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61. David's Quote Database - Reality, Reason, Rights, And A Bit Of Humor Ben franklin 1 quotes Benjamin Disraeli - 1 quotes Benjamin franklin Peter T. Bauer - 1 quotes philip Stanhope - 1 quotes Plato - 1 quotes http://quotes.rationalmind.net/ | |
62. Philip Freneau: On The Death Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin When monarchs tumble to the ground, Successors easily are found But, matchlessFRANKLIN! what a few Can hope to rival such as YOU, http://www.web-books.com/Classics/Poetry/Anthology/Freneau/OnDeath.htm | |
63. The End Of Science Writing By Jon Franklin by Jon franklin presently philip Merrill Professor of Journalism philip MerrillCollege of Journalism University of Maryland College Park, Md 207427111 http://nasw.org/endsci.htm | |
64. Browse By Author: P - Project Gutenberg Pennell, Robert franklin. Ancient Rome from the earliest times down to philip, Uncle. The Girl s Cabinet of Instructive and Moral Stories (English) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/p | |
65. Browse By Author: C - Project Gutenberg Carter, Charles franklin. Old Mission Stories of California (English) Chesterfield, philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of (16941773) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/c | |
66. Philip Freneau | "On The Death Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin" | Poetry Archive | Plag Plagiarist.com A searchable archive of classic and contemporary poetry, articlesabout poetry, analysis, and reviews. http://plagiarist.com/poetry/2390/ | |
67. American Literature (1700-1800): Reason And Revolution Edwards Oloudah Equiano Benjamin franklin philip Freneau John Jay Thomas philip Freneau Biography from An Outline of American Literature http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/amlitfirst.htm | |
68. Random House Publishing Group | Stealing God's Thunder By Philip Dray Pulitzer Prize finalist philip Dray uses the evolution of franklins scientific philip Dray captures the genius and ingenuity of franklins scientific http://www.randomhouse.com/rhpg/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9781588364616 |
69. Borzoi Reader | Catalog | Stealing God's Thunder By Philip Dray philip Dray captures the genius and ingenuity of franklins scientific thinking,and then does something even more fascinating he shows how science shaped http://www.randomhouse.com/rhpg/catalog/display.pperl?140006032X&view=print |
70. Named Professorships, Deanships, And Directorships -- The Johns Hopkins Universi philip franklin WAGLEY, Med 1943, a member of the Hopkins faculty for nearly RUTH FADEN, the first philip franklin Wagley Professor of Biomedical Ethics http://webapps.jhu.edu/namedprofessorships/professorshipdetail.cfm?professorship |
71. Franklin Friends In The Philadelphia Area franklin founded the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia in 1736, the nation s Philadelphia silversmith philip Syng, Jr. was a close friend and associate http://sln.fi.edu/franklin/birthday/phila.html | |
72. St.Philip Neri Records show that St. philip Neri parish in franklin had its beginning in 1915 . St. philip was a big part of our lives in franklin. http://www.franklinkansas.com/stphilipneri.html | |
73. EBooks - Stealing God's Thunder By Philip Dray - EReader.com Pulitzer Prize finalist philip Dray uses the evolution of franklins scientificcuriosity and empirical thinking as a metaphor for Americas struggle to http://www.ereader.com/product/detail/19926?book=Stealing_Gods_Thunder:_Benjamin |
74. Christ Church Burial Ground Worked on electricity with Benjamin franklin. Grandfather of philip Syng Physick.Commodore Thomas Truxtun (d. 1822) Revolutionary privateer (a pirate with http://www.ushistory.org/tour/tour_christb.htm | |
75. Scott Franklin, Ph.D., Community Ecology, The Effects Of Disturbance, Vegetation franklin, Scott B., philip A. Robertson James S. Fralish. 1996. Smallscalefire temperature patterns in upland Quercus communities. http://biology.memphis.edu/sfrankli.htm | |
76. Darby Web Page philip C. Darby, Patricia L. ValentineDarby and H. franklin Percival. philip C. Darby, Robert E. Bennetts, Steven J. Miller and H. franklin Percival. http://uwf.edu/pdarby/ | |
77. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Archetto To Armstead Ardery, philip Pendleton (b. 1914) of Frankfort, franklin County, Ky.; Louisville,Jefferson County, Ky. Born in Lexington, Fayette County, Ky., March 6, http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/archibald-armstead.html | |
78. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Schultze To Schuveldt 1909) also known as philip J. Schupler of Brooklyn, Kings County, 1898) also known as franklin Schurz of South Bend, St. Joseph County, http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/schultze-schuveldt.html | |
79. Franklin College - About Franklin College Home About franklin College Board of Trustees philip L. Powell franklin College · 101 Branigin Boulevard · franklin, Indiana 461312623 http://www.franklincollege.edu/afcweb/TTProfile.cfm?bid=27 |
80. Franklin College - Faculty / Staff Directory philip Owen Power. Title. Science Lab Coordinator for Chemistry franklinCollege · 101 Branigin Boulevard · franklin, Indiana 461312623 http://www.franklincollege.edu/fsdir/detail.cfm?eid=P000116497 |
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