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         Fine Oronce:     more detail
  1. Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve Science Et Astrologie Au XVI Siecle. Oronce Fine Et Son Horloge Planetaire by Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, 1971
  2. First Book of Solar Horology by Oronce Fine, 1990-03
  3. Naissance à Briançon: Luc Alphand, Oronce Fine, Jean-Antoine Morand, Cédric Boldron, Sébastien Rohat, Claude Sylvestre Colaud, Pierre Vaultier (French Edition)
  4. Studies on Oronce Fine (1494-1555). Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University by Richard Peter. Ross, 1975
  5. People From Hautes-Alpes: Roger Trinquier, Jean-Christophe Lafaille, Albert Spaggiari, Oronce Finé, Luc Alphand, Jean-Louis Pons
  6. Oronce Fine's Second Book of Solar Horology Interpreted in English
  7. Cartographe Français: Louis Albert Guislain Bacler D'albe, Jean-Baptiste Courtalon, Jean-Baptiste Berthier, Hubert Jaillot, Oronce Fine (French Edition)
  8. The Worlds of Oronce Fine: Mathematics, Instruments and Print in Renaissance France
  9. Oronce Finé: Mathematician, France, Cartography, Briançon, Paris, Francis I of France, Longitude
  10. Oronce Fine: La theorique des cieux et septs planetes: Published at Paris in 1607 by Marie A Sahm, 1907

81. X-Sieve CMU Sieve 2.2 X-Original-To Delivered
presence south of 70 S) perhaps he was a source to oronce fine maps ? oronce fine maps (1530 s) indicating Regio Brasilis (at Madagascar
X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 X-Original-To: Delivered-To: X-Sender: Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 06:10:34 -0400 To: From: Ruth Watson Subject: RE: [MapHist] salt map image X-Sender-Domain: X-Spam-Score: (1.5) X-Spam-Tests: DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06,IN_REP_TO,REFERENCES X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.36 X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at Sender: Reply-To: List-Info: X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 X-Original-To: Delivered-To: X-Sender: X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2003 17:33:52 +0100 To: From: (by way of List-owner MapHist ) Subject: [MapHist] Ruth Watson's Map X-Virus-Scanned: by AMaViS-perl11-milter ( X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at Sender: Reply-To: List-Info: X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at Non-member submission from ["Rachel M. Tobler"

82. Hautes Alpes Hotels - France Hotel Guide
Translate this page PARIS (de), 41 avenue du Général de Gaulle. SAINT-ANTOINE, 12 rue Joseph Sylvestre.GARE (de la), 1 rue oronce fine. CEILLAC Code Postal 05600
Home France PACA Hautes Alpes HAUTES-ALPES
Click to enlarge Main Towns and Resorts Briancon Gap Alpes de Haute Provence Alpes-Maritimes ... Vaucluse SELECTED HOTELS Your search did not match any selected hotel !
HOTELS GENERAL LISTING ABRIES - 05460 EDELWEISS Le Bourg SERRE LARA La Garcine GRAVIROCHE (Le) Le Bourg AIGUILLES - 05470 BALCONS DE COMBE ROUSSET (Les) Combe Rousset BELLEVUE Ombe Rousset ANCELLE - 05260 ARCHE (L') AUTANES (des) Place du Village CHAMOIS (Le) Le Village GENTIANES (Les) TORRENT (Le) Serre Borel ARVIEUX - 05350 FERME DE L'IZOARD (La) La Chalp BORNE ENSOLEILLEE (La) La Chalp ASPREMONT - 05140 HOSTELLERIE DU GRAND BUECH RN 75 ASPRES LES CORPS - 05800 CHATEAU D'ASPRES LES CORPS ASPRES SUR BUECH - 05140 PARC (Du) Route de Grenoble BARATIER - 05200 PEUPLIERS (Les) Chemin de Lesdier BRIANCON - 05100 ALPE HOTEL CLUB DU SOLEIL PARC HOTEL Central Parc Tel : 04 92 20 37 47 Fax : 04 92 20 53 74 VAUBAN AUBERGE DE L'IMPOSSIBLE 43 avenue de Savoie AUBERGE LE MONT PROREL CASTORS (Les) 52 route de Grenoble CHAUSSEE (de la) 4 rue Centrale CRISTOL 6A route d'Italie EDELWEISS MONTBRISON Tel : 04 92 21 14 55 Fax : 04 92 20 46 27 PAIX (de la) PARIS (de) SAINT-ANTOINE 12 rue Joseph Sylvestre GARE (de la) 1 rue Oronce Fine CEILLAC - 05600 CASCADE (La) FAVIER LES VEYRES L'Ochette Tel : 04 92 45 01 91 Fax : 04 92 45 41 16 CHAPELLE EN VALGAUDEMAR - 05800 MONT-OLAN (du) Pont Place CHATEAU VILLE VIEILLE - 05350 GUILAZUR (Le) Ville Vieille CHATEAUROUX LES ALPES - 05380 DAUPHINOIS Les Aubergeries Rue Centrale CHAUFFAYER - 05800 CHATEAU DES HERBEYS

