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61. American Scientist Online In 1825 a British actuary, benjamin gompertz, discovered a consistent age patternin human mortality statistics. He found that the probability of dying was http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/28684/page/2 | |
62. Population Index - Volume 63 - Number 2 In 1825 British actuary benjamin gompertz made a simple but important observationthat a law of geometrical progression pervades large portions of http://popindex.princeton.edu/browse/v63/n2/e.html | |
63. 0904agesb1 It was first suggested by British actuary benjamin gompertz in 1825 for use inthe life insurance business. It was found to be applicable not only to humans http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/WEBONLY/publicfeature/sep04/0904agesb1.html | |
64. Science -- Sign In In 1825, benjamin gompertz made a seminal contribution to demography by proposingthat mortality in longlived organisms will increase at an exponential http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/301/5637/1185 | |
65. Date 15 Dec 92 223808 EST From Steven B. Harris 71450.1773 benjamin gompertz was an insurance actuary who in 1825 noticed that your risk ofdying in any given year increased exponentially with time. http://keithlynch.net/cryonet/14/50.html |
66. History Of Actuarial Science Published By Pickering & Chatto Joshua Milne, A Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances (1815);benjamin gompertz, On the Nature of the Function expressive of the Law of http://www.pickeringchatto.com/actuarialscience.htm | |
67. Alzforum: News aging theory developed in 1825 by the British actuary benjamin gompertz. The specific gompertz parameters underlying AD are not understood, http://www.alzforum.org/new/detail.asp?id=844 |
68. Nat' Academies Press, Between Zeus And The Salmon: The Biodemography Of Longevit from benjamin gompertz in 1825 to the present day (eg, Finch, 1990; While the gompertz model is an excellent approximation to mortality rates for http://www.nap.edu/books/0309057876/html/96.html | |
69. Global-Investor Bookshop : Encyclopedia Of Actuarial Science By Jozef Teugels An Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Genotype Geometric Distribution Gibbs SamplingGirsanov s Theorem Going Concern gompertz, benjamin (17791865) http://books.global-investor.com/books/21046.htm?ginPtrCode=00000&identifier= |
70. Home :: DivulC@T.com Translate this page González y su grupo probaron con gompertz que los tratamientos que se usan van a llevar al tumor a cero por lo que no habrá una cura. benjamin gompertz http://www.divulcat.com/divulgacion/curacion_matematica_para_el_cancer_537.html | |
71. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page gompertz, benjamin Güpel, Adolph Gordan, Paul Albert Gosset, William Sealy Goursat,Édouard Jean-Baptiste Gräffe, Karl Heinrich Grandi, Guido http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
72. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page gompertz, benjamin. Goodrich, Edwin Stephen. Goodrich, Edwin Stephen. Goodricke,John. Goodsir, John. Goodsir, John. Goodspeed, Thomas Harper http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/g.html | |
73. Intl. Trans. Failures, Pt. 2 actuarial literature is that proposed in 1825 by benjamin gompertz, In 1860, WM Makeham modified the gompertz equation because it failed to capture http://www.hsb.com/thelocomotive/Story/FullStory/ST-FS-LOTRAN04-2.html | |
74. Videnscenter På Ældreområdet. Hvorfor ældes Vi Så Forskelligt Opdagelsen blev gjort af den britiske aktuar benjamin gompertz i 1825, hvorforden er blevet kaldt gompertz lov. Ifølge ham vokser dødeligheden ikke med en http://www.aeldreviden.dk/fagomraader/aldring/Hvorfor_aeldes_vi.html | |
75. Jüdische Schriftstellerinnen Und Schriftsteller In Westfalen | Home Translate this page Günter Goldschmidt Kurt-Julius Goldstein Leo gompertz Arie (Walter Lovis Windmüller benjamin Katz Heinz Katz Eugene (Egon) Katz Kate (Käthe http://juedischeliteraturwestfalen.de/ | |
76. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï gompertz, benjamin gompertz Born 5 March1779 in London, England Died 14 July 1865 in London, England; Goodstein, http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=G |
77. Encyclopedia: Benjamin Gompertz Encyclopedia Population dynamicsBenjamin gompertz (March 5. Pierre Fran§ois Verhulst (October 28, 1804 February 15, 1849, Brussels, Belgium) was a mathematician and a doctor in http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Benjamin-Gompertz | |
78. MEDWAVE - X Congreso Chileno De Osteología (I): ¿Cómo Identificar A Los Pacie Translate this page Hace 400 años, benjamin gompertz, actuario inglés, descubrió que la incidenciade muerte aumentaba en forma exponencial a medida que aumentaba la edad y http://www.medwave.cl/congresos/Osteologia/1.act | |
79. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page gompertz, benjamin (1779 - 1865) Goodstein, Reuben (1912 - 1985) Gordan, PaulAlbert (1837 - 1912) Gorenstein, David (1923 - 1992) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
80. Genealogy Data Page 121 (Family Pages) gompertz, Baer Cleve Gender Male Family. Spouse PinkerleStaden, Hendele d.Emmerich, Germany Gender Female Parents. Father Pinkerle-Staden, Juda Lob http://shum.huji.ac.il/~dutchjew/genealog/ndbeli/f_78.htm | |
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