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         Grandi Guido:     more books (52)
  1. I Fiori Geometrici Del Padre Abbate Guido Grandi (1729) (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2010-09-10
  2. Dialoghi Del P. M. Grandi Camaldolese.: Circa la Controversia Eccitatagli Contro Dal Sig. Dottore Alessandro Marchetti. (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2009-04-27
  3. Instituzioni Meccaniche (1739) (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2009-03-04
  4. Instituzioni Geometriche by Guido Grandi, 2009-07-17
  5. Instituzioni di Aritmetica Pratica by Guido Grandi, 2009-07-17
  6. Flores Geometrici Ex Rhodonearum Et Cloeliarum Curvarum Descriptionibus Resultantes (1728) (Latin Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2010-09-10
  7. Sectionum Conicarum Synopsis (1750) (Latin Edition) by Guido Grandi, Ottaviano Cametti, 2009-08-10
  8. Instituzioni Meccaniche (1739) (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2010-09-10
  9. Compendio Delle Sezioni Coniche D'Apollonio (1722) (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2009-06-13
  10. Geometrica Demonstratio Theorematum Hugenianorum Circa Logisticam, Seu Logarithmicam Lineam: Qua Occasione Plures Geometrice Methodi Exhibentur Circa Tangentes, ... Utì Infinitarum Parabolaru (Latin Edition) by Guido Grandi, Tommaso Ceva, 2010-02-22
  11. De Infinitis Infinitorum, et Infinite Parvorum Ordinibus Disquisitio Geometrica. (Latin Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2009-04-27
  12. Carteggio (1714-1729) a cura di Franco Palladino e Luisa Simonutti (Archivio Della Corrispondenza Degli Scienziati Italiani, 6) by Celestino Galiani, Guido Grandi, 1989
  13. Sectionum Conicarum Synopsis (1750) (Latin Edition) by Guido Grandi, Ottaviano Cametti, 2010-09-10
  14. Compendio Delle Sezioni Coniche D'Apollonio (1722) (Italian Edition) by Guido Grandi, 2010-09-10

21. Biologia
Translate this page ABRIGNANI Sergio, RAPPUOLI Rino, grandi guido, I vaccini biotecnologie per una grandi guido, vedi ABRIGNANI Sergio. GRANITI Antonio, Sessualità ed
Biologia (il numero a sinistra indica il numero del volume) 58. RANZI S., (Conferenza tenuta il 7 marzo 1980), 1981. Seminari sulla "EVOLUZIONE BIOLOGICA E I GRANDI PROBLEMI DELLA BIOLOGIA" Indice Indice degli articoli per autore Indice (indici redatti a cura di Gianna Benigni) Indice degli articoli per autore (seminari I - XXVIII) (indici redatti a cura di Gianna Benigni) A ACCORDI Bruno, Le faune insulari nane e giganti durante il Quaternario medio-superiore, in [7], 45-70. ALBERGHINA Lilia, Regolazione della crescita e divisione cellulare in Eucarioti, in [7], 103-121. ALIMENTI Claudio, vedi LUPORINI Pierangelo. ALLEVA Enrico, CARERE Claudio, Socioecologia dei vertebrati, in [24], 157-176. ALOISI Massimiliano, Evoluzione dei sistemi contrattili: microadattamenti biochimici e funzionali, in [2], 45-81. ANTONINI Eraldo, vedi BOSSA Francesco. ARGANO Roberto, I Crostacei, in [19], 237-244. ARTINI Paolo Giovanni, vedi GENAZZANI Andrea Riccardo. ASCENZI Antonio, I Neandertaliani, in [17], 83-102. AUDISIO Paolo, I meccanismi riproduttivi delle piante mediati dagli insetti: un esempio di coevoluzione?, in [23], 205-226. B BALDACCI Elio, Forme di parassitismo e metodi di prevenzione nelle piante, in [8], 219-240.