83. Galilee
oronce fine au oronce fine évoque ainsi l ordonnancement des planètes autour de la terre
Introduction Johannes de SACRO BOSCO. -Sphaera Joannis de Sacrobosco emendata. Petrus APIANUS. - Petri Apiani Cosmographia, per Gemmam Phrysium ..., denuo restituta. Oronce FINE. - Le sphere du monde, proprement ditte cosmographie. ... John FLAMSTEED. - Atlas coelestis. By the late Reverend Mr. John Flamsteed, ... - London : 1753. INTRODUCTION De Revolutionibus orbium caelestium l'Atlas coelestis SACRO BOSCO (John Hollywood, dit Joannes de) SCD Toulouse 1, Res Mn 11205 Reliure parchemin. Auteur du De Algorismo De Computo ecclesiastico De Sphaera Le De Sphaera De revolutionibus l'Astronomia nova De Sphaera Compendium in sphaeram de Petrus Valerianus. APIANUS (Peter Benewitz, dit Petrus) Petri Apiani Cosmographia, per Gemmam Phrysium ..., denuo restituta. Additis de eadem re ipsius Gemmae Phry. libellis, quos sequens pagina docet. - Vaeneunt Antverpiae : in Pingui Gallina Arnoldo Berckmano, 1540. - In-4. SCD Toulouse 1, Resp Mn 11298 Reliure moderne. Astronomicum Caesareum Sa Cosmographia FINE (Oronce) Demi-reliure moderne. Ex-libris manuscrits sur page de titre : "Duthoron" (?), "Decause" (?)

84. Project MUSE
This idea was taken up by Apianus, by oronce fine, and by Mercator, and wasexplained to the cartographically backward English by William Cuningham in his
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Configurations - Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 1998, pp. 195-222
The Johns Hopkins University Press

Knowing and Doing
Historians of science are thus increasingly concerned with the evidence offered by instruments, or at least are increasingly engaged in instrument studies. The caveat needs to be added, because this development in the discipline has not always been acknowledged by those who care for the collections of instrumentsnamely, the museum curators, much less the private collectors. Complaints from instrument [End Page 195] specialists about the lack of interest in their collections among the historians are almost as commonly heard now as they were in former years, when they might have been justified. This is at first surprising and frustrating, and might temptingly be attributed to mere lack of awareness on the part of curators, but the two approaches to...

85. Les Cartes Des Anciens Rois Des Mers
oronce fine. 1531. Une fois de plus, l Antarctique est figurée libre oronce fine - 1531 Des carottages effectués en 1949 par l américain Byrd
Les Cartes des Anciens Rois des Mers
Base Aérienne de Westover
Massachusetts 6 juillet 1960 Objet: Mappemonde de Piri Reis A l'attention de : Monsieur le Professeur Charles H. Hapgood,
Keene College,
Keene, New Hampshire. Monsieur le Professeur, Votre demande en vue de l'examen par nos services de certains détails insolites de la mappemonde de Piri Reis (1513) a retenu toute notre attention. L'hypothèse selon laquelle la partie inférieure de la carte décrirait la côte de la Princesse Martha, de la Terre de la Reine Maud (Antarctique), et la péninsule de Palmer, nous semble plausible. Il s'agit, à notre avis, de l'interprétation la plus logique, et, selon toutes probabilités, la plus correcte de cette carte. Les contours apparaissant dans la partie inférieure de la carte correspondent de manière tout à fait remarquable avec les résultats du profil sismique de la calotte glaciaire antarctique réalisé par l'expédition anglo-suédoise de 1949. On peut inférer de ce qui précède que cette côte a été cartographiée avant que la calotte glaciaire ne la recouvre.

