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41. X-height: FontHaus' Online Magazine : You Say Bodoni... Arthur Bleich, Andrew Boag, Dave farey, Allan Haley, john H. Lienhard, DAVE farey admits to having had alterego bouts of Giambattista Bodoni. http://www.fonthaus.com/xheight/bodoni.cfm | |
42. X-height: FontHaus' Online Magazine by Dave farey Since the early 20th century, Bodoni faces from a variety of metal by john H. Lienhard By the late 1800 s keyboards had settled on the http://www.fonthaus.com/xheight/ | |
43. Fareys Geological Map Of Derbyshire, 1811 farey, john (17661826). General view of the agriculture and minerals of john fareys map of Derbyshire is one of the very first true geological maps of http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/vulcan/45.shtml | |
44. Index And Bibliography Of Exhibition Items farey, john (17661826). General view of the agriculture and minerals of Derbyshire ; with observations on the means of their improvement drawn up for the http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/vulcan/bibliography.shtml | |
45. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 12500 Catherine B. farey is the daughter of john farey.1 She married Nigel john farey lived at Bredon s Norton, near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England.1 http://www.thepeerage.com/p12500.htm | |
46. Act For Naturalization, 1705 Whereas Claude Phillippe de Richebourg, Francis Ribot, Peter Faure, john Joanny, (To Witt) Stephen Mallet, john Say, Abraham Moulins, john farey, http://huguenot-manakin.org/1705act.htm | |
47. DBLP: R. E. Farey 1, I. Aguzarov, RE farey, john B. Goode An Infinite Superstable Group Has Infinitely Many Conjugacy Classes. J. Symb. Log. 56(2) 618623 (1991) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/f/Farey:R=_E=.html | |
48. DBLP: John B. Goode 3, I. Aguzarov, RE farey, john B. Goode An Infinite Superstable Group Has Infinitely Many Conjugacy Classes. J. Symb. Log. 56(2) 618623 (1991) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/g/Goode:John_B=.html | |
49. Farey Sequences They are named after a geologist, john farey, who described their generation in 2. See 1 for details and the interesting connection to Pick s Theorem. http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~kft/Farey/FareyArticle.html | |
50. Names From The DNZB Database - F farey, Henry john Knighton. FARJEON, Benjamin Leopold. FARMER, Andrew Joseph. FARMER, Henry Rodger. FARMER, James. FARMERY, Ivy. FARNALL, Harry Warner http://www.mch.govt.nz/ref/dnzb/dnzb-f.html | |
51. Working With Fractions In Java 168172 = farey Tails ; john H. Conway and Richard K. Guy, The Book of Numbers (NY Copernicus, 1996), pp. 152-154 = farey Fractions and Ford Circles http://www.merriampark.com/fractions.htm |
52. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS big enough man among the gentleman farmers of Derbyshire for john farey to seek and For leadmining knowledge farey turned to William Fearn , miner http://www.brassington.org/monument.htm | |
53. Industrial Archaeology Review XX john farey, Jr, technical author and draughtsman his contribution to Rees s Cyclopaedia The main subject of the paper is john farey Jr (17911851) who, http://www.industrial-archaeology.org.uk/arev20.htm |
54. Archives Hub: Eyles Collection DM 1386 Material relating to john farey, 1806-1822. DM 1536 - Notebooks and notes on historical geology compiled by Joan and Victor Eyles to accompany the http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/03032603.html | |
55. Who Hijacked The Hoffman Prize And Why I refer here in particular to the work done by AD Wraight, Peter farey and john Baker, although I also consider my own work to be of similar standing. http://www2.localaccess.com/marlowe/hofmnprz.htm | |
56. TypeCon2005 Speakers Simon Daniels, Microsoft. john Downer. Dave farey, HouseStyle Graphics. Mario Feliciano, Feliciano Type Foundry. Louise Fili, Louise Fili Ltd. http://www.typecon.com/speakers/ | |
57. Author Details Sawyer Bad Company Book 4 with Jim McCarthy and Pete Milligan Paperback Inferno, Jun 1990 by john Newsinger Nic farey. Prev Author Next Author http://www.mjckeh.demon.co.uk/aut0062.htm | |
58. John Cipollina Discography - Problem Child john Cipollina, Guitar, Vocals. Chris Cole, Vocals. Greg Douglass, Guitar, Vocals. Greg Elmore, Drums. Les Lizama, Bass. john farey, Keyboards, Vocals, * http://www.mjckeh.demon.co.uk/jc/pc-det.htm |
59. Photo Listother Musicians-page 2-1987-88 ZEROjohn farey. OPEN. 8X10. N. 1103. 5/7/87. MONTEREY, CA. DINOSAURS-MERLE SAUNDERS. OPEN. 8X10. N. 1104. 5/7/87. MONTEREY, CA. DINOSAURS-john CIPOLLINA http://www.deadimages.com/Html/Photo_list_Other_musicians_page_two.html |
60. The Long Eaton Sawley Archive farey, john snr, General View of the Agriculture of Derbyshire 3 vols, 1817 Fawcett, C B. Long Eaton Field, H (Ed). Nottingham Date Book, 150.1884 http://www.archive.long-eaton.com/acknowledgements.asp |
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