22. Doctorate School In Biotechnology - Faculty Board
Translate this page GODOVAC-ZIMMERMANN JASMINKA - University College, London grandi guido - CHIRON VACCINES HADJISTILIANOU THEODORA - Università degli Studi di Siena Board.htm
Doctorate School in Biotechnology
Prof. Marco FERRARI


GENOMICS Prof. Salvatore OLIVIERO PROTEOMICS Prof. Vitaliano PALLINI ANGEL PETER - Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg BAIOCCHI STEFANO - Azienda Ospedaliera Senese BORNENS MICHEL - Institut Curie, Paris BUTCHER SAMUEL - University of Wisconsin at Madison CARDOSO PAULO EC - Dipartimento di Materiali Dentari, San Paolo, Brasile CASPRINI FABRIZIO - Altra Struttura DAVIDSON CAREL L. - Department of Dental Materials Science, Amsterdam GODOVAC-ZIMMERMANN JASMINKA - University College, London GRANDI GUIDO - CHIRON VACCINES HERRLICH PETER - University of Karlsrhue MJOR IVAR A. - University of Florida

23. Comune Di CASALE CORTE CERRO (VB) - Commissioni Comunali
Translate this page GIACOMINI MAURO Responsabile servizio Polizia Municipale BARGIGA Dr. ANGELO Rappr. Confederazione Naz. Artigianato grandi guido Cittadino utente.
Tel: 0323.692111 - Fax: 0323.60373
1 Settembre 2005 Piemonte Verbano Cusio Ossola
Amministrazione - Commissioni Comunali
Commissioni Comunali
Edilizia Privata Presidente:
BONINI MASSIMO MARIA - Assessore Delegato dal Sindaco Componenti:
VALENTINI Geom. VALENTINO Responsabile dei servizi tecnici;
CRISTINA Geol. ANNA Esperto tutela valori ambientali RIPAMONTI Arch. ROBERTO Tecnico; TECCHIO Arch. PAOLO Tecnico: GIULIANO Geom. IVANO Tecnico; DIDO Ing. FABRIZIO Tecnico. Competenze: Pianificazione urbanistica Vice Presidente: BONINI P.I. MASSIMO MARIA Assessore delegato dal Sindaco; Componenti: FOTI Geom. PIETRO Cons. Com.le di maggioranza MADEO SALVATORE Cons. Com.le di maggioranza MAGGIOLA ELIGIO Cons. Com.le di minoranza RIPAMONTI Arch. ROBERTO Esperto TECCHIO Arch. PAOLO Esperto GIULIANO Geom. IVANO Esperto CRISTINA Geol. ANNA Designato dalla Comm. Edilizia Presidente: PIZZI CLAUDIO (Sindaco) Componenti: RICHETTI GRAZIA Assessore ai Servizi Sociali Consiglieri di maggiranza: AMADORI VALERIO - FOTI PIETRO - MACCAGNO LORENZO Consiglieri di minoranza:

24. (4) SENIOR
Translate this page grandi guido 69 Team Ciclodue 249.48,5 16.08,5 (176) GenM 55. ¦ ¦ ¦ 22. Bertinotti Stefano 70 Free Wheels Ameno 250.04,8 16.24,8 (991)
Giro dell'Ossola GF A. De Zan - (4) SENIOR
posto Cognome e Nome an Società tempo ritardo pett assolute ¦ Start-Mozio ¦ Mozio-Finish ¦