86. CHARLES DE BOVELLES (1470?-1553)
Translate this page sont nettement inférieures à celles de son époque, par exemple chez NicolasChuquet ou oronce fine, et inférieures encore à celles de N. de Cues.
Charles de Bovelles a suivi à Paris, au début du XVI s., les cours de philosophie et de mathématiques de Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples, éditeur des Opera Omnia de N. de Cues. Son admiration pour le Cusain se manifeste d'abord dans plusieurs oeuvres à prétention mathématique, puis à prétention philosophique comme Le Sage (1509) et L'art des opposés (1509). Il écrit en 1510 : Nicolas de Cues (homme admirable, tant dans les disciplines divines qu'humaines réunies), esprit excellent à conduire aux mathématiques ... . Ses sources mathématiques sont la Geometria speculativa de Bradwardine imprimée à Paris en 1495 et les traités de N. de Cues imprimés dans ses Opera dès 1488 à Strasbourg. Il écrit une dizaine de petits traités mathématiques, dont les quatre premiers ont été regroupés par Lefèvre d' Etaples en 1501 sous le titre Introduction à la géométrie , et dont les six autres, regroupés par H. Estienne avec d'autres textes philosophiques, ont paru en 1510. Ch. de Bovelles publie également en 1511 la Géométrie en françois qui est le premier manuel de géométrie écrit en français, mais qui semble avoir été peu diffusé. On y trouve la même démarche que celle suivie par le Cusain pour la quadrature du cercle dans ses Compléments mathématiques, à savoir l'association de la proposition I de la mesure du cercle d'Archimède et de la figure en demi-cercle de Bradwardine pour trouver une moyenne proportionnelle. Surtout, on trouve exactement la même figure - avec le même texte et les mêmes lettres - que celle qu'imagine N. de Cues dans le

87. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
fine, oronce fine Born 20 Dec 1494in Briancon, France Died 6 Oct 1555 in Paris, France; Fischer,

88. SZENTPÉTERI Márton: "Régi Modernek"
32 fine, oronce, Protomathesis. Opus varium, ( ) nunc primum in lucem ( )emissum ( ), Paris, 1532. OSzK Ant. 9168. Clavius, Christophorus
10. szám [ címlap impresszum keresés mutató ... tartalom
"Régi Modernek"
Születésnapok; Mercedes-ek, fentebb stílben írott mondatok; egy szeminárium története és adalékok Szenci Molnár Albert eszmetörténeti szerepéhez
Ünnepnapok. Különbözõ kultúrák, korok a naptár más-más napjait jelölik ki ünnepnapoknak. Akadhatnak azonban meglepõ egybeesések. Platón állítólag november 7-én született, legalábbis a firenzei Academia Platonicá ban az akadémikusok, többek között Marsiglio Ficino, Poliziano és Pico della Mirandola is ezen a napon ünnepelték a görög születésének évfordulóit. A Nagy Októberi Szocialista Forradalom (NOSZF) óta különös ellentmondás napja lett hát a novemberi hetedik. 1917-tõl fogva minden idealista félistenként tisztelt örökös mestere épp a történelmi materializmus igéjét hirdetõk szent forradalmának ünnepén születetik újjá évrõl-évre az ünnepek megmásíthatatlan szentségének megfelelõen. Mesterem, Horváth Iván születésének napja 1948. április 4-ére esik, "felszabadulásunk" harmadik évfordulójára, igen nehéz idõk hajnalán...

