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Frisi Paolo: more books (34) | ||
41. IPSSCTS Paolo Frisi Di Milano Translate this page Istituto professionale di stato per il commercio il turismo il sociale. http://www.ipsfrisi.it/copertina.htm | |
42. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page frisi, paolo. Fritsch, Gustav Theodor. Fritsch, Gustav Theodor. Fritsch, GustavTheodor. Fritsch, Gustav Theodor. Fritzsche, Carl Julius http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/f.html | |
43. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography frisi, paolo Frost, Edwin Brant Fusoris, Jean Fuss, Nicolaus Gaillot, AimableJeanBaptiste Galilei, Galileo Galle, Johann Gottfried http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html | |
44. Il Giardino Di Archimede Translate this page frisi, paolo - Cosmographiae physicae et mathematicae . Milano, Marelli, 1774-75.frisi, paolo - De gravitate universali corporum . Milano, Galeazzi, 1768. http://www2.math.unifi.it/~archimede/archimede_inglese/CD_rom/elenco_CD.html | |
45. Imago Mundi - Paolo Frisi Translate this page frisi (paolo), mathématicien et physicien né à Milan le 13 avril 1728, mort àMilan le 22 novembre 1784. Entré à quinze ans cher les barnabites, il y fit, http://www.cosmovisions.com/Frisi.htm | |
46. Benvenuti Al Frisi paolo frisi - Monza (MI) - tel. http://www.frisimonza.it/ | |
47. La Storia Del Frisi Translate this page Chi era paolo frisi? Un barnabita milanese vissuto a metà del 700. Nel 1955il Liceo di Monza viene intitolato a paolo frisi. Per saperne di più http://www.frisimonza.it/scuola/storiadelfrisi/ | |
48. Antenati: Paolo Frisi Translate this page Antenati, storia delle letterature europee scheda autore. http://www.girodivite.it/antenati/xviiisec/_frisi.htm | |
50. Science: Aerospace: Space Flight: Astronauts: N: Nespoli, Paolo - Open Site Science Aerospace Space Flight Astronauts N Nespoli, paolo Open Site. he graduated from the Liceo Scientifico Statale paolo frisi of Desio, http://open-site.org/Science/Aerospace/Space_Flight/Astronauts/N/Nespoli,_Paolo/ | |
51. Biografia De Frisi, Paolo Translate this page frisi, paolo. (Milán, 1728- id., 1784) Matemático italiano. Fue profesor deastronomía, de filosofía y de matemática en Novara, Milán y Pisa. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/frisi.htm | |
52. A Case Study In Early Mathematical Economics: Pietro Verri And Paolo Frisi, 1772 A Case Study in Early Mathematical Economics Pietro Verri and paolo frisi, 1772.Author info Abstract Publisher info Download info Related research http://ideas.repec.org/a/taf/jhisec/v24y2002i2p195-214.html | |
53. VIA SANTAGOSTINO PAOLO Translate this page paolo frisi. Via Otranto angolo Via Pier Francesco Cittadini, 1. Milano Fontewww.milano.istruzione.lombardia.it/circ/calFO/CalendariModuloD.xls http://www.stradario.milano.it/VIA_SANTAGOSTINO_PAOLO.php | |
54. Museo Della Specola, Bologna - Storia Cap. 12 in particular paolo frisi (17821784) from Milan, who was of the opinion that frisi was not the only author of note to publish articles on astronomy http://boas3.bo.astro.it/dip/Museum/english/sto2_12.html | |
55. ESA - PR - BIOS - EN - Paolo Nespoli In 1977 paolo Nespoli graduated from the Liceo Scientifico paolo frisi ofDesio (Milan, Italy). In 1988, he received a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace http://www.estec.esa.nl/spaceflight/astronaut/eacpr/bios/cv_pn.htm | |
56. ESA - PR - BIOS - FR - Paolo Nespoli paolo frisi de Desio (Milan,Italie), paolo Nespoli obtient, en 1988, la licence d ingénierie http://www.estec.esa.nl/spaceflight/astronaut/eacpr/bios/cv_pn_fr.htm | |
57. La Matematica Antica Su CD-ROM Translate this page frisi, paolo - Cosmographiae physicae et mathematicae . Milano, Marelli, 1774-75 . frisi, paolo - Elogio di Newton . Milano, Galeazzi, 1778. http://www.digento.de/zusatz/100109_01.html | |
58. Nespoli paolo Alberto Nespoli Italian Mission Specialist Astronaut. EDUCATIONIn 1977, he graduated from the Liceo Scientifico Statale paolo frisi of Desio, http://www.astronautix.com/astros/nespoli.htm | |
59. ISCRIZIONE A OLIMPIADE ITALIANA DI FISICA 2002 frisi , Monza, Carpeggiani, paolo, 5. LS Boggio Lera , Catania, Caruso,Gianpiero, 5. LS Belfiore , Mantova, Cona, Filippo, 5 http://www.cadnet.marche.it/olifis/vinci03.htm | |
60. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) frisi, paolo (17281784). Short biography. Frost, Edwin Brant (1866-1935).Find documents about Frost with Alta Vista. Frost, Robert Lee (1874-1963) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
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