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61. Lunar Republic : Craters O oronce fine, or ~ Finnaeus; French mathemetician and cartographer (14941555).Osama. 18.6N. 5.2E. 0. Japanese male name. Osiris. 18.6N. 27.6E http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_o.shtml | |
62. TEÃRICOS: LAÃD RENACENTISTA, LAÃD BARROCO, TIORBA oronce fine Epithomamusice instrumentalis (1530); PHALESE Des chansons reduitz en tablature http://www.ars-antiqva.com/contents/es/d50.html | |
63. Imago Mundi Vol. 50 (1998) - Abstracts The cordiform projection employed by oronce fine, Gerard Mercator and AbrahamOrtelius may have had a hermetic meaning. The focus in this paper is on http://www.maphistory.info/im50abst.html | |
64. Gerard Mercator Biography -- Mercator's Resume By Mark Monmonier 3.2) pioneered in 1531 by the French mathematician oronce fine (14941555).Although Mercator borrowed the geographic framework from fine, his map is more http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/534316.html | |
65. Creativepro.com - Heavy Metal Madness: Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make Me A Map Figure 1 oronce fine, 1531. This beautiful, rare doublecordiform woodcut mapis regarded as a very advanced depiction of the world compared to previously http://www.creativepro.com/story/feature/21824.html | |
66. Below The Convergence In 1531, a French mathematician, oronce fine, publishes an elegant map of theworld where Magellan s Tierra del Fuego forms part of a huge southern http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/g/gurney-convergence.html |
67. Piri Reis. Enigme De L'histoire. En Images oronce fine qui montre l Antarctique avec des fleuves, http://www.dinosoria.com/piri_reis.htm | |
68. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results oronce fine Born 20 Dec 1494 in Briançon, France Died 8 Aug 1555 in Paris,France Click the picture above to see two larger pictures Show birthplace http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1475&term1= |
69. December 2004 oronce fine, 21 John Ringrose, 22 Srinivasa Ramanujan, 23 Georgii Pfeiffer,24 Charles Hermite, 25 Antoni Zygmund. 26 John Conway, 27 Johannes Kepler, 28 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/December2004.html | |
70. Place Of Origin,publisher/school,printer,author,illustrator,book de Colines,,oronce fine,,decorated page,top of page,woodcut,1534,226x167,645 Vascosan,,oronce fine,Guillaume Bud eacute;,decorated title page,top of http://rubens.anu.edu.au/htdocs/bytype/prints/ornament/ornament.txt.BAK | |
71. Untitled oronce fine incorporated the imaginary continent into his beautifullyexecuted oronce fine became interested in the techniques of topographical survey, http://www.library.ucsb.edu/people/larsgaard/plan1500.html | |
72. ORIGINES DU CANADA-LA FRANCE AUX INDES OCCIDENTALES Translate this page Cette carte de oronce fine est fort intéressante. Mathématicien et astronome,lecteur de mathématique au Collège de France, oronce fine établit en 1534-1536 http://jacquescartier.org/fondation-canada/france.html | |
73. Auctions oronce fine s map of the World is constructed on an unusual doublecordiformprojection. The example on offer (lot 438), the first state of the woodcut, http://www.mapforum.com/10/10auct.htm | |
74. Munster Johann HERWAGEN, Basle, 1532 (the Paris edition of 1532 contains the World mapby oronce fine). Munster contributed a section Typi Cosmographici Et http://www.mapforum.com/10/10muns.htm | |
75. [EMLS 4.2 / SI 3 (September, 1998): 13.1-18] Early Modern Cartographic Resources 1590), Mappemonde à projection cordiforme, by oronce fine (Paris, 1536),and Sphère armillaire selon Ptolémée, by Jean Martinot (Paris 17th century). http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/04-2/sanfinte.htm | |
76. Exhibition Of The Treasures Of The Bibliotheque Nationale Opens At The Library O World Map in the shape of a heart by oronce fine. This map was printed in 153436and shows the newly discovered lands of America. The work reflects the new http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/1995/95-051.html | |
77. Creating French Culture (Library Of Congress Exhibition) oronce fine (b. 1494d. 1555), Map of the World, 1534-36, Department of Maps oronce fine was one of the rare French geographers in the Renaissance to http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0004.html | |
78. Berne, Trente Mars Gris, Aube Rude, Tonnerre Mexique), fine (oronce - mathématicien et cartographe français), Lippe (rivière http://www.cetteadressecomportecinquantesignes.com/CadBerne.htm | |
79. Imago Mundi - L'Antarctique : L'hypothèse Du Continent Austral. oronce fine (1531). En 1531, oroncefine dessine une carte où figure un continent aux contours et à la http://www.cosmovisions.com/ChronoPolesExploS01.htm | |
80. Le Collezioni - Orologi Translate this page Orologio solare, opera di oronce fine. Sfera Armillare, opera di Gualterus Arsenius . oronce fine (XVI secolo) Donazione di Piero Portaluppi, 1978 http://www.museopoldipezzoli.it/PP_italiano/museo/collezioni/orologi/orologi.htm | |
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