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Fredholm Ivar: more detail |
21. Biographical And Historical Notes Erik ivar fredholm, b. 1866, Stockholm, Sweden, d. 1927, Stockholm. fredholm ismainly remembered for his theory of integral operators. http://www.mathphysics.com/pde/history.html | |
22. History Of Operator Theory and the work of Vito Volterra and ivar fredholm on integral equations. A major event was the appearance of fredholm s theory of integral equations, http://www.mathphysics.com/opthy/OpHistory.html | |
23. Erik Ivar Fredholm - Linix Encyclopedia Erik ivar fredholm. Erik ivar fredholm (April 7, 1866 August 17, 1927) was aSwedish mathematician who deErik ivar fredholm plErik ivar fredholm http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Ivar_Fredholm | |
24. Fredholm Operator -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article The index of a fredholm operator is The name is for (Click link for more infoand facts about Erik ivar fredholm) Erik ivar fredholm. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/f/fr/fredholm_operator.htm | |
25. Math Lessons - Erik Ivar Fredholm Math Lessons Erik ivar fredholm. Erik ivar fredholm. (Redirected from ivarfredholm). Erik ivar fredholm (April 7, 1866 - August 17, http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Ivar_Fredholm | |
26. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics ivar fredholm, Gottlob Frege, Georg Frobenius, Lazarus Fuchs fredholm, ivar,18661927, Oeuvres complètes, 1, QA 3 F86 1955, Killam http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
27. Department Of Mathematics And Statistics, Memorial University Of Newfoundland It was only around the turn of this century when Vito Volterra (in 1896) and,above all, ivar fredholm (between 1900 and 1903) created the foundations of http://www.math.mun.ca/index.php3?content=includes/undergradhandbook/courses/am4 |
28. Erik Ivar FREDHOLM Translate this page Erik ivar fredholm (1866 - 1927). Matemático sueco. Fue el primero de la teoríamoderna de las ecuaciones integrales. Estudió en Uppsala. http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/fredholm.htm |
29. Matemáticos Famosos Translate this page ivar Otto, BENDIXSON. 1861 - 1935. BERNOULLI. Joseph Louis François, Bertrand Erik ivar, fredholm. 1866 - 1927. Ferdinand Georg, FROBENIUS. 1849 - 1917 http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matemati.htm |
30. The Science Bookstore - Chronology fredholm, Eric ivar Born 4/7/1866, 1866 AD. 1866 AD, Poitevin Alphonse Louis,France. HTliochromie. 1866 AD, Dynamite A. Nobel. Hofmann, F. Born 11/2/1866 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=21 |
31. Bibliography fredholm, ivar, 18661927, Oeuvres completes / publiees sous les auspices de laKungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademien par l Institut Mittag-Leffler, Malmo http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=F& |
32. Universal Book Of Mathematics: List Of Entries fredholm, Erik ivar (18661927) Freemish crate. See impossible figure Freeth snephroid. See nephroid Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (1848-1925) http://www.daviddarling.info/works/Mathematics/mathematics_entries.html | |
33. Great Mathematicians fredholm, Eric ivar, (18661927), Sweden, Integral Equations. Kutta, Wilhelm,(1867-1944), Germany, Numerical Analysis. Levy-Civita, Tullio, (1873-1941) http://www.sali.freeservers.com/engineering/maths.html | |
34. BIPM - Former Members fredholm, Erik ivar, b.1866 d.1927. Swedish mathematician who founded modernintegral equation theory. Gill, Sir David, b.1843 d.1914 http://www1.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/more_former_members.html | |
35. Erik Ivar Fredholm Erik ivar fredholm. Erik ivar fredholm (7 kwietnia 1866 17 sierpnia 1927)to matematyk szwedzki. Wspóltwórca teorii równan calkowych. http://encyklopedia.servis.pl/wiki/Erik_Ivar_Fredholm | |
36. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) fredholm, Erik ivar (18661927). Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist.Math.) Very short biography (Eric Weisstein s Treasure Trove) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
37. Collected Works AUTHOR fredholm, ivar, 18661927. MAIN TITLE Oeuvres completes publiees sousles auspices de la Kungliga svenska vetenskapsakademien par l Institut http://lib.nmsu.edu/subject/math/mbib.html | |
38. August 17 - Today In Science History (Erik) ivar fredholm. Died 17 Aug 1927 (born 7 Apr 1866) Swedish mathematicianwho founded modern integral equation theory. Matthew Boulton http://www.todayinsci.com/8/8_17.htm | |
39. April 7 - Today In Science History (Erik) ivar fredholm. Born 7 Apr 1866; died 17 Aug 1927. Swedish mathematicianwho founded modern integral equation theory. W(ill) K(eith) Kellogg http://www.todayinsci.com/4/4_07.htm | |
40. EXPLORIT Science Center 1866, fredholm, Eric ivar. 1866, Morgan, Thomas Hunt. 1866, Starling, Ernest Henry.1867, Curie, Marya (Marie) Sklodowska http://www.explorit.org/book/BOSDscientists.html | |
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