Spring 1994 For the following seminars, unless otherwise stated the hour is 11:00, the room is RLM 12.166, and it is a Mathematical Physics Seminar - Friday, January 21: K. Khanin (Moscow), Rigidity for circle homeomorphisms with break singularities Wednesday, January 26: Angel Jorba (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya), Dynamics near the equilateral libration points of the real Earth-Moon system Monday, January 31: Benjy Weiss (Jerusalem), Single Orbit Dynamics, Monday, January 31: Robert McCann (Princeton), A new convex structure on probability measures and the theory of attracting gases *****NOTE**** 2PM in RLM 11.176 Wednesday, February 2: Armando Bazzani (University of Bologna), Singularity analysis of 2D Hamiltonian systems and related problems Monday, February 7: Hillel Furstenberg (Jerusalem), A polynomial Szemeredi theorem Tuesday, February 8: Claudio Albanese (ETH), An algorithm to block diagonalize large matrices arising in the theory of high temperature superconductivity ***This is a CAM talk: 2:30 in RLM 7.114 Wednesday, February 9: Claudio Albanese (ETH), Local gauge symmetries and dynamic cluster expansions for the Kawasaki, Glauber and voter models, Friday, February 11: James Glimm (Stony Brook), Chaos and Determinism in the Study of Fluid Mixing ***This is a CAM talk: 2:00 in RLM 6.104*** Wednesday, February 16: Charles Fefferman (Princeton), Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian Colloquium - 4:00 in RLM 7.104 Friday, February 18: Charles Fefferman (Princeton), Inequalities for turbulent scaling exponents arrives Feb 14, departs Feb 20 Wednesday, Feb 23: Charles Tresser (IBM), Conjectures on renormalization and universality. (arrives Feb 19, departs Feb 25) (Western States Meeting is Feb 28-Mar 1) Wednesday March 2: Jacob Palis (IMPA), A vision of chaotic systems, strange attractors and fractal dimensions Colloquium, RLM 7.104 at 4:00 (visiting February 28 - March 4) Wednesday March 9: Cymra Haskell, Ergodic Properties of the Unbounded Periodic Lorentz Gas (Spring Break March 14-18) Wednesday March 23: Peter Wittwer (Geneva), The Renormalization Group for Reaction-Diffusion Equations. (visiting Mar 21-28) Wednesday March 30: Lorenzo Sadun, Energies of knots and surfaces Wednesday April 27: Pierre Cartier (Ecole Normale Superieure), Hamilitonian theory of dynamical systems Tuesday May 3: Harry Swinney, Spatial patterns in reaction-diffusion systems. Dynamical Systems Seminar, 4:00 in RLM 9.166 Tuesday May 3: Mark Raizen, Can a Bloch electron be heated by an AC field?, Condensed Matter Seminar, 4:00 in RLM 11.204 Wednesday May 4: E. Tabacman, (Minnesota), Homoclinic points in twist maps Thursday May 5: K. Josic, Synchronization in chaotic dynamical systems 3:00 in RLM 11.176 Thursday Aug 4: Y.Latushkin (U of Missouri, Columbia) Lyapunov exponents and entropy for Mather-Ruelle operators and applications to magnetohydrodynamics, 11:00, Rm 11.176 | |