89. Weltkarten I
Translate this page oronce fine, Paris, 1536 Recens et integra orbis descriptio Die äußerst selteneherzförmige Weltkarte gilt mit ihrer herrlichen,

GeoInfo Internet Projekt ... Sitemap

Weltkarte mit den Reisen der Apostel und Darstellung des Sündenfalls. Buchmalerei, mozarabisch, Mitte 11. Jh. Photo: AKG Berlin
Weltkarte aus der Apokalypse von St. Sever. Miniatur zu einem Beatus-Kommentar, gezeichnet von Stephanus Garcia in der Abtei St.Sever-sur-l'Adour, um 1076. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 8878, fol.45 r u. v, Photo: AKG Berlin
Psalterkarte, um 1250
Die Karte stammt aus einem Psalmenbuch des 13. Jahrhunderts.
Sogenannte "T-O-Karte" aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, bei der die Welt durch das Mittelmeer, den Nil und den Tanais (Don) in drei Teile (Europa, Afrika, Asien) geteilt wird. Die Karte ist nach Osten orientiert.
1300 Opicinus
1334 Opicinus
1335 Opicinus
1311 Pietro Vesconte 1321 Pietro Vesconte 1321 PietroVesconte Pietro Vescontes Welt-Karten, 1321, aus Marino Sanudos "Liber secretorum fidelium crusis " [geostet]. Quelle: 1486 Anonymus Anonymus [Runde Weltkarte, ohne Titel] [Venedig (?), ca. 1486]

90. La Commission Des Cadrans Solaires Du Québec
Translate this page fine, oronce (1494-1555) Opere di Orontio Finco des Delfinato - Moxon, Joseph (1703)Mechanick exercises or The doctrine of handy-works
Bibliographie particulière
auteurs anciens sur les cadrans solaires et la Gnomonique.
- Bion, Nicolas (1652?-1733), (LSH)
, voir tome 3, additions sur la Gnomonique.
Regle horaire universelle pour tracer des cadrans solaires...
- Houzeau et Lancaster , 1885. (Physique)
- Lopez de Arenas, Diego (c. 1579)(LSH).
Breve compendio de la Carpinteria de lo blanco...

- Clavius, Christophorus (1538-1612)
Fabrica et usus instrumenti ad horologioriorum... - Fine, Oronce (1494-1555) Opere di Orontio Finco des Delfinato - Moxon, Joseph (1703) Mechanick exercises: or The doctrine of handy-works... - Ferguson, James (1805) Ferguson's lectures on select subjects... - Ferguson, James (1806) Ferguson's lectures on select subjects... - Roberts, George (1882) Topography and natural history... telnet:// ariane - Carr, Frank (1834-1894) The Book of Old sundials... - Gervais de la Prise, Jacques (1781) - Carr, Frank (1834-1894), et dessins par Hogg, Harrington, (1914) The Book of Old Sundials and Their Mottoes

