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         Frege Gottlob:     more books (100)
  1. Frege: An Introduction to the Founder of Modern Analytic Philosophy by Sir Anthony Kenny, 2000-10-10
  2. Frege's Theory of Sense and Reference: Its Origin and Scope (Modern European Philosophy) by Wolfgang Carl, 1994-11-25
  3. Begriffsschrift Und Andere by Gottlob Frege, 1995-06-30
  4. Studies on Gottlob Frege and Traditional Philosophy by I. Angelelli, 2010-11-02
  5. Gottlob Frege. by Verena Mayer, 1996-04-01
  6. Gottlob Frege. Une Introduction (Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistemologie) (French Edition) by M Stepanians, 2007-10-17
  7. The Metaphysics of Gottlob Frege: An Essay in Ontological Reconstruction (Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Library) by E.H.W Kluge, 2010-11-02
  8. Gottlob Frege zur Einführung by Markus S. Stepanians, 2001
  9. Gottlob Frege: Kontext-Prinzip und Ontologie (Symposion) (German Edition) by Ulrike Kleemeier, 1997
  10. Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege by Max Geach Peter / Black, 1966
  11. A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege by Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock, 2006-09
  12. Gottlob Frege: Eine Einfuhrung in Sein Werk (de Gruyter Studienbuch) by Franz Von Kutschera, 1989-07
  13. Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence of Gottlob Frege by Gottlob Frege, 1980-04-01
  14. Gottlob Freges "Logische Untersuchungen": Darstellung und Interpretation (Werkinterpretationen) (German Edition) by Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, 1995

Translate this page Begriffsschrift von Frege / Sinn und Bedeutung bei Gottlob Frege / Zahlen / Bedeutung “Gottlob Frege ocupa un lugar destacado entre todos los Lógicos. der Linguistik/f/FREGE GOTTLO
Vgl.: Begriffsschrift von Frege / Sinn und Bedeutung bei Gottlob Frege / Zahlen / Bedeutung vs. Sinn / Logizismus / Formalismus / Logik / Formale Logik / Nominalismus / Konstruktivismus / Platonismus / Intuitionismus / Mathematik / Peirce, Charles Sanders / Sinn und Bedeutung bei Edmund Husserl / Sinn und Bedeutung bei Ludwig Wittgenstein / Idiographie / Eigenname / Appellativ Frege, Gottlob Friedrich Ludwig Frege hat zur Philosophie drei zusammengehörige Beiträge geleistet, die die Entwicklung der modernen, analytischen Philosophie angeregt und maßgeblich mitbestimmt haben.
  • Er ist der eigentliche Begründer der modernen (mathematischen) Logik. Seine Philosophie der Mathematik (der sog. Logizismus), die sich mit den Grundlagen der Mathematik beschäftigt, ist der erste Beitrag zur modernen philos. Diskussion der Mathematik. Schließlich ist er der Begründer der philos. Logik und der philos. semantischen Analyse der Sprache.
  • Die Hauptgedanken von Freges Grundlegung der modernen Logik sind bereits in seiner ersten Veröffentlichung, der Begriffsschrift aus dem Jahr 1879, enthalten. Hier wird zum ersten Mal ein modernes logisches System mit formalisierter Sprache, Axiomen und Schlussfolgerungsregeln dargestellt. Das System behandelt die sog. Prädikatenlogik 2. Stufe mit Quantifikationen über Gegenstände und Eigenschaften. Seine Fragmente über die Satz- und Prädikatenlogik 1. Stufe bilden – was Frege nicht selbst beweisen konnte – eine vollständige Formalisierung

    22. Gottlob Frege: Information From
    Frege, Gottlob ( gôt lop fra g? ) , 1848–1925, German philosopher and mathematician. He was professor of mathematics (1879–1918) at the Univ.
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Gottlob Frege Encyclopedia Frege, Gottlob g´t lōp frā gə ) , 1848–1925, German philosopher and mathematician. He was professor of mathematics (1879–1918) at the Univ. of Jena. Frege was one of the founders of modern symbolic logic , and his work profoundly influenced Bertrand Russell. He claimed that all mathematics could be derived from purely logical principles and definitions. He considered verbal concepts to be expressible as symbolic functions with one or more variables. His books include Begriffsschrift Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (1884; tr. The Foundations of Arithmetic, Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (2 vol., 1893–1903). Bibliography See P. T. Geach and M. Black, ed., Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege (1952); M. Resnik, Frege and the Philosophy of Mathematics (1980); M. Dummett, The Interpretation of Frege's Philosophy (repr. 1981).