25. Risultati Giro Dell'Ossola GF A. De Zan
Translate this page grandi guido, 69, PUNTI 10 6. Fantonetti Claudio, 70, PUNTI 10 8. Dresti Mauro, 66, PUNTI 9 9. Leone Giorgio, 70, PUNTI 8 10. Beretta Luigi, 69, PUNTI 6 11.
Giro dell'Ossola GF A. De Zan - classifica
Giro dell'Ossola GF A. De Zan classifiche assolute 100 km per categorie 160 km per categorie Trittico Ossolano 2004 Classifica generale per categorie classifica (alfabetica) classifica (in ordine di pettorale) Top classifiche assolute - GENERALE UOMINI 100km 286 classificati 1. Fantonetti Claudio, 70, ASD Licheri Bike 3:14.42,5 (331) 2. Falconi Orazio, 62, SS Frecce Rosse 3:15.17,5 (173) 3. Candolfi Giorgio, 67, Immoprogamm 3:15.31,7 (217) 61 Atleti Fuori Tempo Massimo
- GENERALE DONNE 100km 14 classificate
1. Cappiello Olga, 63, ASD Licheri Bike 3:28.37,9 (77) 2. Bettati Brunella, 65, Jolly Nota 3:29.52,3 (72) 3. Sesiani Maddalena, 66, Polisp. Pettenasco 3:47.11,8 (73)
- GENERALE UOMINI 160km 80 classificati
1. Paluan Andrea, 66, Jolly Nota 4:36.03,5 (7) 2. Giucolsi Roberto, 68, Team Scout Udace 4:37.38,5 (2) 3. Dondoglio Maurizio, 73, Jolly Nota 4:37.50,5 (6) 29 Atleti Fuori Tempo Massimo
- GENERALE DONNE 160km 4 classificate
1. Coltella Laura, 63, Team Vicini Bike 4:54.31,1 (70) 2. Sbrighi Paola, 63, Sintesi 96 4:59.40,0 (69) 3. Minestroni Laura, 67, GC Sforzacosta 5:12.41,6 (68)

26. Piano Sosta
Translate this page E1 Via Jacini (tratto Via Ponchielli Amilcare - Via grandi guido), Via Tribunali. E2 Via Oscasali. E3 Via Cappelletti, Via Cavalcabò U., Via Chiesa D.,
Il Comune
Indice del piano
Elenco delle vie del centro suddivise per sottoaree Visualizza la cartina ingrandita (file JPG 492Kb) : Via Anguissola S., Via Boldori A., Via Bottani G., Via Cadolini G., Corso Campi, Via Cavallotti F., Via Rigotti C., Via Virgilio. : Via Antico Rodano, Via Arisi F., Via Battisti C., Galleria del Corso, Via Guarneri del Gesù, Via Ingegneri Marcantonio, Galleria Venticinque Aprile, Piazza Roma (lato ovest). : Via Aselli (tratto tra Via Araldi e Corso Mazzini), Via Cambi Bombarda, Via Macchi M., Corso Mazzini G., Via Pecorari F., Piazza Roma (lato est), Via S. Tomaso, Via Stella. : Via Baldesio G., Via Bordigallo D., Via Capitano del Popolo, Corso Cavour C., Via dei Gonfalonieri, Piazza della Pace, Via Gramsci, Via Lanaioli, Via Lombardini, Piazza Roma (lato sud), Piazza Stradivari A., Via Verdi G. : Largo Boccaccino, Via Ceresole, Via del Cigno, Via del Cistello, Via Mercatello, Via Palatina, Vicolo Paradiso, Vicolo Pertusio, Via Porta Marzia, Via S. Gallo, Via S. Giuseppe, Via S. Lorenzo, Via Solferino, Via Torriani J. : Via Beltrami E., Via Cerasa, Vicolo Galantino, Piazza Padella, Via Patecchio G., Piazza S. Antonio Maria Zaccaria, Via S. Girolamo, Via Sicardo Vescovo.

27. Comunicato Stampa Post Gara
Translate this page Al via grandi nomi del ciclismo italiano, a cominciare dal vincitore dell’ultimo (Crosa Lenz Matteo, Chevalier Stephan, grandi guido e Santysiak Enryk).
TURIN MARATHON KAPPA BIKE – UN EVENTO SEMPRE PIU’ GRANDE Oggi, domenica 20 giugno 2004 , in una splendida, ma ventosa giornata di sole si è svolta la seconda edizione della Turin Marathon Kappa Bike – Gran Premio Comunità Montana Alta Valle Susa.
Sulla linea di partenza più di ottocento concorrenti, che si sono cimentati sui due percorsi di gara previsti, la Granfondo (127,5 km – 3.100 mt. dislivello) e la Mediofondo (95 km – 2150 mt. dislivello).
Al via grandi nomi del ciclismo italiano, a cominciare dal vincitore dell’ultimo Giro d’Italia, Damiano Cunego che, con i compagni della Saeco Paolo Fornaciari e Sylvester Szmyd, ha affrontato la distanza più lunga e ha avuto modo di provare alcuni dei chilometri, candidati ad ospitare una delle tappe del Giro d’Italia del prossimo anno.
Accanto a Cunego e a Davide Cassani anche il Presidente delle Regione Piemonte, Enzo Ghigo, con la moglie Anna, il direttore di Sky Sport Giovanni Bruno e l’olimpionica Daniela Ceccarelli.
Entrando nel dettaglio tecnico, il percorso della Granfondo ha consentito ai concorrenti di scoprire la valida salita del Moncenisio.
La gara, compatta fino a quando il percorso lungo si è diviso da quello medio, ha visto un gruppo di una quarantina di ciclisti attaccare la salita più dura, quella del Moncenisio (9,48% di pendenza media). Già però dai primi metri, un gruppetto, composto da sei corridori, ridotto poi a quattro (Andrea Paluan, Maurizio Dondoglio, Gianni Fontana e Massimo Castagnetti) in cima alla salita, ha preso un buon distacco dal resto della corsa.

