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Gherard Of Cremona: more detail |
81. Gerard_of_Cremona Although we do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to Some of the works credited to Gerard of cremona are probably the work of a http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Gerard_of_Cremona | |
82. Geometry And Discourse It would seem (if gherard of cremonas translation is right) that the Arabiccommentator anNairizi died ca. 922 saw that one purpose of the Postulate http://beaugrande.bizland.com/Geometry.htm | |
83. Gerard Of Cremona Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Hengeveld Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 Toledo, 1187), thetranslator of do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://www.masterliness.com/a/Gerard.of.Cremona.htm | |
84. ISLAM.NO Han oversatte også greske bøker til arabisk. mange av hans egne bøker ble oversatttil latin av gherard av cremona. Blant bøkene som ble oversatt til latin http://www.islam.no/newsite/content/default.asp?Action=Article&nTopPage=2&nPage= |
85. Articles - Gerard Of Cremona Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, c. 1114 Toledo, 1187), famousItalian we do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://www.nanriver.com/articles/Gerard_of_Cremona | |
86. Laman Formula Cemerlang Kitab beliau AtTasrif kemudiannya diterjemahkan oleh gherard dari cremona ke dalambahasa Latin sebelum diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Hebrew, Perancis dan http://formulacemerlang.com/print.php?sid=5&POSTNUKESID=47e871225a64ff90276b673b |
87. Loq-Man Translations He was born in 1114 in cremona, Italy. He went to Toledo, Spain to learn Arabicso he could translate Gerard s name is sometimes written as gherard. http://www.loqmantranslations.com/ArabicFacts/Europeans.html | |
88. W. B. Yeats And "A Vision": Giraldus Gerardus Cremonensis, also Girardus, gherard, Gurrardus and Giraldus (111487), It is called the Astronomical Geomancy of Gerhard of cremona, http://www.yeatsvision.com/Gyraldus.html | |
89. Ben Wright (II) Translate this page (28.5.1710 - 17.7.1790 1771 - 1859) Germain, Sophie (1776 - 1831) benGerson, Levi (1288 - 1344) gherard von cremona Wren http://ben-wright-ii-00.00f.de/ | |
90. Philosophers : Thabit Ibn Qurra In the Middle Ages, some of his books were translated into Latin by gherard ofCremona. In recent centuries, a number of his books have been translated into http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/muslim/qurra.html | |
91. Chapter VII from a manuscript in Dee s possession, of a Latin translation by gherard ofCremona from the Arabic, which attributed the work to Machumetus Bagdedinus. http://www.johndee.org/calder/html/Calder7.html | |
92. LookSmart - Directory - G. Donald Allen Explore European math from the 12th to the 14th-century. Meet gherard ofCremona, Adelard of Bath, Fibonacci, Jordanus, and Oresme. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us328800/us518756/us10229406/ | |
93. Republika Online - Http://www.republika.co.id AlTasrif dialihbahasakan ke dalam bahasa Latin pada abad pertengahan oleh Gherardof cremona. Sejumlah editor lain di Eropa mengikutinya, http://www.republika.co.id/suplemen/cetak_detail.asp?mid=5&id=187987&kat_id=105& |
94. Ibn Qurra Translate this page Na idade média, alguns de seus livros foram traduzidos para o latim por Gherardde cremona. Em séculos seguintes, um número considerável de seus livros http://www.islam.org.br/ibn_qurra.htm | |
95. Mathematicians Born In Cremona Mathematicians born in cremona. Instead there. The markers at the edge of themap show the position of cremona ( Coordinates are 136, 104 ) http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZ9B03.htm |
96. Ahmed Ahmed s work on ratio and proportion was translated into Latin by gherard ofCremona. The book is largely a commentary on, and expansion http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Ahmed.html | |
97. Encyclopedia Article On Al-Kindi [EncycloZine] Several of his books were translated in the Middle Age to Latin by Gherardof cremona. Most of his books, unfortunately, were lost. http://encyclozine.com/Al-Kindi | |
98. Marijuana.Com Marijuana Cannabis Related Information my children . AlTasrif was later translated into Latin by gherard ofCremona in the 12th century, and illustrated. For perhaps http://www.iptables.com/wiki/Albucasis |
99. Motley Krew Forums - Did Muslim Arabs Invent ''Algebra'' And The ''Concept Of 'Z problems. 1150 Arabic numerals are introduced into Europe with Gherardof cremona s translation of Ptolemy s Almagest. The name http://motleykrew.net/forum/printthread.php?s=5e09ffde58e81f481afcf820b5f0834b&t |
100. Laman Formula Cemerlang dead foetus and amputation. AlTasrif was first translated by gherard ofCremona into Latin in the Middle Ages. Al-Zahrawi was the http://formulacemerlang.com/print.php?sid=14&POSTNUKESID=47e871225a64ff90276b673 |
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