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Fefferman Charles: more detail | |||||
21. Fefferman Biography of charles fefferman (19490BC) charles fefferman has made enormouslyimportant contributions to the study of the Bergman kernel and has http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Fefferman.html | |
22. References For Fefferman References for the biography of charles fefferman. Bergman Prize awarded tocharles fefferman, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (4) (1992), 320321. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Printref/Fefferman.html | |
23. MathNet-Fields Medals Bergman Prize awarded to charles fefferman, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (4) (1992),320321. 2.L Carleson, The work of charles fefferman, Proceedings of the http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_fields_detail&ln=Charles Louis Feffer |
24. AIM Reprint Library: Listing for fefferman, charles. Viewing Page 1. 1. Ambient Metric Construction of 2. Conformal Invarients fefferman, charles Graham, C. Robin http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
25. Journées EDP - 1995 fefferman, charles L.; Seco, Luis A. The mathematics of large atoms, 1995, 12 p.Article Analyses MR 1360480. Bibliographie http://www.math.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/edpa/CDROM/data/1995/A11.htm | |
26. Charles Fefferman Encyclopedia charles feffermanOther descriptions of charles fefferman. charles Louis fefferman (born April 18,1949) is a renowned mathematician at Princeton University. http://scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/math/Fefferman.html | |
27. Encyclopedia: Fields Medal charles Louis fefferman (born April 18, 1949) is a renowned mathematician atPrinceton. Gregori Aleksandrovich Margulis (first name often given as http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Fields-Medal | |
28. Fields Medal Pierre Brussels Belgium 33 1978 fefferman, charles Washington DC USA 29 Pierre IHES France 1978 fefferman, charles Princeton University USA 1978 http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/mathtext/node19.html |
29. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Charles Fefferman According to our current online database, charles fefferman has 11 students and17 descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=6678 |
30. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Charles Fefferman If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=6678 |
31. Selected Papers Of Charles Fefferman Selected Papers of charles fefferman. Extension of Cm,wSmooth Functions by LinearOperators Interpolation and Extrapolation of Smooth Functions by Linear http://www.math.princeton.edu/facultypapers/Fefferman/ | |
32. åå¨åå¦å°: Charles Fefferman: U.S.A.'s Youngest Full Profes http//scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/Math/fefferman.html. charles fefferman. born April18, 1949 in Silver Springs, Maryland. Child prodigy. http://spaces.msn.com/members/hooklee/Blog/cns!1pJGirfPGsbQdkNhrTSH00Gg!196.entr | |
33. Alibris: Stephen Wainger by fefferman, Robert A (Editor), and Wainger, Stephen (Editor), and fefferman,charles (Editor) This book contains the lectures presented at a conference http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Wainger, Stephen | |
34. Charles Fefferman At MSRI - Poincare Metrics For Conformal charles fefferman Poincare metrics for conformal structure - Part I. http://www.msri.org/publications/ln/msri/2001/non-workshop/fefferman/1/ |
35. Charles Fefferman At MSRI - Singular Scenarios For 2-D And 3-D charles fefferman Singular scenarios for 2-D and 3-D incompressible fluids. http://www.msri.org/publications/ln/msri/2001/spectral/fefferman/1/ |
36. Paths To Erdos 3 Enrico Bombieri 1974 Italy 2 David Mumford 1974 Great Britain 2 PierreDeligne 1978 Belgium 3 charles fefferman 1978 USA 2 Gregory Margulis 1978 USSR http://www.oakland.edu/enp/erdpaths.html | |
37. Math Lessons - Charles Fefferman Math Lessons charles fefferman. charles fefferman. charles Louis fefferman (bornApril 18, 1949) is a renowned mathematician at Princeton. http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Charles_Fefferman | |
38. ROSS PROGRAM ALUMNI AND FRIENDS Florence) brucepp-fast-ss-colorado-pp-edu (Fast,Bruce) cf-ss-math-pp-Princeton-pp-edu (fefferman, charles)raf-ss-math-pp-uchicago-pp-edu (fefferman, http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/ross/addresses.html | |
39. Fefferman: Convergence On Almost Every Line For Functions With Gradient In $L^p( As 160 charles fefferman N o°, the left-hand side of the formula tends to charles fefferman, Departement of Mathematics University of Chicago 5734 http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=AIF_1974__24_3_159_0 |
40. Fefferman, Phong: Lower Bounds For Schrödinger Equations fefferman, charles; Phong, DH Lower bounds for Schrödinger equations. Journéeséquations aux dérivées partielles (1982), Art. No. 7, 7 p. http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=JEDP_1982____A7_0 |
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