Translate this page Titolo, Guido Grandi. Discorso commemorativo pronunciato nella seduta ordinaria del 16 Soggetto, grandi guido, 1886-1970. Classe, Carattere generale

29. Grandi, Guido
grandi, guido (16711742) In his fascination with the study of curves, grandi was influenced first by English scientist Isaac Newton.
Grandi, Guido
Italian mathematician who worked on the definition of curves. He devised the curves now known as the 'versiera', the 'rose', and the 'cliela', and his theory of curves also comprehended the means of finding the equations of curves of known form. He was mainly responsible, in addition, for introducing calculus into Italy 1703.
Grandi was born in Cremona. He became professor of philosophy at Pisa in 1700 and of mathematics 1714.
In his fascination with the study of curves, Grandi was influenced first by English scientist Isaac Newton. In 1728 he published his complete theory in Fleores geometrica, an attempt (among other things) to define geometrically the curves that have the shapes of flowers, particularly multipetalled roses.
Grandi also did some work in practical mechanics and his observations regarding hydraulics were utilized by the Italian government in such public works as the drainage of the Chiana valley and the Pontine Marshes in central Italy.

30. Grandi
Biography of guido grandi (16711742) guido grandi was educated first at the Jesuit college in Cremona. He became a member of the Order of the
Luigi Guido Grandi
Born: 1 Oct 1671 in Cremona, Italy
Died: 4 July 1742 in Pisa, Italy
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Guido Grandi was educated first at the Jesuit college in Cremona. He became a member of the Order of the Camaldolese in 1687. This Order, an offshoot of the Benedictine Order, was founded about 1012 at Camaldoli near Arezzo, Italy. The monastery and the hermitage formed one unit in this Order and Grandi studied at one of these units in Ferrara. Then, in 1693, he went to another monastery of the Camaldolese Order in Rome. The following year, Grandi became a teacher of philosophy and theology at the Camaldolese monastery in Florence. Up to this time he had shown little interest in mathematics but now his thoughts turned in that direction. However he continued to teach philosophy being appointed professor in Rome in 1700, then going to Pisa again as professor of philosophy. Grandi's first mathematical appointment came in 1707 when he became mathematician to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo III de' Medici. In 1709 he visited England and clearly impressed the English scientists since he was elected a Fellow of the

