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41. AMCA: Conferences Xth National Conference of finsler and Lagrange Spaces and Applications.February 1114, 1998 Organizers paul Popescu. Date received January 01, 1998 http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/amca-calendar/d/faaa00 | |
42. The Repressed Content-Requirements Of Mathematics paul finsler, Gibt es unentscheidbare sätze, in Commentarii mathematiciHelvetici (1944), pp. 310320, reviewed by Alonzo Church in Journal of Symbolic http://www.henryflynt.org/studies_sci/reqmath.html | |
43. Paul Outerbridge - Expositions paul Outerbridge * 18961958 USA Aenne Biermann , Max Burchartz , Suse Byk ,Hans finsler , Hein Gorny , Florence Henri , Ewald Hoinkis , André Kertész http://fr.photography-now.com/artists/K14295.html | |
44. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia de Finetti paul finsler - Ernst Fischer - Sir Ronald Fisher - Thomas Fiske -George FitzGerald - John Flamsteed - Andreas Floer - Irmgard Flügge-Lotz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
45. PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION NETWORK H. Breger, A restoration that failed paul finsler s theory of sets. D. Gillies,The Fregean revolution in Logic. M. Crowe, Afterword (1992) A revolution http://www.ex.ac.uk/~PErnest/pome/pome6.htm | |
46. Geschichte Der Mathematik- Biographien Translate this page finsler, paul geb. 11.04.1894 in Heilbronn, gest. 29.04.1970 in Zürich, Schweiz,http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/finsler.html http://www.schule-bw.de/unterricht/faecher/mathematik/projekt_berichte/biographi | |
47. ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES THE INTRINSIC finsler CONNECTIONS ON A finsler SUBMANIFOLD, 11 Marcela Popescuand paul Popescu Department of Mathematics, University of Craiova, http://home1.gte.net/ibr/ir00005.htm | |
48. References finsler, paul (1926). Über die Grundlegung der Mengenlehre. Erster Teil.Mathematische Zeitschrift, 25683713. GROTHENDIECK, ALEXANDER (1985). http://www.epos.uni-osnabrueck.de/music/books/m/ma_nl004/pages/87.htm | |
49. Welcome To Poznan & Wielkopolska 02/2001 indulged in experiments in advertising photography included not only AlbertRengerPatzsch, Hans finsler, Umbo or paul Wolff, but also August Sander. http://www.welcometo.poznan.pl/2001.02/en-weimar.html | |
50. Welcome To Poznan & Wielkopolska 02/2001 Eksperymentom w fotografii reklamowej oddawali sie nie tylko Albert RengerPatzsch,Hans finsler, Umbo czy paul Wolff, ale i August Sander. http://www.welcometo.poznan.pl/2001.02/pl-weimar.html | |
51. New Zealand Mathematical Societu Newsletter Number 84, April 2002 The name refers to paul finsler who wrote a thesis `On Curves and Surfaces inGeneralised Metric Spaces under Caratheodory in 1918. http://ifs.massey.ac.nz/mathnews/Nzms84/news84a.shtml | |
52. New Zealand Mathematical Societu Newsletter Number 83, December 2001 Padma Senerath, finsler Spaces . paul Gardner, Functional differential equationsHunting for functional RNAs Richard Love (Institute of Food, http://ifs.massey.ac.nz/mathnews/NZMS83/news83.htm | |
53. Goedels Impact On AI finsler Georg Unger (ed.) paul finsler. Aufstze zur Mengenlehre. Wissenschaftl.Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1975. Gandy 1 Robin Gandy The Confluence of http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmcxg | |
54. Differentiaaligeometria (Mat-1.166) Vasta vuonna 1918 paul finsler (18941970) otti yleisemmän asetelman tarkasteltavaksiväitöskirjassaan. Hänen kunniakseen tapaus tunnetaan nimellä http://math.tkk.fi/opetus/diffgeom/finslerk2004/ | |
55. Yurinsha Book News finsler Set Theory Platonism and Circularity. (Translation of paul finsler spapers on Set theory with Introductory Comments) 1996 278 pp. http://www.yurinsha.com/201/2.htm | |
56. Edited By Enrique Tirapegui /Facultad De Ciencias F?sicas Y Matematicas, Univers the Conformal Equivalence of Complex finsler Structures; T. Aikou. IRIT,Universite paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Henri Prade http://www.yurinsha.com/319/p3.htm | |
57. Collected Works : Correspondence A-G (Godel, Kurt//collected Works): IÉ Translate this page Jr. 405 (16) paul finsler Correspondence with paul finsler 406 (11) (See theintroductory note to the correspondence with Ernest Nagel in volume V.) http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/htmy/0198500734.html | |
58. Actualité De La Philosophie à Lyon paul finsler et les hyperensembles . -Mardi8 mars, 10-12 heures D. Dumouchel, Utilité et comparaison des arts http://www2.ac-lyon.fr/enseigne/philosophie/actualite.html | |
59. Centre De Recherches Philosophiques (Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3) paul finsler et leshyperensembles (D. Parrochia). Le 10/03/05 Les mots de Thue-Morse (R. Assous). http://www.univ-lyon3.fr/screcherche/ecoles_doct/centres_lettres/crp.php | |
60. Maquette Du Master Translate this page «Mathématiques et métaphysique chez paul finsler», précédé de P. finsler, De lavie après la mort, Fougères, Encre Marine, 1999. http://www.univ-lyon3.fr/philo/cours2004-2005/biblio/master1/epit7.html | |
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