    23. Gottlob
    Without doubt, Gottlob Frege (18481925) deserves to be counted amongst the most important and influential philosophers and logicians of the past two Frege

    24. Die Kennzeichnungstheorien Von Frege Und Russell @ Thomas Landauer
    Translate this page frege gottlob Über Sinn und Bedeutung. 1892. In frege gottlob Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung - Fünf logische Studien. Herausgegeben von Günther PATZIG. 7.
    Die Kennzeichnungstheorien
    von FREGE und RUSSELL
    an der Thomas Landauer
    April 1997
    Funktionen bei FREGE
    FREGE HEUSER Zuordnung Funktion der reellen Variablen x FREGE
    Begriffe als Funktionen
    PATZIG , S. 3). Wahrheitswertes = 1 bedeutet an der Stelle 2 das Falsche, an der Stelle 1 jedoch das Wahre (vgl. FREGE , S. 26).
    Sinn und Bedeutung
    Wann sind zwei Funktionen bzw. Begriffe identisch? In der Mathematik gilt z. B. x ist, da die Bezeichnungen FREGE beantwortet die Frage mit der Unterscheidung zwischen Sinn und Bedeutung: So ist zwar die Bedeutung Sinn
    Die Theorie der Kennzeichnung von RUSSELL
    RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSELL Interessanter wird die Sache bei bestimmten die RUSSELL
    Waverley Waverley RUSSELL Waverley Waverley RUSSELL , S. 15). RUSSELL , S. 11). jeder sinnvoll gebraucht wird, im zweiten Fall jedoch (vgl. RUSSELL FREGE FREGE , S. 54).
    Die drei Beispiele RUSSELLs
    RUSSELL , S. 11):
  • Waverley ist Scott eingesetzt werden (da Scott der Autor von Waverley
  • ungeraden Bedeutung behoben (vgl.

    25. Frege
    Biography from the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
    Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
    Born: 8 Nov 1848 in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (now Germany)
    Died: 26 July 1925 in Bad Kleinen, Germany
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    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
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    Gottlob Frege 's parents were Alexander Frege and Auguste Bialloblotzky. Alexander Frege was the head of a girls' high school in Wismar and it was in that town that Gottlob was born. Wismar, in northern Germany, is situated on an inlet of the Baltic Sea. It had been administered by the Mecklenburg-Schwerin state since 1803 but at the time when Gottlob was born there, the town was still claimed by Sweden, the country which had controlled it from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 until 1803. It is thought that Gottlob's mother was from a family which did not originate in that area but was probably of Polish origin. Gottlob grew up in Wismar, attending the local Gymnasium where he was taught by Leo Sachse. It was almost certainly through following Sachse's advice that Frege chose to go to the University of Jena to continue his studies and in general Sachse had a large influence on his young student (see for example [48] and [54]). Frege was proud to live in the state of Mecklenburg, he loved the ducal house of Mecklenburg, and certainly believed in this form of government rather than a democratically elected one. A period of great political change in this part of Europe was approaching and events began to move quickly in 1866. Before looking at these events, however, we should note that 1866 was the year in which Alexander Frege, Gottlob's father, died.

    26. Gottlob Frege
    Short biography from the Metaphysics Research Lab at Stanford.
    Home Page

    Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege
    Gottlob Frege (b. 1848, d. 1925) was a German mathematician, logician, and philosopher who worked at the University of Jena. He wrote philosophical works about logic, mathematics, and language. Principal Works:
    • Begriffsschrift (`Concept Notation'), eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens , Halle a. S., 1879
    • , Breslau, 1884
    • , Jena, 1891
    • , C (1892): 25-50
    • , XVI (1892): 192-205
    • Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (`Basic Laws of Arithmetic'), Jena: Verlag Hermann Pohle, Band I (1893), Band II (1903)
    • `Was ist eine Funktion?' (`What is a Function?'), in Festschrift Ludwig Boltzmann gewidmet zum sechzigsten Geburtstage, 20. Februar 1904 , S. Meyer (ed.), Leipzig, 1904, pp. 656-666
    • `Der Gedanke' (`The Thought'). Eine logische Untersuchung', in I (1918): 58-77
    Frege's Life:
    • Born, November 8, 1848, in Wismar (Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
    • 1869, entered the University of Jena
    • 1874, Habilitation in Mathematics, University of Jena
    • 1874, Privatdozent, University of Jena
    • 1879, Professor Extraordinarius, University of Jena