31. References For Grandi
Translate this page References for the biography of guido grandi. G Arrighi, Nuovo contributo al carteggio guido grandi-Tommaso Narducci, Physis - Riv. Internaz.
References for Guido Grandi
Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • A Agostini, Padre Guido Grandi matematico, 1671-1742 (Pisa, 1943).
  • G Loria, Storia delle matematiche (Milan, 1950). Articles:
  • A Agostini, Quattro lettere inedite de Leibniz e una lettera di G Grandi, Arch. Internat. Hist. Sci. (N.S.)
  • G Arrighi, Nuovo contributo al carteggio Guido Grandi-Tommaso Narducci, Physis - Riv. Internaz. Storia Sci.
  • B Bottoni, Le Rodonee di Guido Grandi, Period. Mat.
  • R Franci, The letters of Gabriele Manfredi to Guido Grandi (Italian), Physis - Riv. Internaz. Storia Sci.
  • L Giacardi, Guido Grandi and the Leibnizian calculus : Presentation of an unpublished manuscript (Italian), Boll. Storia Sci. Mat.
  • L Tenca, Guido Grandi matematico e teologo di Granduca di Toscana, Physis
  • L Tenca, La versiera di Guido Grandi, Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
  • L Tenca, Relazioni fra Guido Grandi e Giulio Carlo Fagnani, Atti Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna. Cl. Sci. Fis. Rend.
  • L Tenca, Guido Grandi nelle sue relazioni coi Bolognesi
  • 32. GRANDI, Guido, Flores Geometrici Ex Rhodonearum, Et Cloeliarum Curvarum Descript
    4to (242 x 175 mm), pp xvi 84, with 2 folding engraved plates; a fine, crisp copy in contemporary vellum. £600 br br First edition of grandi s important
    W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books
    GRANDI, Guido Flores Geometrici ex Rhodonearum, et Cloeliarum curvarum descriptione resultantes... Florence Typis Regiae Celsitudinis, 1728 4to (242 x 175 mm), pp [xvi] 84, with 2 folding engraved plates; a fine, crisp copy in contemporary vellum. £600
    First edition of Grandi's important work on clelian and rodonean curves. 'Grandi's reputation rests especially on the curves that the named 'rodonea' and 'clelia', after the Greek word for 'rose' and the Countess Clelia Borromea, respectively. He arrived at these curves in attempting to define geometrically the curves that have the shape of flowers, in particular the multi-leaved rose... Whereas analytic geometry now teaches the study of curves with given equations, Grandi here solved the inverse problem of determining the equations of curves having a preestablished form. The clelias are curves inscribed in a spherical zone, and their projection on a base plane of the zone yields the rodonea' (A. Natucci in DSB).
    Riccardi I 625 37; NUC: NN CU RPB WU; OCLC adds Harvard, Columbia and University of Oklahoma

    33. GRANDI, Guido, Geometrica Demonstratio Theorematum Hugenianorum Circa Logisticam
    First edition, and fine untrimmed copy of grandi’s demonstration of Huygens’ logarithmic curve.
    Martayan Lan, Inc.
    GRANDI, Guido Geometrica Demonstratio Theorematum Hugenianorum circa Logisticam, seu Logarithmicam Lineam Florence Pietro Antonio Brigonci 1701 First edition, and fine untrimmed copy of Grandi’s demonstration of Huygens’ logarithmic curve. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Martayan Lan, Inc. ; click here for further details.

    34. Wiley-VCH - Grandi, Guido (ed.) - Genomics, Proteomics And Vaccines
    WileyVCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinheim - A passion for publishing.

    35. Biodirectory
    . Chiron Srl is part of Chiron Vaccines,......guido grandi +39 0577 24 3390 Name Phone Mail.

    36. The Galileo Project
    L8 SW L. Tenca, guido grandi matematico e teologo di Granduca di Toscana, _, Corrispondenza tra guido grandi e scienziate dello studio padovano
    Grandi, Guido
    1. Dates
    Born: Cremona, 1 Oct. 1671
    Died: Pisa, 4 July 1742
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Laborer
    The father was a laborer. The word is "operaio," workman, and I have no idea what precisely Tenca (who used it) referred to. The father could well have been a minor artisan of some sort.
    In my view, to say laborer in the late 17th century was to say poor.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: Italian
    Career: Italian
    Death: Italian
    4. Education
    Schooling: Religous Order
    Grandi studied initally at the Jesuit school in Cremona. In 1687, after joining the Camaldolesan order, he studied philosophy at their monastery in Ferrara. In 1693 he moved on to their monastery in Rome to study theology, and there he also took up an interest in the history of the order. I have come to feel I must count extended education within one of the religious orders as the equivalent of a B.A. I suspect that there was also the equivalent of a D.D., but I did not find mention of such.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: Catholic
    He enterd the religious order of the Camaldolese at the age of sixteen.