91. The Oronteus Finaeus Map In Aramco World Magazine (Jan-Feb
Oronteus Finaeus Delphinashis vernacular name was oronce Finewas born twoyears after the discovery of America. A Frenchman, he taught mathematics at
"The Oronteus Finaeus Map" in "Aramco World Magazine" (Jan-Feb 1980) by Paul Lunde Whatever one may think of the Hapgood hypotheses, the Oronteus Finaeusor Finemap poses questions that are difficult to answer. Oronteus Finaeus Delphinashis vernacular name was Oronce Finewas born two years after the discovery of America. A Frenchman, he taught mathematics at the University of Paris, published a number of important works and was one of the first "modern" cartographers. His careful maps of Europe are models of their kind and superseded all those which had gone before. Fine's world map, done on a "cordiform" or heart-shaped projection, was drawn in 1531 and published for the first time in Grynaeus' "Novus Orbis." Quite apart from its scientific int- erest, this map is a thing of great beauty. It influencedboth in projection and designmany later maps, including the famous world map of Mercator himself. The most striking feature of the Fine map, and the one that particularly struck Charles Hapgood, is its representation of Antarctica, as is well known, was not discovered until 1820, by seal hunters and neither its true extent nor its major geographical features, including the Trans- antarctic Mountains, were fully known until as recently as 1957- 58, when the continent as a whole was scrutinized by scientists on the occasion of the International Geophysical Year. Yet here is a map, published 426 years before the IGY and 289 years before the discovery of the continent, which fully outlines Antarcticaand even seems to show such features as the Ross Sea, which is normally hidden by great sheets of ice. That this is so can be seen immediately by comparing the reproduction of the Finaeus map with the outline of Antarctica as shown in modern atlases. It is no wonder that Hapgood was amazed, as it is difficult indeed to explain away the similarity between Fine's Antarcticacalled on his map, Terra Australis, "the southern land"and today's Antarctica. Classical geographers, it is true, had hypothesized the existence of just such a southern land, but in doing so they appear to have been led by estheticor logicalconsiderations. Since they knew the earth was a globe and that the land mass to the north was frozen, it was logical that there should be a land to the far south, balancing that to the north. But it is a long way from a general hypothesis such as this to the delineation of a continent. This is not to deny that there are differencesimportant differencesbetween Fine's "southern land" and Antarctica as we know it. The most obvious of these is the distance between the southern tip of South America and Antarctica. In Fine's map the two continents are virtually touching, when in fact they are separated by some 600 miles. He appears to have thought that the "southern land" lay immediately south of the Strait of Magellan and that it was much bigger than it really is. Furthermore, there is nothing on the Fine map that could correspond to the Palmer Peninsula. If a charitable critic should say that this is because it is partially obscured by sheet ice, and its true outline could not have been visible, then why is the Ross Sea shownas it apparently iswithout ice? And there are smaller differences as well, such as the slightly mistaken orientation of Byrd Land. On the other hand there is no denying that Fine's "southern land" closely resembles Antarcticanor the fact that Finaeus had added a Latin inscription that reads: "The recently discovered southern land; it is not yet fully known." As far as is known, the first cartography to indicate a southern continent was by the great Leonardo da Vinci himself, who depicted it on a globe and the planispheric map made by Francesco Rosselli. Dated to about 1508, the globe shows a vast land below Africa, labelled Antarcticus. In 1515 a southern continent was shown on another globe made by Schoner. But Fine's continent is more exactly drawn than those of his predecessors and in factas can be seen from the illustrationsthe great Mercator adopted Fine's version of the shape of the continent wholesale, along with a similar Latin inscription: "It is certain that there is a land here, but what its limits and boundaries are is unknown." One possible explanation appeared in a longer inscription on a map by Cornelius de Judaeis dater 1593. It says that a promon- tory of this land was "discovered by the Portuguese, but they did not explore the interior." This reference to the Portuguese is interesting, for Fine inscribes a portion of the Antarctic continent, "Regio Brasilis","the region of Brazil"which might imply Portuguese discovery. Furthermore, the coastline that turns eastward on the Piri Reis mapidentified by Hapgood with the coast of Queen Maud Landalso bears a curious inscription referring to the Por- tuguese. It reads: "It is related by the Portuguese that on this spot, night and day are, at their shortest period, of two hours duration, and at longest phase, of twenty-two hours." Unfortunately, this tantalizing bit of informationwhich would certainly suggest Antarctic latitudesis vitiated by what immediately follows: "But the day is very warm and in the night there is much dew." Put together, those clues suggest that some unknown Por- tuguese navigator, before 1513, reached Antarctica, mapped part of its northern coast and left only maps as the record of the expedition. It is a tempting explanation. But it does not, unfor- tunately, explain warm days and dewy nights in Antarctica, the details of the Ross Sea or the outline of Antarctica as a whole on Fine's map. Another possibility is that the Portuguesewho occupied Timor, only 285 miles awaymay have mapped the northern coast of Australia; it does resemble the far coast of Antarctica. Because of the intense rivalry with Spain, such a map not only could have been kept secret, but most likely would have been. If Fine had a copy of that map his map of Antarctica could have been a com- posite: of rumored Portuguese sightings of the coast below South America and the secret Portuguese map of the Australian coast. If Fine did combine them, it would account for the otherwise inexplicableand incorrectsize of Fine's Antarctica. This theory would also account for its resemblance to modern maps there is at least some resemblance between the northern coast of Australia and the opposite coast of Fine's Antarcticaand explain the inscriptions referring to the Portuguese. It is, certainly, simpler than Hapgood's hypotheses. But it still involves missing maps and undocumented voyages. Major historical and cartographical problems, therefore, remain un- solved. The mystery is still there. LUNDE02.ART