    27. Philosophers : Gottlob Frege
    The Window Philsophy on the WWW. Philosophers Section.
    Gottlob Frege
    Frege was the father of modern mathematical logic. In 1879 he published Concept-notation , a work that included a formal language which was able to express generality through the quantifier-variable notation. This work also set forth a version of second order quantificational logic whcih he used to develop a logical definition for the ancestral of a relation. He was incredibly influential on the later works of Wittgenstein, Russell, George Boole, and Ernst Schroeder. In "On Sense and Meaning" Frege grapples with the problems of the difference between meaning and reference, and between proper name and its sense. He opened up new areas in the study of sense and meaning that were widely written on for the next 5 decades. See Also:

    28. Russell's Paradox
    Russell wrote to gottlob frege with news of his paradox on June 16, 1902. frege, gottlob (1903) The Russell Paradox, in frege, gottlob, The Basic Laws
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    Russell's Paradox
    Russell's paradox is the most famous of the logical or set-theoretical paradoxes. The paradox arises within naive set theory by considering the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. Such a set appears to be a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself, hence the paradox. Some sets, such as the set of all teacups, are not members of themselves. Other sets, such as the set of all non-teacups, are members of themselves. Call the set of all sets that are not members of themselves " R ." If R is a member of itself, then by definition it must not be a member of itself. Similarly, if R is not a member of itself, then by definition it must be a member of itself. Discovered by Bertrand Russell in 1901, the paradox has prompted much work in logic, set theory and the philosophy and foundations of mathematics.

    29. Gottlob Frege [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
    gottlob frege (18481925) was a German logician, mathematician and philosopher who played a His full christened name was Friedrich Ludwig gottlob frege.
    Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) Carnap and Wittgenstein . Frege is often called the founder of modern logic, and he is sometimes even heralded as the founder of analytic philosophy.
    Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to those parts of this article) 1. Life and Works Frege was born on November 8, 1848 in the coastal city of Wismar in Northern Germany. His full christened name was Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege. Little is known about his youth. His father, Karl Alexander Frege, and his mother, Auguste (Bialloblotzsky) Frege, both worked at a girl's private school founded in part by Karl. Both were also principals of the school at various points: Karl held the position until his death 1866, when Auguste took over until her death in 1878. The German writer Arnold Frege, born in Wismar in 1852, may have been Frege's younger brother, but this has not been confirmed. Frege probably lived in Wismar until 1869; in the years from 1864-1869 he is known to have studied at the Gymnasium in Wismar.

    30. Kai's Home Page
    UC Irvine semantics and proof theory of intuitionistic arithmetic, logical analysis of modal discourse, the logic of gottlob frege.
    Welcome to my virtual home. I am associate professor in the at UC Irvine where I also maintain a web page (updated less frequently than this one). You may check out my curriculum vitae here For the time being, this site will be used exclusively to list my published and unpublished papers. In some cases, the published version differs substantially from the file posted here. I. Published Papers Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Discusses the question whether all nodes in a Kripke model of Heyting Arithmetic must be classical models of Peano Arithmetic. Proves, among other things, that this is always the case if the frame of the Kripke model is ordered like the natural numbers. Archive for Mathematical Logic Investigates certain fragments of Heyting Arithmetic, namely those obtained by restricting the induction schema to (a) Sigma_1 formulae, (b) Pi_1 formulae, and (c) prenex formulae. Proves, among other things, that the theories under (a) and (b) are not (as in the classical case) equivalent, that theory (a) is well-behaved, but theory (b) isn't, and that theory (c) is no stronger proof-theoretically than Heyting Arithmetic with the induction schema restricted to Pi_2 formulae. History and Philosophy of Logic

    31. ATRIUM: Philosophie: Frege Gottlieb (1848-1925)
    Pr©sentation et biographie du logicien par Yannick Rub.
    Sites Atrium Section Philosophie Grands Philosophes F rege Gottlieb Présentation... Présentation Gottlieb Frege est tenu pour l'un des pères de la logique moderne et de l'analyse du langage. Mathématicien allemand, fondateur de la logique moderne ou logique mathématique; ses travaux ont été le point de départ de nombreuses recherches en linguistique (distinction entre sens et référence ), et principalement de la création de la sémiotique par Ch.S. Peirce. Ses

