TOPIQUES éditions Pont à Mousson, http://publimath.univ-lyon1.fr/biblio/IWR97179.htm | |
90. Hermann Grassmann Université Montpellier II Translate this page hermann grassmann (1809-1877). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1209 |
91. [FOM] Interesting Book Evariste 15 Gauss, Carl 81 Gelfond, Aleksander 7 Godel, Kurt 18 grassmann,hermann 20 Gregory, James 23 Hadamard, Jacques 11 Hamilton, William 28 Hardy, http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-December/007731.html | |
92. Research Report Girschick hermann, in research foci (and basic equipmentbased research projects) grassmann Olaf, in third-party-funded projects http://www.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschungsbericht/FOBE-akt/pre-G.htm | |
93. Aquí Matemàtiques: Enllaços D'interès. Història, Biografies, Obres Clàssiq Desmond FearnleySander on hermann grassmann (Idioma Anglès). Un conjunt d articlessobre l obra del matemàtic hermann grassmann per Desmond Fearnley-Sander http://www.xtec.es/recursos/mates/aqui/links/links_histbiog.htm | |
94. HERMANN GRASSMANN Translate this page hermann grassmann nasceu em 1809 na cidade de Stettin, na época pertencente àPrussia, e faleceu na mesma cidade em 1877, mas já como Alemanha. http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~vaz/grassman.htm | |
95. Álgebra De Grassmann Translate this page hermann Günther grassmann 1, filho de professores, nasceu em 15 de abril de1809 na cidade de Stettin (agora Szczecin, na Polônia) e faleceu em 26 de http://www.unb.br/iq/kleber/Grassmann/node2.html | |
96. PPT Slide hermann grassmann (18091877). Mathematician, philologist. Discoverer of grassmannsLaw (dissimilation of aspiration in Greek and Sanskrit); http://trill.berkeley.edu/PhonLab/classes/ling110_2002/PowerPoint02/02-29aug/tsl | |
97. °Site Of Extensions° Algebra And Geometry © Mar-2000:2001 BF. grassmann, hermann Günter (18091877) Theory of extensions, various products,exterior product, history of mathematics - grassmann, hermann http://kaluza.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~fauser/P_history.shtml | |
98. AWVerlag - Dienstleistungen - Referenzliste - G World Scientific Publications ISBN 98102-2095-2 (1995) 636-666; GrassmannHermann, Neue Theorie der Elektrodynamik , Annalen der Physik und Chemie 64 http://www.info.global-scaling-verein.de/Ref/ReferenzG.htm | |
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