92. Navicula De Venetiis - National Maritime Museum
in the Bodleian Library, Oxford), and was later made more widely known throughOronce fine s comprehensive work on sundials, published in Paris in 1560.
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    Navicula de Venetiis
    The navicula de Venetiis, or 'little ship of Venice', is a very rare form of sundial. It was developed in Europe in the Middle Ages, though it is possible that its origins were Arabic. Its construction was first described in a 14th century manuscript (now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford), and was later made more widely known through Oronce Fine's comprehensive work on sundials, published in Paris in 1560. Of the six navicula which are known, three date from the 15th century and one from the early 16th century - all before Fine's book was available. The other two are early 17th century pieces. Interest in the navicula seems to have been revived in the late 18th century with an article in 'The Gentleman's Magazine', and it appears that some examples were constructed based on the instructions in this journal.
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93. Ãëàâà 12. Êîâ÷åã 2000.
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

94. I Misteri Della Mappa Di Piri Reis - 2
da Graham Hancock e altri appassionati di misteri la prova che l Antartide
Pubblicato in " Gli enigmi della storia " di Massimo Polidoro, Edizioni Piemme, 2003. I MISTERI DELLA MAPPA DI PIRI REIS
di Diego Cuoghi
Parte 1 (Piri Reis) - Parte 2 (Oronce Fine) Parte 3 (Philippe Buache) - Parte 4 (Atlantide) English version
Un'altra famosa mappa, considerata da Graham Hancock e altri appassionati di "misteri" la prova che l'Antartide era già conosciuta secoli prima della sua effettiva esplorazione ed era già stata misurata in modo preciso è quella pubblicata nel 1531 da Oronce Fine cordiforme LA "TERRA AUSTRALIS INCOGNITA"
Sono moltissime infatti le mappe che raffigurano la " Terra Australis Incognita ", il continente che "doveva" esserci secondo i filosofi greci, già a partire da Pitagora. Essi avevano già immaginato che la Terra fosse sferica, ne avevano anche calcolato con buona approssimazione il diametro (Eratostene nel terzo secolo a.C.) e pensavano che se c'erano terre emerse a nord dovevano essercene altrettante anche a sud, altrimenti il mondo sarebbe risultato sbilanciato. Sul mito della

95. I Libri Antichi: Le Edizioni Del XVI Secolo Nella Biblioteca Del Dipartimento Di
Aritmetica, Geometria, Cosmografia, et Oriuoli, tradotte da Cosimo Bartoli;
I libri antichi: le edizioni del XVI secolo
A cura di Rosella Biavati
BB. II. 21
Venetiis, per Bernardinum Bindonum. 1537.
88, [1] c., ill., fol.
L'esemplare manca del frontespizio
Index Aureliensis 106.497; Riccardi II, 147
BB. XIX. 31
Aristarchi De magnitudinibus, et distantiis solis, et lunae, liber. Cum Pappi Alexandrini explicationibus quibusdam. A Federico Commandino Urbinate in latinum conuersus, ac commentarijs illustratus... Pisauri: apud Camillum Francischinum, 1572. Adams I, 59, 1696; Index Aureliensis 107.607; Riccardi I, 362 Front. BB. XII. 39 ARISTOTELES Aristotelis de arte dicendi libri III. Hermolao Barbaro interprete. Parisiis, apud Vascosanum, 1549. Nobilissimus et antiquissimus ludus Pythagoreus (qui Rythmomachia nominatur) ... Adams I, p.69; BNP, IV, p.91; NUC 21, 0403893 (p.19) Front. BB. XIX. 30 BAEZA , Luis Lutetiae, apud Gulielmum Cauellat, (excudebat Benedictus Preuotius), 1556. Index Aureliensis 11.561; NUC 30,0032892 Front. BB. XIX. 25 BARTOLI , Cosimo In Venetia, per Francesco Franceschi, 1564.

96. Index.html
certainement la longitude. (© Bibl. Nationale). Pensée des Sciences
Laboratoire Disciplinaire FP6 EOI received by the European Commission Responsable : Charles ALUNNI (SNS-ENS)
Tel : 01 44 32 30 36
    Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
    • par Enrico MAGENES (traduction de Charles Alunni) par Charles Alunni , Avril-Mai 1990, pp. 96-111). (pp. 105-111).