    32. Gottlob Frege
    Pr©sentation de la pens©e du logicien par Pascale Chavaz.

    33. Frege’s Logic, Theorem, And Foundations For Arithmetic
    Demopoulos, W., forthcominga, ‘gottlob frege’, The Garland Encyclopedia of I am indebted to William Demopoulos, whose short essay gottlob frege for
    This is a file in the archives of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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    Frege formulated two distinguished formal systems and used these systems in his attempt both to express certain basic concepts of mathematics precisely and to derive certain mathematical laws from the laws of logic. In his Begriffsschrift of 1879, he developed a second-order predicate calculus and used it both to define interesting mathematical concepts and to state and prove mathematically interesting propositions. However, in his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik Grundgesetze is widely known, it is not very well known that a deep theoretical accomplishment can be extracted from his work. The Grundgesetze F and G , the number of F -things is equal to the number G -things if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence between the F -things and the G -things. In the Grundgesetze
    • Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens
    • Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik
    • Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
    We will refer to these works with boldfaced abbreviations of their German titles: Begr Gl and Gg [Link to Complete Table of Contents (With Listing of Subsections)]
    -notation to help us distinguish open formulas and complex names of concepts. Readers who are already familiar with these ideas may wish to skip ahead to Section 2.

    34. Redirect
    Brian Carver's resources page on gottlob frege.
    All of Brian's pages moved to Please update your links.

    35. Website Results For Philosopher Gottlob Frege
    General website search results for gottlob frege including brief biographies, link resources, and more. Provided by

    36. A Slice Of Philosophy: Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
    A slice of frege's life and works. Listing of all his works and suggestions to secondary literature.
    Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) Chronological list of Frege's writings.
    Secondary literature on Frege.
    German philosopher, mathematician and founder of modern
    Begriffsschrift and later in 1896 as "ordentlichen Honorarprofessor" due to his rising influence through his works which culminated in his main work: Grundgesetze in der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of Arithmetic), which among others Bertrand Russell and Whitehead drew valuable insights from. It was Russell who
    later discovered a basic inconsistency in Frege's Grundgesetze , which Frege acknowledged and added in appendix to the second volume (1903). Frege intended to solve the problem, but later had to resign in his efforts when he got time towork on the problems. Grundgesetze was intended to consist of four volumes, the last two was never published. What made Frege's project untenable was a paradox which has become known as Russell's Paradox. The paradoxis connected to Frege's view on numbers, especially set theory. A popularly formulation of the paradox is the barber that states that he shaves all men who doesn't shave themselves . The problem is now: who shavesthe barber!? A main reason for Frege's recent fame is Ludwig Wittgenstein, who explicitly referred to and discussed Frege. Wittgenstein referred to Frege with awe and admiration - quite exceptional. A recent philosopher, Michael Dummett wrote that in Frege's

    37. Encyclopedia Entries For Philosopher Gottlob Frege
    Encyclopedia entry search results for gottlob frege. Provided by

    38. Frege_Note
    gottlob frege. He created mathematical logic all by himself in order to give firmer foundations of arithmetic. His studies on logic and the nature of

    39. On Sense And Reference - Wikisource
    English translation of gottlob frege's 1892 œber Sinn und Bedeutung, by Max Black.
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    On Sense and Reference
    From Wikisource
    Author:Gottlob Frege Equality gives rise to challenging questions which are not altogether easy to answer. Is it a relation? A relation between objects, or between names or signs of objects? In my Begriffschrift I assumed the latter. The reasons which seem to favour this are the following: a a and a b are obviously statements of differing cognitive value; a a holds a priori and, according to Kant, is to be labeled analytic, while statements of the form a b often contain very valuable extensions of our knowledge and cannot always be established a priori . The discovery that the rising sun is not new every morning, but always the same, was one of the most fertile astronomical discoveries. Even to-day the identification of a small planet or a comet is not always a matter of course. Now if we were to regard equality as a relation between that which the names ' a ' and ' b ' designate, it would seem that

    40. Gottlob Frege
    About the life and studies of gottlob frege.
    @import url(; HOME Philosophies Philosophers Library ... Zeno of Elea web here SITE MAP
    Gottlob Frege
    Frege was born in Wismar. He started studying at the University of Jena in 1869 and moved to G¶ttingen after two years, where he received his Ph.D. in 1873. After returning to Jena two years later, he became lecturer of mathematics. In 1879, he was made associate professor and in 1896 became professor of mathematics. He died in Bad Kleinen in 1925.
    Major Works of Gottlob Frege
    - Conceptual Notation (1879)
    - The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884)
    - The Basic Laws of Arithmetic (1893, 1903)
    - Function and Concept (1891)
    - On Sense and Meaning (1892)
    - On Concept and Object (1892)
    - Thoughts (1919)
    - Negation (1919)
    - Compound Thoughts (1923) Source:
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