    37. Bernard J Shapero Rare Books-the Rare & Antiquarian Bookshop
    BOUND WITH grandi, guido. Prostatis ad Exceptiones Cl. Varignonii Libro de Infinitis......Author grandi, guido. Title De Infinitis Infinitorum,

    38. Genomics, Proteomics And Vaccines Edited By Guido Grandi
    Genomics, Proteomics and Vaccines. edited by guido grandi Genomics, Proteomics and Vaccines edited by guido grandi 2004 • 313 pages • $174.00 + shipping
    C.H.I.P.S. HOME PAGE PHARMACEUTICAL SUBJECT LIST TITLE LIST MANUAL ORDER FORM ... QUESTIONS COMMENTS Vaccine Development Handbook from C.H.I.P.S. Genomics, Proteomics and Vaccines edited by Guido Grandi The field of vaccine development is one of the first to benefit from the new technologies of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics. The complete genome sequences of many bacteria are available and comparisons of pathogenic strains with non-pathogenic relatives are becoming common. Vaccines can now be targeted towards specific gene products that traditional vaccine research failed to discover. This book describes the current status of this field and summarizes the various strategies that are delivering results. The introductory section provides an overview of vaccine research and looks at how genomics can complement traditional approaches. The second section focuses on advanced technologies, such as genome sequence analysis, microarrays, proteomics and high-throughput cloning. The third section constitutes the unique part of this book, with six chapters that describe the application of genomic and proteomic techniques in the search for new antibacterial vaccines. The target pathogens include meningococcus B, streptococci, chlamydia and Pseudomonas. Infectious diseases are once again threatening the health of human populations, even in countries where they were thought to have been controlled. With the spread of antibiotic resistance, the concept of prevention rather than cure becomes ever more important. The new genomic approaches described in this book will help to accelerate vaccine development and benefit the health of millions of people worldwide.

    39. Science -- Index By Author (1 July 2005; Volume 309, Number 5731)
    Leah R. (in Letters ) Abstract Full Text Goble, Arlette (in Reports ) Abstract Full Text grandi, guido (in Reports ) Abstract Full Text grandi,
    Author Index
    Volume 309, Number 5731, Issue of 1 Jul 2005
    B C D ... Z
    Adler, Elizabeth M. (in Editors' Choice: Highlights of the recent literature )
    Ahuja, R. (in Reports )
    Allen, Jonathan (in Reports )
    Angiuoli, Samuel V. (in Reports )
    Arnold, Frances H. (in Reports )
    Aslett, Martin (in Reports )
    Bai, Chunli (in Essays on Science and Society )
    Baker, Lane A.

    40. Science -- Author Index {10 March 2000; 287 (5459)}
    Marzia Monica (in Reports) Abstract Full Text grandi, guido (in Reports) Abstract Full Text grandi, guido (in Reports) Abstract Full Text
    Author Index
    Volume 287, Number 5459, Issue of 10 March 2000
    B C D ... Z
    Aharonson, Oded (in Reports)
    Anderson, Maria M. (in Reports)
    (in Reports)
    Armesto, Juan J. (in Review)
    Baldi, Lucia (in Reports)
    Balmino, Georges (in Reports)
    Balter, Michael (in News of the Week)
    Banerdt, W. Bruce (in Reports)
    Banfield, Jillian F. (in Reports)
    Bartolini, Erika (in Reports)
    Becker, Timothy A. (in Reports)
    Benzer, Seymour (in Reports)
    Berlow, Eric (in Review)
    Blair, Eric (in Reports)
    Blair, Eric (in Reports)
    Bloomfield, Janine (in Review)
    Bond, Philip L. (in Reports)
    Bradley, Keith (in Reports)
    Braun, and D. C. (in Reports)
    Broeker, Michael (in Reports)
    Burns, Cara C. (in Reports)
    Bõumler, Andreas J. (in Letters)
    Capecchi, Barbara (in Reports)
    Carlson, John R. (in Reports)
    Carr, Antony M. (in Perspectives)
    Chapin III, F. Stuart (in Review)
    Cheng, Tao (in Reports)
    Ciecko, Anne (in Reports)
    Cirelli, Chiara (in Reports)
    Cittone, Henry (in Reports)
    Clark, Emily B. (in Reports)
    Cliver;, Dean (in Letters)
    Clyne, Peter J. (in Reports)
    Collins, Philip G.

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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