    (© Bibl. Nationale)
    qui souhaitent prendre une part active au projet.
    Le Laboratoire disciplinaire WARNING n. 1, 1999 / n. 1, 2001 LINKS La voix d'Einstein
      Thibault DAMOUR Le Mercredi 12 Janvier 2005
    Thibault DAMOUR Entretiens sur la multitude du monde Thibault DAMOUR Editions du Cherche Midi, mars 2005.
    26 Janvier 2005 - Lecture : Charles ALUNNI (ENS) :
    9 Mars 2005 - 16 Mars 2005 - Robert COQUEREAUX Lectures :
    23 Mars 2005 - Guerino MAZZOLA
    Lectures : Guerino MAZZOLA [ed.]

97. 20 Dicembre
1579 - John Fletcher, autore teatrale († 1625); 1629 - Pieter de Hooch,
20 dicembre
Dicembre Gi Ve Sa Do ... Sa Il 20 dicembre ¨ il 354° giorno del Calendario Gregoriano (il 355° negli anni bisestili ). Mancano 11 giorni alla fine dell' anno Indice 1 Eventi
2 Nati

3 Morti

4 Feste e ricorrenze
4.3 Laiche

98. Librairie PICARD At
Librairie PICARD
82, rue Bonaparte, 75006 PARIS, France.
Tel : 33 (0) Fax : 33 (0) Email: Search our books Search Antiqbook Search on this page Click on booknumber for full information : FABRY ABBÉ DE. - Mémoires de mon émigration. Publié pour la première fois pour la Société de l'histoire de France par Ernest d'HAUTERIVE.
: FACKRE GABRIEL. - Ecumenical faith in evangelical perspective.
: FAGE ANDRÉ. - Les Ventes publiques en France. Répertoire général des prix 1943-1944. Sous la direction de...
: FAGE ANDRÉ. - Les Ventes publique en France. Répertoire général des prix 1943-1944. II. Livres et autographes.
: FAGES GILBERT, HUGUES CAMILLE, MAROLLE CL. - Cinq années de recherches archéologiques sur le Causse Méjan et ses abords immédiats, 1969-1974.
: FAGG W. P. -
: FAGUET EMILE. - La Tragédie française au XVI siècle (1550-1600).
: FAGUS (EUGÈNE FAILLET DIT.) - Les Ephémères.
: FAHLIN CARIN. - Chronique des Ducs de Normandie par BENOIT, publiée par Carin FAHLIN. Tome III : Glossaire, entièrement revue et complété par les soins de Osten SODERGARD. (Bibliotheca ekmaniana, 64.) : FAHR-BECKER GABRIELE. -

(and not just maps) for astronomers such as Peter Apian, Philipp Apian, OronceFine, Gemma Frisius and Bartholomaeus Scultetus, and many others.

100. Mathématiques
bibliothèques nous renseigne sur les succès d édition des siècles passés,
Extraits de bulletins parus depuis 1995 n°1 n°2 n°3bis n°6 ... retour Bulletin n°1 (Automne 1995) P r oj e t s s s s s Bulletin n°2 (printemps 1996) D e s N o u v e ll e s ? B o nn e N o u v e ll e Ecoles Schneider a priori Etienne-Jules Marey La Machine Animale 1) Henri Vincenot et les Routes de Compostelle (P. Guyot), 2) les ouvrages de Vauban (P. Regnard), 3) la question du volume des tonneaux dans le calcul et dans la pratique des artisans, Bulletin n°3bis (printemps 1997) M a th m a t i q u e s e n t e r r e d' I s l a m EXTRAIT DE Publications d'Ahmed Djebbar Cahiers d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences Historia Mathematica , la Revue Arabe des Technologies ou Maghreb-Machrek (Nantes-Paris Sud, 1990) Histoires d'Algorithmes (1994) et l' Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medecine in non-Western Cultures F e rm a t l e p r em i e r h o m m e d u M o n d e Du Bulletin n°6 (hiver 1998) S p cial : J o u r n A c a d m i q u e L'Homme est la mesure de toutes choses… F v r i e r 1998 L'Homme est la mesure de toutes choses Les mesures du temps Les polygones de Besson L' H o m m e e s t l a M e s u r e… , n°200 Lafuma, Paris, Seuil, 1963) L'A i r e d u T r i a n g l e (Paris, Vuibert, 1907), Emile Fourrey exhume un passage du papyrus Rhind :

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