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61. Gerhard Gentzen: Information From Answers.com Citations The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen Szabo ME Szabo, editor. The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen. North-Holland, 1969. http://www.answers.com/topic/gerhard-gentzen | |
62. Logician's Year +, gentzen, gerhard, (+ 1945). 6 Aug, +, Arnauld, Antoine, (+ 1694). 11 Aug, +,Church, Alonzo, (+ 1995). 27 Aug, *, Peano, Giuseppe, (* 1858) http://www.volny.cz/logici/vyroci/english.html | |
63. Logikùv Rok Translate this page Èerné pivo, gentzen, gerhard, (+ 1945). 6. 8. Èerné pivo, Arnauld, Antoine,(+ 1694) 24. 11. Svìtlé pivo, gentzen, gerhard, (* 1909) http://www.volny.cz/logici/vyroci/ | |
64. INDEX OF NAMES gentzen, gerhard (Germany, 19091945) and consistency of arithmetic, 1168 andtransfinite induction, 1163 Gibbs, J. Willard (USA, 1839-1903) http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/names/f-j.html?SearchIndex=Hilbert |
65. References gentzen 69 G. gentzen. Investigations into logical deduction. In ME Szabo,editor, The collected papers of gerhard gentzen, pages 68131. http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~gwat/thesis/refs.html | |
66. The New York Review Of Books: 'A MATTER OF TEMPERAMENT' Such results have in fact been obtained by gerhard gentzen, a fellow student ofmine 193133 in Göttingen, and an early leader in the deep branch of logic http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1780 | |
67. \documentstyle{article} \title{Introducing The Hardline} \author We follow in the wake of gentzen and Takeuti. In this talk we survey the resultsin proof Review of the book The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen , http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/events/logic97/abstracts/arai.txt |
68. Re: Turing & Gentzen According to Premysl Vihan The Last Months of gerhard gentzen in Prague ,Collegium Logicum (Annals of the Kurt Godel Society) Vol 1, gentzen was invited http://bureau.philo.at/phlo/199805/msg00019.html | |
69. M. E. Szabo: The Collected Works Of Gerhard Gentzen The Collected Works of gerhard gentzen. NorthHolland Publishing Company, 1969.Introduction Investigations into Logical Deduction (1934) http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/cebrown/notes/szabo.html | |
70. Fvg:Gentzen, G. gentzen, g. gentzen, gerhard Karl Erich (24. 11. 1909 Greifswald 4. 8. 1945 Praha).- nemecký matematik. 1944-1945 pracoval na Praskej univerzite. http://dent.ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~filit/fvg/gentzen_g.html | |
71. Information gentzen, gerhard 19091945 Tysk logiker. Geulincx, Arnold 16241669 Nederländskfilosof. Ghazali, Abu Hamid Mohammed ca 10581111 Persisk tänkare. http://www.thephilosophynet.com/g.htm | |
72. Biography-center - Letter G gentzen, gerhard wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathe maticians/gentzen.html;Geoffrey of Monmouth, www.britannia.com/history/geofmon.html http://www.biography-center.com/g.html | |
73. Projekt Translate this page Der Mathematiker und Logiker gerhard gentzen (19091945) hat bei seinem TodeFragmente eines Peckhaus, Volker gentzen, gerhard Karl Erich (1909-45) . http://univis.uni-erlangen.de/formbot/dsc_3Danew_2Fresrep_view_26rprojs_3Dphil1_ | |
74. Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel gerhard gentzen aus der freien Enzyklopädie ME Szabo) The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen, Amsterdam 1969 http://lexikon.golem.de/Gerhard_Gentzen | |
75. Stefan Rabanus Translate this page gentzen, gerhard (1934/1974) Untersuchungen über das logische Schließen.Reprograph. Nachdr. aus Mathemat. Zeitschrift 39 (1934) S. 176-210 u. 405-431. http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~rabanus/text/didaktik/html/bibl_semantik.html | |
76. Logical Consequence gentzen, gerhard, 1969, The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen, edited by MESzabo, Amsterdam North Holland. Restall, Greg, 2000, An Introduction to http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logical-consequence/ | |
77. Hilbert's Program English translation in gentzen (1969, 132213). gentzen, gerhard, 1969, TheCollected Papers of gerhard gentzen, Amsterdam North-Holland. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hilbert-program/ | |
78. Return-Path John.Harrison-request@cl.cam.ac.uk Delivery-Date {\em The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen} as ``Investigations into LogicalDeduction } @incollection{gentzeninvestigations, author = gerhard http://www.ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/hvg/hol2000-archive/00xx/0045 | |
79. Classical Gentzen-type Methods In Propositional Many-valued Logics gentzen, G. Investigations into logical deduction, in The Collected Works ofGerhard gentzen (Szabo, ME ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam (1969) 68131 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=871478 |
80. Citations Investigations Into Logical Deduction - Gentzen gentzen, G. Investigations into logical deduction. In The Collected Papers ofGerhard gentzen, ME Szabo, Ed. NorthHolland, 1969, pp. 68131. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/312/0 |
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