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Fomin Sergei: more detail | ||||
61. Classical Music In Russia - Composers Nikolai fomin, 14 August 1869 19 November 1943. Alexander Glazunov, 10 August1865 - 21 March sergei Liapunov, 28 November 1859 - 08 November 1924 http://www.classical.ru/e/composers/ | |
62. SRC Newsletter 5 (8) sovremennoe sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia; sergei fomin, Ekonomicheskieotnosheniia Ukrainy so stranami SNG i stranami Evropy, Occasional Paper No. http://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/eng/news/no5/news5-E8.html | |
63. Southwest Gallery: Not Just Southwest Art. 31 x 37, Nikita fomin Pears and a Shell 35 x 31, Natalia Khoduk Autumn 31 x 34,Edouard Efanov 24 x 30, sergei Kichko Still Life with Pears http://www.swgallery.com/artwork.aspx?style_id=5 |
64. Mr. And Ms. Kprf Run For The Duma Her counterpart, sergei fomin, acquired the same last name and was registered inearly October to run in Ryazan s other singlemandate district. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2003/11/05/003-full.html | |
65. Sergei Fomin Université Montpellier II sergei Novikov sergei Petrovich Novikov sergei Sobolev sergei fomin (1917-1975). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1148 |
66. @AUTHOR{PostnikovAlexander.230295, NAME = {Alexander Postnikov AUTHOR = {fomin, Sergey and Gelfand, sergei and Postnikov, Alexander},AUTHOR_HTML_MR = {fomin, Sergey and Gelfand, sergei and Postnikov, Alexander}, http://bibserver.berkeley.edu/DB/AUTHORS/Postnikov__Alexander.230295.bib |
67. Alexander Postnikov : Bibliography Quantum Schubert polynomials. fomin, Sergey, Gelfand, sergei, Postnikov, Alexander J. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 no.3 565596 (1997). MR ZM Google http://bibserver.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/bibserver?author=Postnikov__Alexander.2302 |
68. Sergei Sharapov sergei Sharapov. My photo Vadim M. Loktev and Petr I. fomin I concluded mypostgraduate studentship by defending a Ph.D. (Candidate of Science) thesis http://www.geocities.com/sergei_sharapov/ | |
69. Russian Visual Arts Project - Texts In Translation Imgardt, D. Itinerants , The, Kovalevskii, Pavel, Kramskoi, Ivan, Lansere,Evgenii, Lukomskii, fomin, Makovskii, sergei, Mikhailov, Mikhail, Milioti, http://hri.shef.ac.uk/rva/texts.html | |
70. People In Mathematics sergei fomin Mark Goresky Christian Haase Mikhail Kapranov Masaki Kashiwara JeanLouis Loday Robert MacPherson Jiri Matousek http://www.math.ucsb.edu/~jon.mccammond/other/people.html | |
71. KSU -- Departments Associate Professor; Pavel V. Pchenitchnyi Associate Professor; Oleg B.Sokolov Associate Professor; Igor E. Filippov Associate Professor; sergei A. fomin http://www.ksu.ru/eng/departments/f9/staff1.htm | |
72. Menty And The Petersburg Myth: TV Cops In Russia's 'Crime Capital' - JCJPC, Volu whose name, as sergei fomin (1999) notes, evokes Tatiana Larina, As fomin (1999) argues, the atmosphere of the place of action plays a role in the http://www.albany.edu/scj/jcjpc/vol10is2/tishler.html | |
73. NES Pavel fomin Centralization Information Revelation Aspects sergei RtischevAn Analysis of Relations of Deposit Rate Values and Banks Records http://www.nes.ru/english/research/confprog/conf17-2005.htm | |
74. Conference Information System Anatolii Fedotov Vasiliy fomin sergei Foss sergei Gavrilyuk sergei Golushko Alekxey Kamyshnikov Vladislav Kharchenko Bakhadyr Khoussainov http://www-sbras.nsc.ru/ws/MMF-21/index.en.html | |
75. Citebase - On D. Peterson's Comparison Formula For Gromov-Witten Invariants G/A, 5 Sergey fomin, sergei Gelfand, and Alexander Postnikov. Quantum Schubertpolynomials. J. Amer. Math. Soc., 10(3)565596, 1997. http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0206073 |
76. Fotografii I eshe odna fotografiya v vagone poezda ya, sergei Dimakin i Aleksei Larin . Irina Teterkina, Yurii Shneider, sergei Demakin, Oleg fomin, Pavel Egorov. http://beer.artcon.ru:8105/pavel_egorov/photo/photo8.html | |
77. Fotografii Grishenkov i Yurii Emel yanov s predstavitel nicei Ivanteevskoiminipivovarni Korund . Oleg fomin, sergei Zaicev, Mihail Kozlov. Nu i ya, PavelEgorov. http://beer.artcon.ru:8105/pavel_egorov/photo/photo9.html | |
78. Unix@rt.mipt.ru By Thread Re Samba Server String Escape Sequences sergei fomin (Mon 19 May 2003 175645MSD). Re Samba Server String Escape Sequences Andrew ``Bass http://unix.mipt.ru/archive/2003/05/ | |
79. Kapinallinen Vasili Shuksin 293358; fomin 1989). sergei Bondartshuk on paitsi näyttelijä ja He taistelivatsynnyinmaansa puolesta sergei Gerasimov. (fomin 1996, s. 132143) http://www.film-o-holic.com/widerscreen/2000/2/kapinallinen_vasili_shuksin.htm | |
80. EXile - Issue #167 - Bardak Calendar DJ sergei Krylov. 23.00 Kult (Watering Holes). DJ fomin. 00.00 Garage (WateringHoles). June 4. ROCK. Underwood. 23.00 B2 (Live Muzak). O`Trava http://www.exile.ru/2003-May-29/bardak_calendar.html | |
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